Monday, December 31, 2018


New start
New you -
so much that
there is to do...

fill that calendar
up with days -
that bring you happiness
and better ways...

of living the
best life for you -
it you can dream it
it can come true!


I'm not really sad
to tell this year goodbye-
if I said it was my best one
that would be a lie...

but I think I've learned a lot
and believe in hope ahead -
as long as I have life in me
none of my dreams are dead...

I will continue traveling
and accomplishing my goals -
what's ahead in the next year
God can only know...

So I'll put my trust in him
as I work to better myself -
I look forward to the future
and I got this with his help.

Saturday, December 29, 2018


I've learned a lot
the past few years -
I've laughed really hard
and I've shed some tears...

Don't ever be afraid
to pack it up and move on -
don't try to hold onto
memories long gone...

Don't be afraid
to turn and walk away -
when you want to leave
with no reason to stay...

No one is guaranteed
to see another day -
so live and forgive
and learn to say...

That it's alright
to trust your destiny -
and know things are how
they need to be.

Monday, December 24, 2018

Merry Christmas!

It's my favorite
holiday -
I feel the joy
as I happily say...

To all who celebrate
near and far -
enjoy your family
wherever you are...

Tuck the kids in
nice and tight -
have some drinks
by the fire light...

Enjoy the magic
and Christmas lights -
Merry Christmas to all
and to all a good night.

Sunday, December 23, 2018


I saw him
I wasn't sure
what to say...

but he hugged me
with a kiss -
I guess I imagined
the quiet diss...

because I hold it
all on me -
it's a lot of pressure
but I see...

I don't have to
ever again -
I'm letting it go
so I can win.


I'll chose forgiveness
and move past -
the things I knew
wouldn't last...

It's behind me
forever more -
not sure what it
all was for...

but I know that
in order to heal -
I have to move past
what wasn't real...

and see that
I have what's good -
as I'm doing
what I should.

Saturday, December 22, 2018


I don't care at all
anymore -
I'll give what I'm given
that's for sure...

I won't bow down
to any deal -
especially when
I don't even feel...

a single thing
for any of them -
can't believe I wasted
time on a whim...

Stupid is
as stupid does -
and I'm done with that
just because...

I can't even stand
their faces -
amazing what time
surely erases.

Thursday, December 20, 2018


Everything happens
for a reason is true -
could be a blessing
or lesson that led you...

exactly where
you needed to go -
but never would
have done so...

if you hadn't gone
through a challenging time -
that led you to where
you will be just fine.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Blast from the Past

It is ironic
and quite bazaar -
to hear from them
both near and far...

One was gone
and that same day -
another sent a message
after being away...

Now that ones left
and I got the ding -
the very next morning
saying the same type of thing...

It's been a weird
and crazy year -
some gone, some back
and some still here.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Door Mat

I honestly don't
understand why -
but it's alright
I refuse to cry...

I'll let it go
and shut that door -
I'll never reach out

I'll push it out
of my memory -
and be at peace
to let it be...

Some people are
here for the day -
and then get up
and go away...

when they do
accept it and know -
and step on back
so they can go.

Monday, December 17, 2018

Check Marks

I'm looking forward
to the new beginning -
where all my goals
will be on winning...

where I surround
myself with good -
and focus on all
that I should...

to make my dreams
happy and bright -
to move towards the future
and do what is right...

believing the best
has yet to appear -
and embrace the hope
that I hold dear.

Sunday, December 16, 2018


There are people
who have it real -
not fake issues that
I shouldn't even feel...

They buried their
love and hope -
and then stood up
and had to cope...

So I will decide
to try to too -
by getting inspiration
from believing in you...

No more wallowing
in depression -
I'll turn it into
learning the lesson...

That really I
already knew -
No more looking back
as I follow you.


Pack it up
and just go -
put miles between
what you know...

Clearly there
is nothing here -
it would be another
wasted year...

when everything
I actually need -
is to be gone
and to be freed...

from anything
that holds me back -
and find the future
that I lack.

But Why

I guess I just
don't understand -
all I can be
is who I am...

Not sure how
and not sure why -
maybe they like
to make me cry...

but I will get up
and push it down -
and will no longer
be around.


Just like Dorothy
and her ruby red shoes -
I click my heels together
and ride off with my muse...

