Thursday, December 26, 2019

Another Chapter

Well hell
I did it again -
I surely hope
this is a win win...

Walking into
a brand new year -
with hope in my eyes
and a new career...

I will look back
and read this through -
praying this was
the right thing to do.

Monday, December 16, 2019


The power of forgiveness -
to look beyond oneself...

To know that -

We all fail -
We all fall -
We all let someone down...

Especially ourselves.

It's alright at any time -
to turn it around.

When someone asks forgiveness of me -
I will give it freely...

because I can only hope to be -


Saturday, December 14, 2019


I used to
but I so don't now -
I have to make it
happen somehow...

The glass is
half empty indeed -
I'm pouring it out
to be freed...

Of what I don't
want anymore -
there's my keys
and there's the door.

Friday, December 13, 2019


Little crystal ball -
I can't see it at all...

All that I know -
is that I felt it go...

It turned quite numb -
how could I be so dumb...

I wish I saw ahead -
all that is now dead.

Saturday, December 07, 2019


Go away
you nice dressed man -
I am happy
where I am...

Although it seemed
it might be fun -
Something made me
turn and run...

Why would I
get chained again -
When I have come
so far from then...

Why should I
start all a new -
when I thought
those times were through.

Monday, December 02, 2019


If only I could care
for all the love I share...

On the loud banging chime
and complete waste of time...

I didn't even find
what I wanted to be mine...

Yet, there I was -
wasting time just because...

I just keep calm and cool
when dealing with a fool.

Sunday, December 01, 2019

The Clock

Oh I do
wish for you -
all your karma
that is due...

As you live
so it shall be -
from that fate
you are not free...

So look up
when it lands -
because it is
on demand...

And you know
that you owe -
all of that
which you sow.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Pros & Cons

decisions -
I need direction
and wisdom...

What comes next
I don't know -
should I stay
or should I go...

to a new adventure
that awaits me -
would I be
just as happy...

as I am with
my space and time -
another new choice
that is all mine.

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Floor

not really seen -
when she was
they were mean...

Which prompted her
to run away -
her only hope
was to pray...

that somehow -
things would be
better now...

But she saw
they never were -
as they just wanted
to criticize her.

Dusk Till Dawn

I'm not sure
why I try -
as I watch
the days go bye...

Knowing where
I want to be -
wondering if
it will be me...

That can go
where I want to -
and leave this in
my rear view.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Foggy Lights

You have
already learned -
how to know
how to discern...

all the angry
and the mean -
there is nothing that
they can bring...

To your life
to make it good -
so do what
you know you should...

Just like all
the times before -
build your walls
and lock your door.

Monday, October 28, 2019


She dug a hole
to hide away -
she couldn't face
the same new day...

She didn't have
a word to say -
so she found a place
where she will stay.

Sunday, October 27, 2019


Release it all
as you go with the flow -

The more you live
the more you know -

What needs to come
and what needs to go...

Hold your feelings near
and your thoughts so...

You only water
what needs to grow.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Courtyard Shadows

It's quiet as the sun
shines in -
staring out the window
once again...

Only I can change
what I need to do -
only I can make
my goals come true...

So once again I vow
to be a better me -
forgiving myself
and let it all just be.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Drop Kick

I won't anymore
I've done all that before...

Now I will decide
to open up the door...

As I see the exit
and follow it through...

I won't anymore
there is no me and you.


I had a great time
with the top down -
just me and my husband
riding around...

In my brand new toy
that he bought me -
my black BMW convertible
so I can ride free...

I wouldn't trade him
for anything or anyone -
he lets me be me
and likes to have fun...

More vacations coming
and we'll work hard too -
to my sweet wonderful husband
I so love you!!!

Monday, October 14, 2019

Ice Cold

Regrets stab
like twisted metal
in the back...

Running away
from the thoughts
when they attack...

Learning wisdom
through the lies
and truth they lack...

they were only ever
talking smack.

Thursday, October 10, 2019


I wonder how
it would have been -

if I did things differently...

Said no instead of yes,
Said yes instead of no -

left when I wanted to go...

If I never wasted time
on people or places -

that were a poor decision...

Would I be near water?
Would I be near mountains?

Would I be what I dreamed?

I guess there's never
any way to know

how things might have been.

Wednesday, October 09, 2019

Dimes and Pennies

At the time I thought
I was broken -
Chewed up, spit out,
a used token...

Then I glued myself
back together -
Utilizing my strengths
I've had forever...

It's my life and my right
to be happy -
I don't care what anyone
might think of me...

I know I'm kicking ass
and doing well -
and so glad I'm no longer
in their hell.

Monday, October 07, 2019

Just Fly

I'm thankful
it is all behind me -
the cocoon is broken
I was set free...

Now things are
how they should be -
and I couldn't be
any more happy!

Sunday, October 06, 2019


So what if they don't
so what if they do -
their opinion
doesn't define you...

Yeah, some are gone
and some are still here -
you know who matters
as you keep them near...

I'm embracing change
as it flows on bye -
no time to worry
and no time to cry...

because everything
is at it should be -
with a promising future
and living happy!

Sunday, September 29, 2019

The Cross

You dodged a bullet
in more ways than one -
be glad that situation
is over and gone...

Never let the chatter
make you stray away -
you know the truth
and will stand there one day...

