Sunday, March 31, 2019

At Ease

following your path -
can be a winding road
from where you're at...

there will be twists,
turns and bumps -
there will be hurdles,
pot holes and humps...

but if you keep going
leaving them behind -
you'll wake up one day
to a brand new time...

when you see
only beauty ahead -
with smooth surfaces
and exciting detours instead.

Saturday, March 30, 2019

A New Day

I've definitely made
some bad mistakes -
but I'm done with
my own self hate...

I can't take back
really bad decisions -
but I can decide
to keep on living...

and forgive myself
for stupid things I've done -
as I move forward
and work to become...

What I want to be
believing the life I live -
makes me complete
with only smiles to give.

Check List

Three weeks away
until my next escape -
and in between
life will be just great...

New job that fits
my scheduled life -
while I work my business
trying with all my might...

to live and make
all my ambitions -
that lay at my feet
on my conditions...

become my future
and my reality -
as I accomplish the goals
that are right for me.

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Mr. Bradford

He was there for me
during my teenage pregnancy -
no judgement at all,
and definitely no snobbery...

He was the one teacher
I actually listened too -
He was the only adult
who really got through...

I remember the poster
warning about crack -
and I never ever did
mess with that...

I was the wild child
just wanting to be free -
He always shook his head
at my friends and me...

I saw him after high school
while working the front desk -
he wanted a second job
at a job he helped me get...

he was planning to retire early
to travel and enjoy life -
He was so very handsome
yet never had a wife...

I'm now about that age
wanting the same things -
to retire and live life
without the stress it brings...

I've wondered about him
since we lost touch -
he was so very nice,
and I liked him so much...

Yesterday I was shocked
there it was -
his picture and a post
saying he died because...

Cancer again strikes
taking only the good -
if only there was a cure
if only we could...

SAVE people from
this dreadful disease -
Dear Lord can you hear
our prayers and please...

give him a spot
next to your throne -
because he was an angel
he lived as your own...

RIP to you and the memories, talks and posters that influenced my life.

"Crack takes you places" poster with large words over a graveyard. 
He never lectured us, because he didn't need to.
That's a true influence. 
I'll never forget him.

God speed.

Thursday, March 21, 2019


If nobody else does
I will love myself -
If  no one is there
I'll be my own help...

If the world is busy
and I'm left behind -
I won't even care
because at this time...

I want to live
just to see the beauty -
and dance every day
as I shake my booty...

Happily laughing with
my hair in the wind -
that's all that really
matters in the end.

Monday, March 18, 2019

Finish Lines

I have to realize
I can do -
anything that
I put my mind to...

I've learned a lot
with much more to go -
I'm learning patience
and to know...

Even if something
is difficult to learn -
through trial and error
I can stand firm...

in knowing that
it will all work out -
I just need to eliminate
my self doubt.

Sunday, March 17, 2019


I just don't
care anymore -
it's not like
it was before...

I don't see
anyone the same -
and there is
nothing to blame...

It just wilted
and then it died -
it washed away
until it dried.

Monday, March 11, 2019

Four Non Blondes

I missed you
a lot today -
I know there's nothing
left to say...

but for a moment
you were there -
and we were laughing
in the spring air...

the music loud
our voices sung -
just like those days
when we'd begun...

riding around
and sharing smiles -
sometimes you're here
no matter the miles.


Well it's done
and on its way -
I suppose I'll see
on that sweet day...

I will try
and give my all -
I'm dedicated
to walk, not crawl...

and see the things
that I can do -
I will stand tall
I will push through.


There are things
I miss about then -
I was so inspired
and remember when...

I couldn't wait
to participate -
back when I thought
it all was great...

I would have done
anything to help -
at the time
I honestly felt...

No wrong would
be done to me -
and I was happy
just to be...

part of something
I believed in -
until I had to be put
together again.

Saturday, March 09, 2019

No Thanks

It didn't actually
ever exist -
I was left
alone with it...

with all the
sidekick clowns for sale -
that didn't care
their fate was hell...

so I walked on
with my umbrella -
because I wasn't
their Cinderella.


I refuse
to be afraid
of the staring glaring eye...

is not your friend
yet, still I wonder why...

You think
you even matter
because that is just a lie...

If I ever need it
I have it
and I keep it near by.

Flowering Vines

A front porch swing
kids playing in the grass -
crickets chirping
neighbors wave as they pass...

the grill fills the air
of smells they will soon eat -
mom's in the kitchen
with the dogs at her feet...

making potato salad
and cutting up fresh fruit -
the youngest upstairs
is practicing his flute...

Dad's in the garage
fixing his latest tool -
best friends are laughing
laying out by the pool...

Sweet summertime
as the sun shares it's rays -
growing up in suburbia
living the good ole days.

Friday, March 08, 2019


I was afraid
grasping for things -
not meant for my life...

I lost it
for a while -
filled with anxiety and strife...

I wasn't sure
where to turn -
or even who to believe in...

I didn't realize
that all of that -
is only found from within...

I trusted people
I never should have -
or even should have met...

I got lost
in lies from the enemy -
experiencing times I choose to forget...

Yet, in the depths
of despair and depression -
with all that I confessed...

I awoke into my truth
loved and happy -
and so unbelievably blessed.

Wednesday, March 06, 2019

Peaceful Living

I'll never go back
to what is left behind -
the future isn't there
nor was it even kind...

When you are rescued
from a situation that's not good -
whether it's a person or place
you never ever should...

Open up those doors
that you have shut tight -
it wasn't for your best life
and you weren't treated right.

Monday, March 04, 2019


It was amazing
I already knew -
and once I got there
it was true...

I'd move in a second
pack up and away -
but I know I will
return one day...

Next up Cabo
and San Antonio soon -
as I make it a mission
to make room...

for things in my life
that make me smile -
and make the days
all worth while.