It's actually kind of funny
that I really don't care -
Not even a tear
or any sadness is there...

I've built my walls
and they stand tall -
as I close the curtains
I won't miss you at all.

Saturday, December 15, 2018


I'm keeping the happy
I've grown to be -
no more of the darkness
that captivated me...

I'll focus on goals
that I will achieve -
I'll absorb what fuels me
and what I believe...

I won't bow to anything
that leads me astray -
I know what I want
and it's here to stay.

Sunday, December 09, 2018

News Talk

The angel crashed
onto the floor -
a gift from you
that is no more...

Symbolic to me
as I threw it away -
so much has changed
since those days...

I sometimes wonder
where you are now -
You'd laugh if you
knew all about how...

some crazy times
have come and gone -
some ups and downs
but I've moved on...

You were wise
with your blue eyes -
and now we live
such different lives...

I remember all
that you taught me -
somewhere out there
I hope you're happy.

Friday, December 07, 2018


The storm clouds have passed
as I open my eyes -
No more bad times
that I despise...

Free from the weights
that held me down -
surrounded with only
what I want around...

Emerged from the darkness
and into the light -
I look towards the future
what a beautiful sight.

Thursday, December 06, 2018


He picks me up
when I fall -
stands by my side
through it all...

Not that he hasn't
contributed to -
some of the trials
that we go through...

and not that I haven't
been a pain to him -
some times are good
some times you can't win...

He keeps me safe
and wipes away my tears -
I need his confidence
that I've lacked for years...

He's usually happy
and so laid back -
we're actually opposite
yet so in tact...

We can laugh at things
others might not -
it's been a long time
since we tied the knot...

It's not a fairy tale
with a prince on a horse -
it's choosing a commitment
and not a divorce...

He has never left
and neither have I -
we will be together
until the day that we die.

Wednesday, December 05, 2018

Crystal Ball

Such beauty, such power
such a magnificent shine -
illuminating this world
throughout all of time...

as life enjoys slumber
underneath it's bright beam -
the wishes it has granted
the things it has seen...

First kisses with smiles
Last kisses with tears -
keeping so many secrets
for millions of years...

Shining diamonds onto water
dripping crystals onto snow -
the biggest man made city 
is just a twinkle beneath its glow...

it directs the earths orbit
and guides the oceans flow -
gazing down upon us
from his star studded show.

Monday, December 03, 2018


I'm going to
get there again -
I'm so refreshed
it's time to win...

I'm ready to
go the distance -
no longer living
with such resistance...

Back to the gym
back to class -
back to working out
my sweet little ass...

Back to smiling
and feeling new -
are you ready 2019
I'm coming for you!

Stop Sign

I've done my best
all around -
I've learned to swim
instead of drown...

I've let go
of where I was -
and the things I allowed
just because...

I wasn't strong
enough to stand -
and now I just
don't give a damn...

Anyone who would
punch me in the face -
literally or figuratively
is easily replaced...

and quickly forgotten
put out of my mind -
no more petty problems
I've left that behind.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018


What I thought was a nightmare
was a dream come true...

I'm glad as I look back
at what I didn't do...

At the time it was security
where I thought I should be...

Until I felt betrayed
and they no longer needed me...

Now, as I live each day
exactly how I choose...

I see how happy I've become
sometimes you win when you lose.


Released -
from the chains
I had always known...

Departed -
from the smallness
and now that I have grown...

Happy -
is the way
I can live each day...

Never -
does the clock
beckon me to stay...

Privacy -
surrounds me 
there is no rat race...

Relaxed -
sipping coffee
in my favorite place...

Refreshed -
about my life
and what I get to do...

Thankful -
for the man
who makes it all come true.

Sunday, November 25, 2018


It actually wasn't
I remember it quite well -
I actually didn't
I awoke from the spell...

I'm glad I don't
and never will again -
no one in the mirror
no having to pretend...

Never will I
relive that mistake -
I have learned what
is real and what's fake.

Saturday, November 24, 2018


Yes, I saw you
and no, I didn't mean to...

Had I known you were there
I would have gone anywhere...

except where you would be
and I know you saw me...

Now I can clearly see
I'll never bother to be...

anything ever to you
I am ice cold blue.

