Saturday, August 31, 2024


You would be
in your twenties now -
if the outcome had been
different somehow...

I wonder what
you would have been -
if that had not  
happened then...

The bathroom blood
my agonizing cries -
the trip up the mountain
when I heard your goodbye...

It was traumatic
it tore me into -
I felt the guilt of
not cherishing you...

Because when I did
and became aware -
it was too late
you were no longer there...

I pray from my heart
the sign was true - 
Don't worry mommy
I'll look after you.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Higher Roads

I'll work on my own
patience and empathy -
I'll try to snuff out anger
and offer sympathy...

Behind closed doors
everyone lives their life -
no one else knows 
their problems and strife...

So once again I will
choose to rise above -
and try to fill this world 
with happiness and love...

Maybe I will make
someone else feel good -
being the kind of person
that I believe I should.

Monday, August 26, 2024


I believe in me
I don't need you
to do that too...

I wonder to myself
do you even
believe in you...

People come and
then they go
this much is true...

but caring at all
what you think
I assure I will never do.

Outta Here

I don't know why
you're always so rude -
but I'm pretty sick of
your salty attitude...

You create things
to complain about -
you're a miserable person
inside no doubt...

I've decided to
completely ignore you -
I'll always avoid
ever having to do...

anything where 
you might be -
I do not appreciate
how you treat me...

I don't want you 
as any kind of friend -
so go be hateful elsewhere
this is my end.

Thursday, August 15, 2024


Will I make it
I will see -
because sometimes
I want to flee...

from the faces
and monotony -
that I deal with
almost daily...

Little things
are built way high -
watching the clock
slowly go by...

I couldn't care
when or why -
I walk away 
and say goodbye.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Rose Petals

It is always hitting
out of the blue...
but our dear Lisa
We all miss you...

Every day you 
cross my mind -
and I remember
this or that time...

It's a physical pain 
I'm sure we all feel -
how do we cope
how do we heal...

I often wonder what
your last thoughts were -
I wonder why 
there was no cure...

It breaks all of
our hearts into -
why dear God
did it have to be you?


Saturday, August 03, 2024


When I am gone
it will be the same way -
with everyone living 
day to day...

Only a few
will really care -
remembering when
you were there...

So keep close
your chosen few -
who you love
and who loves you.