Friday, June 21, 2024


Thankful for
another day -

Where I will
believe and pray -

To the one who
blesses me -

Blessed life
and blessed be 

To the one
who sets me free -

From the ties
I let bind me.

Sunday, June 16, 2024


When the memories
no longer sting -
when the thoughts
mean nothing...

It is a sign
you have moved on -
all that was hurt
is healed and gone...

You picked up
and packed it away -
when you thought
heartache would stay...

Now nothing inside
holds onto that time -
believe it or not
it all turned out fine... 

So always look forward
to what is meant to be -
and never focus on
past negativity.

Saturday, June 08, 2024

Three Weeks

I can hear it
calling me -
within three weeks
I will be...

Where the water
meets the sand -
on my happy 
sun drenched land...

Flip flops, sundresses
windblown hair -
I can't wait 
until I am there...

Palm trees, flowers
drinks on a patio -
I hear it calling
and ready to go..

Breath in the breeze
and salty air -
within three weeks
I will be there!

Sunday, June 02, 2024


drifts through the air -
I awaken to
find it there...

Flowers blossom
all around -
as I listen to
the sound...

of life inching
into the new day -
feeling grateful I am
learning to say...

I'm choosing to 
believe in me -
and doing my best
to live happily.


Monday, May 27, 2024

See Ya

Ding dong
the witch is gone -
the wicked witch
has moved on...

Glad to see
with no apology -
that they have moved
gives me glee...

So many people
left in their wake -
one more problem
one more mistake...

Now they have
moved far away -
karma is a friend
and will always stay...

Near to those who
abuse their power -
leaving behind
all those they devour...

Who remember well
their lies and deceit -
no longer is the world
at their feet.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024


It was attached
clinging to me -
yet they helped
and broke it free...

Symbolic how
it happened then -
it will not happen
ever again...

Already it is
a lighter feel -
already it is
starting to heal...

Just like the hell
I used to know -
I felt relief
to watch it go!

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Road Blocks

will be made -
Regrets will

forgiveness -
with the fear...

it's you -
and sometimes 
it's them...

will always -
once again...

from the sting -
then just
let it go...

Use all
your lessons -
then watch
how you grow.

Sunday, May 12, 2024


In the way
on a rainy day -
wish I could 
fly far away...

Maybe soar
way up high -
watching life
as it flies bye...

left alone to 
ask myself why -
I even ever 
start or try...

Never matter
much at all -
standing up to
only fall...

fleeting care
left long ago -
can't lift up
what's very low.


Sunday, May 05, 2024

The Coast

It is where
I should be -
with my family
next to me...

We all laughed
and danced away -
it is where
I should stay...

Happy times
were had by all -
sometimes you need
to have a ball...

enjoying life
with each other -
finding new things
to discover. 

Monday, April 15, 2024


Going through the motions
on a dreary day -
wish I was anywhere
that is far away...

If only I was upbeat
as some seem to be -
it never lasts long
at least not with me..

It's hard to fly high
when you ride low -
it's hard to smile
when it's just for show...

Nothing is fulfilling
just more empty words -
thinking it will change
is simply absurd.

Saturday, April 06, 2024


It's temporary
anyway -
take it all just
day by day...

Don't get used to
this routine -
things are never
as they seem...

Always be ready
for the new -
moving on is 
what's to do...

Don't hold tight
keep at bay -
until it's time to
go away...

and start it all
all over again -
it's not if
it's always when.

Wednesday, March 27, 2024


They still escape
and rim my eyes -
as I'm left alone 
with my cries...

It seems it's just
a waste of hope -
learning again
how to cope...

No one to tell
no one to trust -
doing all the 
things I must...

or are expected
to always do -
somehow I have
to pull through.

Tuesday, March 19, 2024


I will treat you
how you treat me -
it doesn't really matter
who you think you might be...

You are a nothing
inside of my mind -
if you can't be nice
or you can't be kind...

Get out of my face
go far far away -
don't be near me
as I have nothing to say...

Nor do I want to
waste my time with you -
Fuck right off
I have better things to do.


Wednesday, February 28, 2024


The chains that bind
are locked by you -
you're the one 
who must break through...

You care too much
and fret too deep -
you can't undo 
so do not keep...

the insecurities
circling around -
keeping you scared
keeping you down...

what was done
and what was said -
living torment
in your head...

let them go 
with the cold wind -
you never have to 
live it again.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024


Sometimes we don't make
choices that are good -
sometimes we don't do
what we know we should...

In regretful memories
that break your heart into -
remember you were trying   
just to get through...

So give yourself slack
and somewhat of a break -
when you took on decisions
that decided your fate...

be your own best friend
be gentle with your mind -
treat yourself well
and always be kind.


Tuesday, January 16, 2024


What is there
to look forward to -
what is there 
left to do...

been there
done that -
got the shirt
got the hat...

The sun rises
then sets again -
Some with losses
Some with wins...

Nothing exciting
dangling ahead -
close the drapes
crawl in bed...

Not much matters
anyways -
wasted nights
and wasted days.

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Ice Cold

It's so cold
Inside and out -
filled with remorse
filled with doubt...

What will be
in this icy haze -
what will come
in the coming days...

Hidden away
safe and alone -
even if I hide
in my own home...

From everyone
and tangled pain -
living a life
tryin in vain...

Only to find
it's a waste of time -
living a life that
isn't even mine. 

Monday, January 08, 2024

Shopping Carts

I'm praying for you
from afar -
they don't know
why you are...

living in your
own built hell -
you could try
but could never tell...

the lies you've lived
the tears you've shed -
while others were safe 
and tucked in bed...

you were stuck
out in those streets -
they call you lazy
they call you meek...

Sometimes life
just isn't clear -
rise above 
the assholes here.

Never Again

Some situations
you should never repeat -
You were in the fire
and felt the heat...

When betrayed
by those you trust -
tossing them away
is something you must...

learn to let
be part of your life -
let them all go
lose all their strife...

You can be happy
without discontent -
follow their actions
to know what they meant...

Walk away with your
head held high -
they say hello
as you say goodbye.