Thursday, November 22, 2018


It dangles as
the devil shakes the bell -
summoning the weak
to enter into hell...

blinded with the light
of how it would be -
to be done with it all
and quite easily...

to never have to see
the sun rise up again -
to follow that dark tunnel
until you find the end.


Be careful who you trust
not everyone is your friend -
be careful who you believe
don't let just anyone in...

Be careful who you think
will be there for you -
be careful what you share
don't tell them what you do...

and when you've been betrayed
there's nothing left to say -
push them out of your life
and run like hell the other way.

Monday, November 19, 2018


The slate
is wiped clean -
it didn't mean

Just a detour
I suppose -
I was stupid
and didn't know...

That people come
just to use you -
take your help
and confuse you...

Get what they can
then they are gone -
you learn your lesson
and you move on.

Friday, November 16, 2018

White Roses

It's the second
Thanksgiving holiday -
since you had
to go away....

and even still
to this day -
I have to catch
my breath and say...

You won't be there
with your dressing -
to share your hug
and your blessing...

You were a gift
yet, always giving -
I wish from my heart
you were still living...

The last thing said
by you and me -
was I love you
such a treasured memory.

Thursday, November 15, 2018


If it isn't one thing
it's a-fucking-nother -
and as I add it up
I have to run for cover...

Wasn't it Thoreau who said
the house owns you -
I'm starting to learn
exactly what he knew...

Maybe I'm confused
on the American dream -
because one more bill
is all I've woke up and seen.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018


Make sure
not to sugar coat
soured memories...

Hindsight can
make you blind
to reality...

Selective thoughts
can fool your mind
to believe what isn't true...

Remember with
each choice you made
you chose what's best for you.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018


Bye bye beemer
hello hummer -
it's going to be great
by the lake this summer...

changing everything
that I have wanted to -
making my life
all shiny and new...

out with the old
as I throw it all out -
in with the new
that's what it's all about.


I suppose I've written
my own special chapter -
as long as it's followed
with a whole lot of laughter...

because that's what matters
in this sea of life -
to spread some happiness
and eliminate the strife...

Just be a nice person
that can bring people joy -
to share a smile
when someone's in turmoil...

I think I've found
the secret to happy times -
to cherish who I love
and know they are mine.

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Take 2

It just happened
I found myself again -
watch out world
the bitch is back within...

My smile just shined
my heart beats a new -
my strut just strutted
no more feeling blue...

I've just beat
whatever held me down -
I've come full circle
the girl is back around.

Thursday, November 08, 2018


I'll give it my all
that's all I can do -
and trust that all
my dreams will come true...

Every day I awake
I'll look for a way -
to find the meaning
in every day...

and work towards all
the goals I know -
will become a reality
if I get up and go.

Tuesday, November 06, 2018


I'm choosing
to believe -
in everything
I will achieve...

I'm choosing
to smile at how -
everything will
work out now...

I'm choosing
to say a prayer -
and thank God above
that he is there.

Monday, November 05, 2018

Wrong Decision

Quit looking
at what is gone
and see what's here...

amazing friends
and experiences
of who I hold dear...

So a few mistakes
are now gone
and they needed to go...

deep inside I saw the truth
and so
I already know...

I didn't need them
and they didn't belong
this was the path all along.


Hitting the refresh
and moving on -
letting go of all
of what is gone...

Changing everything
and starting new -
what else could
I possibly do...

That's ok
and that's alright -
another day after
another hard night...

but I got this
and I can smile -
no longer living
in any denial.

Sunday, November 04, 2018


You want me out
I'm out -
never again
sweet friend...

won't bother
to talk to you -
I so get it
it is through...

Sorry that
I actually cared -
waste of time
as you're not there...

don't even worry
add to the list -
of a past mistake
that I'm done with.

Saturday, November 03, 2018

Highlight Bling

I almost did
and stopped myself -
in a moment of weakness
with my self help...

Sometimes I guess
the memories arise  -
and I remember them
with innocent eyes...

but now I have to
see what is real -
and leave it behind
so I can finally heal.

Thursday, November 01, 2018


I think I did
but now it's gone -
I woke from a lie
and had to move on...

but I was there
and so was my heart -
until it all went
and fell apart...

I should have known
from the very start -
to never ever
believe in my heart.


One year ago
I headed to bed -
without a clue
of what was ahead...

