Thursday, December 06, 2018


He picks me up
when I fall -
stands by my side
through it all...

Not that he hasn't
contributed to -
some of the trials
that we go through...

and not that I haven't
been a pain to him -
some times are good
some times you can't win...

He keeps me safe
and wipes away my tears -
I need his confidence
that I've lacked for years...

He's usually happy
and so laid back -
we're actually opposite
yet so in tact...

We can laugh at things
others might not -
it's been a long time
since we tied the knot...

It's not a fairy tale
with a prince on a horse -
it's choosing a commitment
and not a divorce...

He has never left
and neither have I -
we will be together
until the day that we die.

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