So do exactly what
you know should be done -
realizing the battle
has already been won.

Monday, September 23, 2019


You can't go back
and change it -
there is nothing left
to give or get...

Let them think
or let them say -
whatever they want
they will anyway...

So dust off your
walking shoes -
with no more sadness
and no more blues...

You've already left
that life behind -
so move forward
self assured and kind.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019


I've learned not everyone
should be invited in -
be courteous and wise
with whomever you befriend...

Some people just use
whatever that they can -
it's up to you to discern
so do the best you can...

To surround yourself
with only those who care -
and carefully consider
the things you choose to share.

Monday, September 16, 2019


The shy little girl admired
all the beautiful homes
two-story with columns in front...

Willow trees hung
over green lawns with
an air of spookiness and protection...

Winding roads and
wrap around front porches
were quite large to someone so small...

While visiting and retracing
the same scene and the same land
she found herself again...

She had been lost in a world
that chewed her up and spit her out
leaving her with nothing but doubt...

Yet, deep inside fully energized
she remembered the beautiful days
where she was born and for a time raised...

She didn't want to leave
grieving what she had to leave behind
but lived the life she was led to...

I wonder how it would have been
if she was never forced to go back then
and the road turned right instead of left.

Saturday, September 14, 2019


If they don't
then why should you -
just deal with what
you know is true...

and way moved on -
let it all be
dead and gone...

When things change
shut all the doors -
you didn't even care
about that anymore...

Go to where
you're safe and free -
in the space
you're meant to be.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Bad Roots

When you care for your lawn
you weed out the bad weeds -
that's just what you do
when you deal with bad seeds...

You never water or nurture
or help to grow -
any bad weeds
that you know need to go...

So in everyday life
the same thing holds true -
weed out any bad seeds
that aren't good for you.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Turn The Page

It's not a part
of my life anymore
and never will be again...

I have accepted
what needed to go
and am happy with the end...

Sometimes trials
and tribulations
make you question yourself...

When that happens
focus on the positive
and be your own self help.

Friday, September 06, 2019

Gardens of Life

She looked at the bug
so very small -
Ready to squish it
to nothing at all...

As she looked closer
at its unique design -
She noticed the details
so perfect and fine...

It minded its business
causing no trouble at all -
with its God given talents
to fly and to crawl...

Then she thought back
to the people who -
treated her as disposable
and squished her too...

Why would she do
the same thing to it -
just living innocently
what would that profit...

It made no sense
for this bug to die -
So she appreciated its beauty
as she walked on by.


I look in the
mirror and say -
everything is going
to be a-ok...

So some doors shut
along the way -
but you turned around
and quickly walked away...

Rescued from
what needed to go -
had you not seen it
you would never know...

How much better off
you would be -
when you left behind
all that negativity...

Go onward
to follow your star -
because you know inside
you're going to go far.

Scattered Dirt

Walk right bye
with your head held high -
No time to worry
and no time to cry...

It doesn't really matter
what they think of you -
Leave them all behind
and start again anew...

There are so many dreams
still left to live -
Ignore all that is negative
move on and forgive...

Always remember
the bad times you came from -
and never return
to what is buried and done.

Thursday, September 05, 2019


I have a right
just like all the rest -
to live my life
and try my best...

to make my dreams
come true and alive -
to find experiences
that make me thrive...

and to walk away
from what holds me down -
heading towards where
my happiness is found.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Kick Back

Nobody messes with me
when he's around -
When there is trouble
he is always found...

He stands by my side
like no one else could -
and despite our faults
I know that we're good...

I will never trade this
for some stupid faze -
because he is a real man
and I love him for days!

Friday, August 16, 2019

Full Deck

It wasn't
in the cards -
mine were already dealt...

It doesn't matter
the reasons -
or even how I felt...

The truth
has a way of speaking -
louder than a lie...

When you see
the storms are brewing -
you let them blow on bye...

When it's passed
you move on -
and go about your day...

For you have
already learned -
to never believe in what they say.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019


As I look around
it's easy to see -
everything is
the way it should be...

Trust and believe
what He takes away -
will lead you to
a much better day...

So bow your head
and trust what's above -
will leave you sheltered
with strength and with love.

Courtyard Quiet Time

Sitting in front
of the window pane -
it's sunny in the courtyard
no sign of rain...

It's quiet as I
realize to myself -
this is exactly what I wanted
I just needed help...

With some direction
to find what I dreamed -
looking back it's so much better
than it seemed...

When I was treated bad
and then torn into -
I'm thankful the old is out
and I moved onto the new.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Head Up

When you fall
and hit the floor -
get back up
and try some more...

When everything seems
a waste of time -
take deep breaths
and believe you're fine...

When disappointment
brings you down -
make a smile
out of your frown...

When life makes you
want to run away -
know you got this
and face the day.

Sunday, August 04, 2019

Trash Cans

disgust me...

but a liar
anyone can see...

I hope
when you look
in the mirror...

That what's
looking back
is clearer...

A nasty
piece of trash...

But you've
always been
nasty like that.


Would I ever
have the courage
to do it...

I've seen it all
and really
it's legit...

at all to
ponder on for...

We're all
that eternal door.

Thursday, August 01, 2019


New month
new beginning -
to set my sights
on only winning...

