Monday, December 31, 2018


New start
New you -
so much that
there is to do...

fill that calendar
up with days -
that bring you happiness
and better ways...

of living the
best life for you -
it you can dream it
it can come true!


I'm not really sad
to tell this year goodbye-
if I said it was my best one
that would be a lie...

but I think I've learned a lot
and believe in hope ahead -
as long as I have life in me
none of my dreams are dead...

I will continue traveling
and accomplishing my goals -
what's ahead in the next year
God can only know...

So I'll put my trust in him
as I work to better myself -
I look forward to the future
and I got this with his help.

Saturday, December 29, 2018


I've learned a lot
the past few years -
I've laughed really hard
and I've shed some tears...

Don't ever be afraid
to pack it up and move on -
don't try to hold onto
memories long gone...

Don't be afraid
to turn and walk away -
when you want to leave
with no reason to stay...

No one is guaranteed
to see another day -
so live and forgive
and learn to say...

That it's alright
to trust your destiny -
and know things are how
they need to be.

Monday, December 24, 2018

Merry Christmas!

It's my favorite
holiday -
I feel the joy
as I happily say...

To all who celebrate
near and far -
enjoy your family
wherever you are...

Tuck the kids in
nice and tight -
have some drinks
by the fire light...

Enjoy the magic
and Christmas lights -
Merry Christmas to all
and to all a good night.

Sunday, December 23, 2018


I saw him
I wasn't sure
what to say...

but he hugged me
with a kiss -
I guess I imagined
the quiet diss...

because I hold it
all on me -
it's a lot of pressure
but I see...

I don't have to
ever again -
I'm letting it go
so I can win.


I'll chose forgiveness
and move past -
the things I knew
wouldn't last...

It's behind me
forever more -
not sure what it
all was for...

but I know that
in order to heal -
I have to move past
what wasn't real...

and see that
I have what's good -
as I'm doing
what I should.

Saturday, December 22, 2018


I don't care at all
anymore -
I'll give what I'm given
that's for sure...

I won't bow down
to any deal -
especially when
I don't even feel...

a single thing
for any of them -
can't believe I wasted
time on a whim...

Stupid is
as stupid does -
and I'm done with that
just because...

I can't even stand
their faces -
amazing what time
surely erases.

Thursday, December 20, 2018


Everything happens
for a reason is true -
could be a blessing
or lesson that led you...

exactly where
you needed to go -
but never would
have done so...

if you hadn't gone
through a challenging time -
that led you to where
you will be just fine.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Blast from the Past

It is ironic
and quite bazaar -
to hear from them
both near and far...

One was gone
and that same day -
another sent a message
after being away...

Now that ones left
and I got the ding -
the very next morning
saying the same type of thing...

It's been a weird
and crazy year -
some gone, some back
and some still here.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Door Mat

I honestly don't
understand why -
but it's alright
I refuse to cry...

I'll let it go
and shut that door -
I'll never reach out

I'll push it out
of my memory -
and be at peace
to let it be...

Some people are
here for the day -
and then get up
and go away...

when they do
accept it and know -
and step on back
so they can go.

Monday, December 17, 2018

Check Marks

I'm looking forward
to the new beginning -
where all my goals
will be on winning...

where I surround
myself with good -
and focus on all
that I should...

to make my dreams
happy and bright -
to move towards the future
and do what is right...

believing the best
has yet to appear -
and embrace the hope
that I hold dear.

Sunday, December 16, 2018


There are people
who have it real -
not fake issues that
I shouldn't even feel...

They buried their
love and hope -
and then stood up
and had to cope...

So I will decide
to try to too -
by getting inspiration
from believing in you...

No more wallowing
in depression -
I'll turn it into
learning the lesson...

That really I
already knew -
No more looking back
as I follow you.


Pack it up
and just go -
put miles between
what you know...

Clearly there
is nothing here -
it would be another
wasted year...

when everything
I actually need -
is to be gone
and to be freed...

from anything
that holds me back -
and find the future
that I lack.

But Why

I guess I just
don't understand -
all I can be
is who I am...

Not sure how
and not sure why -
maybe they like
to make me cry...

but I will get up
and push it down -
and will no longer
be around.


Just like Dorothy
and her ruby red shoes -
I click my heels together
and ride off with my muse...

It's actually kind of funny
that I really don't care -
Not even a tear
or any sadness is there...

I've built my walls
and they stand tall -
as I close the curtains
I won't miss you at all.

Saturday, December 15, 2018


I'm keeping the happy
I've grown to be -
no more of the darkness
that captivated me...

I'll focus on goals
that I will achieve -
I'll absorb what fuels me
and what I believe...

I won't bow to anything
that leads me astray -
I know what I want
and it's here to stay.

Sunday, December 09, 2018

News Talk

The angel crashed
onto the floor -
a gift from you
that is no more...

Symbolic to me
as I threw it away -
so much has changed
since those days...

I sometimes wonder
where you are now -
You'd laugh if you
knew all about how...

some crazy times
have come and gone -
some ups and downs
but I've moved on...

You were wise
with your blue eyes -
and now we live
such different lives...

I remember all
that you taught me -
somewhere out there
I hope you're happy.

Friday, December 07, 2018


The storm clouds have passed
as I open my eyes -
No more bad times
that I despise...

Free from the weights
that held me down -
surrounded with only
what I want around...

Emerged from the darkness
and into the light -
I look towards the future
what a beautiful sight.

Thursday, December 06, 2018


He picks me up
when I fall -
stands by my side
through it all...

Not that he hasn't
contributed to -
some of the trials
that we go through...

and not that I haven't
been a pain to him -
some times are good
some times you can't win...

He keeps me safe
and wipes away my tears -
I need his confidence
that I've lacked for years...

He's usually happy
and so laid back -
we're actually opposite
yet so in tact...

We can laugh at things
others might not -
it's been a long time
since we tied the knot...

It's not a fairy tale
with a prince on a horse -
it's choosing a commitment
and not a divorce...

He has never left
and neither have I -
we will be together
until the day that we die.

Wednesday, December 05, 2018

Crystal Ball

Such beauty, such power
such a magnificent shine -
illuminating this world
throughout all of time...

as life enjoys slumber
underneath it's bright beam -
the wishes it has granted
the things it has seen...

First kisses with smiles
Last kisses with tears -
keeping so many secrets
for millions of years...

Shining diamonds onto water
dripping crystals onto snow -
the biggest man made city 
is just a twinkle beneath its glow...

it directs the earths orbit
and guides the oceans flow -
gazing down upon us
from his star studded show.

Monday, December 03, 2018


I'm going to
get there again -
I'm so refreshed
it's time to win...

I'm ready to
go the distance -
no longer living
with such resistance...

Back to the gym
back to class -
back to working out
my sweet little ass...

Back to smiling
and feeling new -
are you ready 2019
I'm coming for you!

Stop Sign

I've done my best
all around -
I've learned to swim
instead of drown...

I've let go
of where I was -
and the things I allowed
just because...

I wasn't strong
enough to stand -
and now I just
don't give a damn...

Anyone who would
punch me in the face -
literally or figuratively
is easily replaced...

and quickly forgotten
put out of my mind -
no more petty problems
I've left that behind.