Friday, June 23, 2023


The rain comes down
the vines soak it in -
quenching their thirst
as it's summer again...

Soft soaking warmth
trickle down the trees -
as they sway with the wind
and enjoy the breeze...

Green all around
flowers blooming pink -
enjoying the shower
guzzling the drink...

as I get to watch
from my desk view -
feeling gratitude that
it's what I get to do.

Friday, June 16, 2023

The Motions

It was another
waste of time -
something that wasn't
ever mine...

I tried my best
then walked away -
there is nothing
left to say...

I guess I really
do not care -
life is hard
and never fair...

So here I go
once again -
will I ever
finally win?

Saturday, June 10, 2023


In a year
will I still be here -
living this life
with ridiculous fear...

or will I die
as I always cry -
complaining my life
is one big lie...

I've reached the point
without a joint -
living life daily with
no real point...

no happiness 
no utter bliss -
no soul purpose
or loving kiss...

I'm dead inside
while I always hide -
this is not for me
to myself I lied.

Thursday, June 01, 2023


Who cares bitch
I am gone -
is that all you have
to still go on...

You have nothing
but a desk -
when you're dead
they all will rest...

because you're hateful
for no reason -
because you have no
happy season...

You bring nothing
but a bad day -
as they say
see you next Tuesday.