With discipline
and self control -
following the path
I want to go...

Only I can
achieve my goals -
renewed and ready
here I go!

Wednesday, July 31, 2019


What goes up
must come down -
it's up to you
to turn it around...

I guess I've grown
through it all -
still I remind myself
to stand tall...

I have a right
like anyone does -
think on the future
and not how it was.

Monday, July 29, 2019


I've walked through walls
to face a mirror -
through the fog
it all became clearer...

I was where I wanted
to be all along -
full of life and happiness
singing my own song...

I came through the ashes
rising through the dust -
I went from I might
straight to I must...

No one can take something
I'm not giving away -
I've connected to this girl
and this time she will stay.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Mirrored Palms

Three deep breaths in
and three let out -
meditating away
my self doubt...

Sending prayers
to God above -
spreading only
hope and love...

Leaving all
sadness at bay -
wiping all
the tears away...

Learning how
to move and grow -
feeding my body
to fuel my soul.


Yuck -
Such luck...

Never again
will I be stuck...

With what
I won't discuss...

Because it is
what it was...


Monday, July 22, 2019


I love
my sweet summer -
the sounds the bugs make...

while hidden in trees
abundant with flowers -
and welcomed shade...

towering over
my reclined chair -
as dragonflies drop...

through sprouting water
making small waves -
against the rock...

The sun sets
with orange and blue -
outdoor cooking breezes through...

My sweet summer
once again I smile -
because I so love you.

Sunday, July 21, 2019


It was only
just a dream -
I awoke to
the same scene...

Wondering where
you might be -
and if you ever
think of me...

I wish I could
make it all good -
and be back
the way we should...

When we laughed
and were friends -
I really hope
this isn't the end.

Monday, July 15, 2019


Each one of us
is allowed
a certain time on this earth...

It's the space
that God gives us
until death through birth...

It's up to us
as individuals
to decide how we live...

We make the call
of what we accomplish
and our special gifts to give...

There will always
be oppression
trying to hold you back...

That's when
you face your critics
and you have your own attack...

Letting anything
and everyone who
tears you down clearly see...

This is my only life
and what I do with it
is completely up to me.

Sunday, July 14, 2019


I won't ever
reach out again -
it was a crazy
whirl wind...

I just wanted
to be that friend -
but yet apparently
I caused the end...

I thought the person
was cool and nice -
and made with sweet
sugar and spice...

Everyone had
bad things to say -
I wish I could
go back to that day...

To ignore the
haters and their lies -
I should have never
let them in my life...

and now it's
ancient history -
the friendship now
will never be.


I don't anymore
I won't again -
that life line
has reached the end...

I've learned a lot
and that's ok -
It made me turn
and walk away...

from all of that
which took me down -
no longer will I
allow that around.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019


Nothing is what
I'm going to do -
as I let their karma
come on through...

I have my own
form a voodoo -
and it always seems
to come true...

It might take
a little while -
but the time will come
when I smile...

Because the good
will always win -
I've seen it happen
again and again.


Keep on
Keeping on -
being thankful that
the past is gone...

No more living
as second best -
no more time
in a twisted test...

I never have to see
those faces again -
through it all
I chose to win...

I found myself
and lost what had to go -
learning from my mistakes
all that I needed to know.

Monday, July 08, 2019


It's time to
follow through -
on these goals
I need to do..

Feeling that
I'm good as new -
to my dreams
I will be true.

Saturday, July 06, 2019

Winding Roads

in a bubble -
no one else needs to burst...

I used to try
to see the good side -
but always saw the worst...

what I day dreamed on -
and used to hope would be -

has become my world -
and set that negativity free!

Thursday, July 04, 2019


Hard boiled eggs
the grill is fired up -
I'm happy I am home
all nice and tucked...

With my sweet babies
where my smiles shine -
I'm so very blessed
with everything that is mine...

Forever I will cherish
until my dying day -
my love for my space
is more than I can say.

Life Boats

I was rescued
from a sinking ship -
I was drowning
I had lost my grip...

blinded by darkness
where I couldn't see -
there was nothing left
until I was set free...

to fly higher
than I've ever been -
I won't let someone
steal my sails again...

The flow I follow
will be what I decide -
and no longer will
I ever run and hide.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019


So here I go,here I go
here I go...again...
what's my weakness

Can't wait to see
the real beauty...
Can't wait to shake
my dancing booty...

Staying in a place
with a kick ass pool -
gonna run around
and act a fool...

because I have
one life to live well -
New Orleans here we come
get ready for some hell!!

Monday, June 24, 2019

See You Next Tuesday

Life changes as you get older -
I get excited about
my high credit score -

instead of being high...

I get excited
about hitting the road -
An RV is the goal one day...

I look out the window and sigh...

To travel with
my dogs and husband
and real friends that never leave...

Route 66...

all the way to the end...

Where I found myself
and reminded myself
that forget them all...

I am worth it...

Remembering the woman
in the elevator
pointing to her dad...

my rack...

what was that about...

My life is nobody's business
if you don't like me
then good riddance and goodbye...

I could not care less
and I certainly won't cry.

Sunday, June 23, 2019


Forget them
forget them all -
I will move on
I will stand tall...

None of that
should have been -
no longer will
I think of then...

I tried to make amends
for that time -
just to find
another blocked line...

So whatever
it wasn't even real -
see ya on the flip side
it's no big deal.

Friday, June 21, 2019


Maybe I just need
a better sense of humor -
You won't live or die
living through a rumor...

Yeah I've had my share
of regretting bad mistakes -
but then you have to do
whatever that it takes...

to pull yourself back up
and piss on lighted flames -
if you let them burn you
then only you are to blame.

Thursday, June 20, 2019


It's quiet
It's peaceful
It's an office with a view...

Isn't that
what I wanted
and prayed would come true...

Not swarmed
Not bothered
no one up in my space...

No longer
around those
that I never want to face...

So now
I'll relax
and do what works for me...

The past
is erased
while I am living free.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

The Trait

I've learned some
valuable lessons
along the way...

Don't allow people
into your home
who should stay away...

Never give of yourself
for users who
never mean what they say...

and when they turn
and walk away
make sure that is where they stay.

Monday, June 17, 2019

Midnight Walk

He was the first
to abandon me -
the first to throw me
out to sea...

The first to turn
and walk away -
I remember it all
to this day...

It made me shy
and question myself -
it made me need
some mental help...

A little girl always
needs her dad -
but mine was gone
I was small and sad...

but really the reflection
lies on the one -
who threw away a precious
daughter and son.

Saturday, June 15, 2019


My special magic power
is being invisible and gone -
My handy little trick
is easily moving on...

Once I see the ugly side
I follow another path -
I'm not interested in anybody
who is full of wrath...

So once that voice is raised
and that nastiness shines through -
I have skipped along
and moved way on past you.

Monday, June 10, 2019


I don't at all
anymore -
I picked myself
up off the floor...

and opened
a new door -
because the old one
is shut for sure...

I've learned
what it was all for -
I will never again
open that door.

Saturday, June 08, 2019


I can't say that
you've never crossed my mind -
but I can say that
I've left that all behind...

Even though you haunt me
and I might think of you -
inside I smile because
I know I'm glad it's through...

Not sure what happened
or what I had to learn -
but I now know that
I can certainly discern...

between good choices
and weeding out the bad -
you were here and
now that you're gone I'm glad.

Wednesday, June 05, 2019


If it's taken away
it wasn't meant to be there -
If someone is now gone
there was nothing left to share...

If the job is over
as long as you gave your all -
then turn and walk away
with pride and standing tall...

Not everything you experience
is supposed to last forever -
there are many times in life
that ties need to sever...

You take what you learn
and keep walking down your path -
because that's the only place
that your future is at.

Monday, June 03, 2019


I guess I wonder
why it hurt -
and made me feel
lower than dirt...

Why did I cry
and tear into -
I suppose that's really
nothing new...

Crawling out when
thrown away -
Remember that
when they say...

That they care
a thing for you -
because you know
it isn't true.


The last thing
she said to me
was I love you -

It's so strange
how it hits me
out of the blue...

The tears begin
with feelings
mended with glue...

as I still have
to remind myself
that yes, it's true.

Friday, May 31, 2019


Who cares
never look back -
be happy to know
you're done with that...

Going backwards
never gets you ahead -
remember the truth
and what was said...

Smile to yourself
because you know -
you're happy that time
had to go...

and never again
will you allow -
someone to treat you
like that now.

Thursday, May 30, 2019


Everything will
work out for the best -
doesn't matter the trials
or even the tests...

You have to let go
and soar to be free -
you have to let
the past just be...

forgotten and buried
and left alone -
and deal with the outcome
on your own.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019


I'm disgusted
at the sight of you -
a liar and nasty
through and through...

I see your face
and I get sick -
You're such a stupid
rude prick...

I hope your karma
eats you away -
and that you reap
all that you say...

because you're nothing
but a vapid whore -
I could not care less
about you anymore...

I laugh in your face
when you try to care -
because I have
no care left to share.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Never Forget

They gave everything
they gave their all -
we will never see
the last thing they saw...

They had courage
and a life that would be -
them giving theirs up
so that we could live free...

It's not about a pool
or a cookout and beer -
it's about those hero's
who are no longer here...

To lay by the water
and stare at the sky -
so while you do that
remember who had to die.

Friday, May 24, 2019


The only person
who can achieve your goals is you...

No one else can move you forward
or forcefully push you through...

You are all that there is
to make your dreams come true...

So when you make any decision
make sure it's right thing to do.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019


I've learned everything
that glitters isn't gold...

Just because someone smiles in your face
doesn't mean the truth is told...

That you can't really trust
any one person at all...

When you do
you must prepare for the fall...

That it's easier to keep
everyone at bay...

No matter how you feel
you're better off anyway...

because people lie to your face
or talk behind your back...

and life is way too short
to include people like that.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Even Still

We're coming up
on twenty two years -
with lots of smiles
and plenty of tears...

Yet, here we are
with love still there -
we played for keeps
and we still care...

It doesn't matter
whether we lose or win -
Whenever we fall
we will get up again...

It's not so bad
I'm happier than -
I ever in my life
have been...

The stress is gone
as we enjoy this life -
another year married
husband and wife.

Friday, May 17, 2019


Sometimes you gotta do
what you gotta do -
whether it's a lie
or whether it's true...

It's time to make time
to look after you -
and do what you decide
that you need to...

No matter what anyone
else has to say -
it is your life
so live it your way.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Full Deck

I'm so glad
it's all behind me -
no remorse
and no reminding...

I feel nothing
for what I did -
I no longer hide
where I hid...

I am free from
chains so tight -
I was wrong
but now I'm right...

I'll never go
backwards again -
I played my hand
and now I win.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019


It's all so different
than it was back then -
if I could go back
what would I do again...

The wind tickles my nose
and brings back memories -
though there's nothing I can do
but let them all be...

I find it so strange
I'm not sure what to miss -
as I put them all away
and seal it with a kiss.

Sunday, May 12, 2019


Holding onto the rope
is it a noose or a bow...

and when you are dangling
how do you know...

The mind believes the worst
and the heart believes the best...

is everything about it all
just one big test...

There were some smiles
and there were many tears...

I've learned to push them all away
throughout the years...

because disappointment
is always the outcome...

leaving nothing but confusion
wondering what have I done.

Saturday, May 11, 2019


I watched
the butterfly
flutter away...

for a new flower
on a new day...

The caterpillar
no longer is
where it will stay...

As it grew its wings
and forever more
flew away.

Tuesday, May 07, 2019


Can I just
crawl in a hole -
how many times
do I have to know...

the stupid things
that I regret -
now I will be
done with it...

silent caves
hidden away -
and that is where
I will stay.

Monday, May 06, 2019


If everyone looked at life
as just one existence...

I wonder how much more
happy we would  be...

Being kind to other cultures
with no resistance...

Appreciating all other peoples

Because really we are
just one big race...

Same sky, same earth,
same oceanography...

It would be a world
that would be a peaceful place...

If we could just let each other be...


Saturday, April 27, 2019

Sand Stones

This time tomorrow
with my toes in the sand -
the waves hitting the shore
and a drink in my hand...

I'll reflect upon my life
and how far I have come -
as I welcome a new year
with friends having fun...

It's a big milestone
but I've earned the right -
to indulge in my spa day
and dance every night...

The past is the past
and the future is to be -
as I soak in all of Cabo
Happy birthday to me!

Monday, April 22, 2019

The Good Life

It's like the sun
is shining on me -
and doing so

because it knows
the storms I've had -
and now it's there
to make me glad...

I didn't give in
and throw it all away -
and to always believe
in a brand new day!


It's overcast now
with rain on the way -
but I'm counting down
to next Sunday...

When I'm off again
to have a lot of fun -
at a beautiful resort
and lay in the sun...

Next to the crashing waves
and the bongo beat -
I can't wait for the flowers
and the tropical heat...

Breakfast in bed after
dancing through the night -
not a care in the world
enjoying a beautiful sight!

Sunday, April 21, 2019


When I feel
one inch tall -
with no self esteem
or hope at all...

I will think
on what matters -
when I am
down and tattered...

For that is why
he died that day  -
so all my sins
aren't in the way...

When I kneel
at my God's feet -
and beg for mercy
as I weep...

For all the wrong
that I have done -
he will look towards
his only son...

Who will expose
wounds of the nails -
that saved humanity
from hell...

Showing he died
for my mistakes -
and lead me through
those pearly gates...

Just as he will
for anyone -
who believes in
his perfect son.

Saturday, April 20, 2019


I know that
I no longer -
am weak
I'm so much stronger...

than I ever
used to be -
those days
are ancient history...

I'm over all
that held me down -
I won't allow
darkness around...

I'll never be
another door mat -
I am healed
and done with that.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019


I kind of don't know
what to think -
is it all alright
or am I on the brink...

of a mistake
I don't want to face -
I can't take anymore
moments to erase...

The decisions I've made
and the path I follow -
need to be fulfilled
and not left hollow...

I suppose with time
it will appear in view -
I just hope it was
the right thing to do.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Cherry Crush

It's the best
I ever had -
just to wake up with you
makes me glad...

That all the others
were a waste of time -
because I am all yours
and you are all mine...

You make me crave
the way you move -
and the way we love
is the perfect groove...

So give me more
I close my eyes to see -
you bringing me again
that sweet ecstasy. 

Never Look Back

I'm so excited
about that job tomorrow -
I've kicked my depression
and my ridiculous sorrow...

Over stupid situations
not meant for me  -
I realized in that time
I wasn't happy...

Now I get to go
full force ahead -
I put the past in a grave
and it is so dead...

I get to help build
my very own dream -
and reap the rewards
that I've already seen...

So I will try
to add to that pie -
and do what I need to
so the well never runs dry.

Sunday, April 14, 2019


Baby when you touch me
I get hot inside -
there's nothing better
than you by my side...

You make me dizzy
with your sweet kiss -
I'm in your web and
can't get enough of this...

keep pulling me closer
and give me your all -
the lips you have
makes me fall...

into that person
who loves you -
and I will do anything
you want me to.

Saturday, April 13, 2019


Yes, it's happened
quite a few times -
they show up and spout
their stupid lines...

You innocently believe
their lies are true -
but they are there
to just use you...

They take anything
that isn't tied down -
these are the types
you don't want around...

They look for people
to manipulate -
but don't worry
they'll face their fate...

A wolf in sheep's clothing
sets their own demise -
as they gnaw their leg off
from their own trap and dies.

Happy Days

Just black and white
photo's to see -
a sock hop, a drive in
dresses to the knee...

So simple and sweet
it seems back then -
a time no one
will ever see again...

Yet those old photos
show people alive -
living and dancing
and learning to drive...

the cars that now
men covet to own -
where the boys drove girls
back to their home...

to walk them to the door
with a kiss goodnight -
as she turns in and
shuts off the porch light...

Just like the fading faces
it's a time that's gone -
but through movies and pictures
their legacy lives on.

Tuesday, April 09, 2019


I used to
couldn't wait -
I thought
it was so great...

struck within -
I looked forward
back then...

I was happy
on the team -
as I watched
that twinkle beam...

I didn't know
how it would end -
I wish I would have
back then.

Monday, April 08, 2019

Sunset Rainbows

It's a Monday night
the aroma is quite nice -
Dinner on the stove
making up taco's and rice...

Dogs playing outside
with the back door open wide -
and whenever I sit down
they sit right by my side...

I couldn't ask for more
than this moment in time -
Enjoying my home
and everything that is mine...

I'm watching babies chirp
as all the birds sing -
I wouldn't trade my treasures
for anything...

No, I wouldn't trade my treasures
for anything.

Saturday, April 06, 2019

My Secret Garden

I'm so happy
spring has sprung -
all my favorites
are set out and hung...

as beautiful flowers
peek and bloom -
while I add more
and make more room...

for all the beauty
that I love to see -
as I make a paradise
that's perfect for me!

Tuesday, April 02, 2019


I don't care
anymore -
I don't know
what it was for...

I look back and
wince with shame -
I've finally learned
the stupid game...

and I know
what I need -
not some random
mistake indeed...

as I start
totally new -
I'm so excited
it's come through!!!

Sunday, March 31, 2019

At Ease

following your path -
can be a winding road
from where you're at...

there will be twists,
turns and bumps -
there will be hurdles,
pot holes and humps...

but if you keep going
leaving them behind -
you'll wake up one day
to a brand new time...

when you see
only beauty ahead -
with smooth surfaces
and exciting detours instead.

Saturday, March 30, 2019

A New Day

I've definitely made
some bad mistakes -
but I'm done with
my own self hate...

I can't take back
really bad decisions -
but I can decide
to keep on living...

and forgive myself
for stupid things I've done -
as I move forward
and work to become...

What I want to be
believing the life I live -
makes me complete
with only smiles to give.

Check List

Three weeks away
until my next escape -
and in between
life will be just great...

New job that fits
my scheduled life -
while I work my business
trying with all my might...

to live and make
all my ambitions -
that lay at my feet
on my conditions...

become my future
and my reality -
as I accomplish the goals
that are right for me.

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Mr. Bradford

He was there for me
during my teenage pregnancy -
no judgement at all,
and definitely no snobbery...

He was the one teacher
I actually listened too -
He was the only adult
who really got through...

I remember the poster
warning about crack -
and I never ever did
mess with that...

I was the wild child
just wanting to be free -
He always shook his head
at my friends and me...

I saw him after high school
while working the front desk -
he wanted a second job
at a job he helped me get...

he was planning to retire early
to travel and enjoy life -
He was so very handsome
yet never had a wife...

I'm now about that age
wanting the same things -
to retire and live life
without the stress it brings...

I've wondered about him
since we lost touch -
he was so very nice,
and I liked him so much...

Yesterday I was shocked
there it was -
his picture and a post
saying he died because...

Cancer again strikes
taking only the good -
if only there was a cure
if only we could...

SAVE people from
this dreadful disease -
Dear Lord can you hear
our prayers and please...

give him a spot
next to your throne -
because he was an angel
he lived as your own...

RIP to you and the memories, talks and posters that influenced my life.

"Crack takes you places" poster with large words over a graveyard. 
He never lectured us, because he didn't need to.
That's a true influence. 
I'll never forget him.

God speed.

Thursday, March 21, 2019


If nobody else does
I will love myself -
If  no one is there
I'll be my own help...

If the world is busy
and I'm left behind -
I won't even care
because at this time...

I want to live
just to see the beauty -
and dance every day
as I shake my booty...

Happily laughing with
my hair in the wind -
that's all that really
matters in the end.

Monday, March 18, 2019

Finish Lines

I have to realize
I can do -
anything that
I put my mind to...

I've learned a lot
with much more to go -
I'm learning patience
and to know...

Even if something
is difficult to learn -
through trial and error
I can stand firm...

in knowing that
it will all work out -
I just need to eliminate
my self doubt.

Sunday, March 17, 2019


I just don't
care anymore -
it's not like
it was before...

I don't see
anyone the same -
and there is
nothing to blame...

It just wilted
and then it died -
it washed away
until it dried.

Monday, March 11, 2019

Four Non Blondes

I missed you
a lot today -
I know there's nothing
left to say...

but for a moment
you were there -
and we were laughing
in the spring air...

the music loud
our voices sung -
just like those days
when we'd begun...

riding around
and sharing smiles -
sometimes you're here
no matter the miles.


Well it's done
and on its way -
I suppose I'll see
on that sweet day...

I will try
and give my all -
I'm dedicated
to walk, not crawl...

and see the things
that I can do -
I will stand tall
I will push through.


There are things
I miss about then -
I was so inspired
and remember when...

I couldn't wait
to participate -
back when I thought
it all was great...

I would have done
anything to help -
at the time
I honestly felt...

No wrong would
be done to me -
and I was happy
just to be...

part of something
I believed in -
until I had to be put
together again.

Saturday, March 09, 2019

No Thanks

It didn't actually
ever exist -
I was left
alone with it...

with all the
sidekick clowns for sale -
that didn't care
their fate was hell...

so I walked on
with my umbrella -
because I wasn't
their Cinderella.


I refuse
to be afraid
of the staring glaring eye...

is not your friend
yet, still I wonder why...

You think
you even matter
because that is just a lie...

If I ever need it
I have it
and I keep it near by.

Flowering Vines

A front porch swing
kids playing in the grass -
crickets chirping
neighbors wave as they pass...

the grill fills the air
of smells they will soon eat -
mom's in the kitchen
with the dogs at her feet...

making potato salad
and cutting up fresh fruit -
the youngest upstairs
is practicing his flute...

Dad's in the garage
fixing his latest tool -
best friends are laughing
laying out by the pool...

Sweet summertime
as the sun shares it's rays -
growing up in suburbia
living the good ole days.

Friday, March 08, 2019


I was afraid
grasping for things -
not meant for my life...

I lost it
for a while -
filled with anxiety and strife...

I wasn't sure
where to turn -
or even who to believe in...

I didn't realize
that all of that -
is only found from within...

I trusted people
I never should have -
or even should have met...

I got lost
in lies from the enemy -
experiencing times I choose to forget...

Yet, in the depths
of despair and depression -
with all that I confessed...

I awoke into my truth
loved and happy -
and so unbelievably blessed.

Wednesday, March 06, 2019

Peaceful Living

I'll never go back
to what is left behind -
the future isn't there
nor was it even kind...

When you are rescued
from a situation that's not good -
whether it's a person or place
you never ever should...

Open up those doors
that you have shut tight -
it wasn't for your best life
and you weren't treated right.

Monday, March 04, 2019


It was amazing
I already knew -
and once I got there
it was true...

I'd move in a second
pack up and away -
but I know I will
return one day...

Next up Cabo
and San Antonio soon -
as I make it a mission
to make room...

for things in my life
that make me smile -
and make the days
all worth while.

Monday, February 25, 2019

Dreams Come True

I can’t believe
I’m actually here -
It’s about time
after all these years...

I was right
It’s a beautiful view -
So much to see
So much to do...

Coronado island
that bridge so high -
Yet I did it,
And didn’t even cry...

The view was amazing
and just day one -
This west coast adventure
has just begun...

I’m learning to live
and face my fears -
I’m so happy
I’m finally here!

Thursday, February 21, 2019


If they try
to break you -
let the experience
make you...

stronger than
you've ever been -
determined to
never again...

allow someone
into your life -
that only brings you
grief and strife...

let them say
what they want to -
you could say
a few things too...

but they are not
worth your time -
so go and leave them
far behind.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Joshua 1:9

If you ever feel neglected -
If you've ever been rejected...

If it's hard to face the day -
and you wish it all would go away...

If you find yourself afraid and alone -
and want to hide away inside your home...

Remember ...

Those special gifts unique to you -
and talents that only you can do...

Your worth is more than gold -
no matter how young or how old...

You were bought with a price -
and received the gift of eternal life...

Don't let anyone steal your crown -
pick yourself up and turn things around...

For you are blessed from above -
a child of the King, baptized in love.

Monday, February 18, 2019


I was the fastest kid
in the whole sixth grade -
even beat the boys...

How time flies by
and childhood is a memory -
that's lost with our toys...

We get so caught up
about getting through life -
We forget what brings peace...

Like catching fireflies,
eating homemade ice cream -
and that innocence underneath...

I was actually a good kid
very shy and not so brave -
I went to church twice a week and prayed...

I know that I am blessed,
but miss those good ole' days -
I am thankful that's the place I was saved!


Don't lose your diamonds
collecting stones -
sometimes you're better off
on your own...

You don't have to fit in
with every one you meet -
don't take it personally
that's why you have feet...

to walk you to the people
who are your tribe -
that you enjoy life with
and make you happy to be alive...

That share in mutual laughter
and also share in tears -
these are the diamonds with whom
you should share your years.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

California Beamin'

I'm so excited
only one week away -
and I'll be riding
the pacific coast highway...

New dress, heels and bag
off rodeo drive -
Dinner on the Sunset strip
seeing a LA show live...

Lunch in Venice Beach
and Malibu too -
hair in the wind with a
Pacific Ocean view...

Catalina, Coronado,
and San Diego -
the TMZ tour bus
I can't wait to go!!!

Friday, February 15, 2019


Anyone can leave, hate
and abandon you...

That's your sign to let it go
you'll make it through...

The only person you can
really count on...

is who you face in the mirror
when the rest are gone...

If no one else in the world is there
you still cherish you...

and hold your head up high
doing the best you can do.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019


No matter why
and no matter who -
Forgiveness is
the right thing to do...

In order to
walk this path free -
you have to let
the bad things be...

Left in the past
and not in your mind -
it was a lesson
that is left behind...

Choosing to
forgive is self help -
but most of all
learn to forgive yourself.

Sunday, February 10, 2019


I'm going to focus
on the positive
and Cabo in May...

Can't believe so many
great things
are coming my way...

I'll choose to believe
and make these
dreams come true...

because the life
that you live
is completely up to you!


It's playing out
right before our eyes -
no need to even
try to sympathize...

I hear the birds
I see the ocean tides -
I've already made
the choice to abide...

Where all of this
is just an evil mess -
where evil doers
will have to confess...

And all the fools
who believe in a lie -
stand before God almighty
as every one of us will die.


evil manifests
itself before you -

like hell
the other way -

is only
there to destroy -

to the
voice you obey.

Friday, February 08, 2019


Trees lose their leaves
animals hibernate -
cold covers the land
for life to rejuvenate...

The process seems long,
cold and bleak -
everything looks dead,
yet what is underneath...

is ready to emerge
bigger than before -
larger and healthier
to produce even more...

beauty and inspiration,
strength from a needed rest -
so if you ever feel dormant,
believe you haven't seen your best.

Tuesday, February 05, 2019

Radio Up

The air is warmer
as flowers bloom -
Springtime is
coming soon...

I look forward
to fresh cut grass -
as the sun sets later
and the daytime lasts...

The lake, the beach
lunch on the patio -
the sunroof wide open
when I take off to go...

enjoy the warmth of
summer and spring -
and all of nature
with the beauty it brings.

Saturday, February 02, 2019


I'm so thankful
it is all behind -
I have saved
this life of mine...

I've eliminated
what is now gone -
with broken chains
I have moved on...

to brighter days
and an exciting time -
from low to high
water into wine.

Thursday, January 31, 2019

My Own Beat

A whole new world
has opened for me -
it's all changed
from what it used to be...

I couldn't be happier
or have more smiles -
I get to enjoy life
and travel for miles...

No more negative
things to bring me down -
I'm only surrounded
with what I want around...

I get to wake up
and appreciate the day -
while living my best life
and doing it my way.

Sunday, January 27, 2019


It's not a part of
my life anymore -
it's shut and now
is a locked door...

it's all a faded
and lost memory -
my eyes opened up
to the negativity...

and that's alright
I have moved on -
the flowers bloomed
when the rain was gone.

Friday, January 25, 2019


The spots
don't change
everyone has heard...

but I
have lived
this truly absurd...

way of
dealing with
what comes back...

evil beings
with no
conscience to lack.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Welcome Mat

think of
them as dogs...

think of 
them as family...

aren't welcome
in this house...

if you don't feel the same.


Good riddance
slime ball -
I can't stand
your face at all...

I see you and
I can't believe -
how easily
I was deceived...

You are nothing
go on by -
I'm glad you're gone
I won't cry.

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Head On

Bow down
to no one -
take that mental
hand gun...

and shove it
in their face -
put them back
in their place...

face the creeps
and current freaks -
I'm not longer
weak and meek.

Monday, January 14, 2019

Happy Dance

I honestly
just can't wait -
as I sit around
and contemplate...

all the fun things
I get to do  -
back in the day
if I only knew...

that my depression
was a waste of time -
I would soon be happy
in this life of mine...

and rid of everything
that stole my years -
as I live my dreams
with no more tears.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

The New

I was under the rock
yet pushed it away -
because I was blessed
with another day...

There was that question
of what do I do -
but now I know
I'll always pull through...

I'm chill with all
the crazy outcome -
because that's what
I've learned to succumb...

as I enjoy my life
with no more rat race -
for the first time ever
I can do it at my pace.


Every since
I was a teen -
I always imagined
seeing the scene...

Now here I am
about to go -
it's so strange
that I know...

My visions seem
to always come true -
maybe something
deep inside of you...

Will let you know
where to go -
because somehow
it will show...

I can't wait
to soak it in -
this new life of mine
is a win win.

Thursday, January 10, 2019


I might have
but now I don't -
I would have
but now I won't...

I remember
everything said -
and all the lies
being fed...

with words that
didn't belong -
what was weak
is now strong...

It's so much better
with quiet ease -
and living life
how I please.

Saturday, January 05, 2019

Heart of Stone

I let go when
I found a different mirror -
I see now
everything is so much clearer...

The only one
holding me back was me -
I broke the chains
and now I'm running free...

Whatever is gone
is now left behind forever -
some ties bind for life
and some you need to sever...

Never again will I allow
someone to raise their voice to me -
because I will hang up
and walk away completely...

I don't need some outsider
telling me what to do -
I don't care at all anymore
the days of apologies are through.

Friday, January 04, 2019


It was dark
In fact pitch black -
so dark I couldn't see
where I was at...

The hole was deep
I couldn't get out -
I clawed and clawed
I tried to scream and shout...

There was no one
to pull me through -
so I accepted there
was nothing I could do...

Until a hand
reached down so strong -
and lifted me up
to where I belong...

Then wiped away
my tear stained face -
and led me to
my happy place...

The devil has
many lies to tell -
but the truth set me free
from that hell.

Tuesday, January 01, 2019

Embrace Yourself

Go on and let go
live and let live -
leave it behind when
there's nothing left to give...

Don't live with pressure
or you'll explode -
release all the tension
and troubles you hold...

Now is the time
it won't come again -
so embrace the future
and choose to win...

Surround yourself
with only positive vibes -
and what brings happiness
and peace to your life.