So many things changed
since that day -
I got in my car
and drove away...

head held low
staring at the ground -
what was there
is no longer around...

Many tears shed
my heart torn into -
a part of me died
and a part of me grew.

Wednesday, October 31, 2018


I don't care
at all anymore -
who stays or goes
that's for sure...

I won't put hope
in anyone -
those days of believing
in someone are done...

I don't care
if they all go away -
I will survive
and live anyway...

Like me or don't
stay or leave -
in my own self
will I believe.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018


What goes up
must come down -
some people leave
some stick around...

Sometimes life
is a tear filled pain -
sometimes you feel
like dancing in the rain...

when your heart
has been broken into -
pick the pieces up
and add a little glue...

and hold onto
the promise of a new day -
knowing you'll make it through
whatever comes your way.

Sunday, October 21, 2018


Now is the time
I'm getting it together -
and making moves
that will last forever...

I'm coming full circle
and moving ahead -
I'm following the path
that I have been led...

So many things
are coming through -
I realize now
there's nothing I can't do.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Karma B

as I watch it unfold -
this entertainment
never gets old...

when they face
what they really are -
and are left
with a really bad scar...

suck it up buttercup
as I said it would -
do unto your neighbor
like you actually should...

and you wouldn't be
in this hot mess -
but I'm laughing out loud
I must confess.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018


I am so
so very glad -
I no longer have
what I had...

Someone that
took me down -
I'm glad they are
no longer around...

and I can see
through a new lens -
I was so stupid
way back when...

I let someone
who didn't count -
decide on my worth
and my amount.


There were times
I thought I wouldn't -
there were days
I believed I couldn't...

Yet through it all
I've seen the real deal -
no matter what happens
I will always heal...

Even through the hardest
blows that take me down -
deep inside my soul
I pick myself up off the ground...

and move forward
when I think it's a dead end -
and put the storms behind
it's the only way to win...

and become everything
that God wants me to be -
no matter what happens
I know he's there for me...

The world can be cruel
and just throw me away -
yet I will always rise up
and believe in him each day.

Saturday, October 13, 2018


The rain comes down
and washes my past away -
I am so renewed
as I welcome the new day...

no more dealing with
what isn't meant for me -
a new season brings
exciting things to see...

for the first time
in quite a few years -
I am rescued of
what brought me tears...

I have learned to
smile at what needs to be -
and it has led to
freedom to be happy.

Friday, October 12, 2018

Sipping Coffee

I would hate you
but that would hurt me -
taking up my thoughts
and sucking my energy...

So I'll just sit back
and wait for the day -
that you get what's coming
and I smile and say...

I knew it would come
and slap you in the face -
when the karma you deserve
puts you in your place.

Thursday, October 11, 2018


There is no one
who needs to know -
how I feel
or where I go...

I'm learning that
it's my own mind -
that will decide
what is behind...

I'll keep my thoughts
all to myself -
without their views
without their help...

I've closed those doors
and walked away -
Now I have nothing
left to say.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018


I'm asking
for strength
to carry on...

I'm asking
for hope
that is gone...

I'm asking
for belief
in a brighter day...

I'm asking
for stress
to go away.

Monday, October 08, 2018


Just don't
because I won't -
I have no plan
to ever again...

Put myself
in the way -
of anyone
who ruins my day...

I will hide
and trust in me -
the past is gone
and I am free.

Sunday, October 07, 2018


I'm going
to get it together -
some I will bind
some I will sever...

I'm going
to make myself smile -
it's been long enough
no more denial…

I have to make
this future bright -
and I will try
with all my might.

Saturday, October 06, 2018


Where you went
just stay there -
don't act like
you somehow care...

Quit thinking
there's anything -
go and take
whatever you bring....

I'll be fine
I'll finally sleep -
I never realized
it could be so deep...

as I rebuild
my aching heart -
never again
will I fall apart.

Friday, October 05, 2018

Great Things

I'm definitely
going to make it -
No more
having to fake it...

Great things
are coming through -
I'm learning
what I must do...

To break away
from the bad -
and escape the
negative that I had...

Embracing all
the shiny new -
as great things
are coming through!

Monday, October 01, 2018


I'm ok
with the quiet -
I survived
the actual riot...

I learned
and went away -
got on my knees
and learned to pray...

I'm healed
of the pain -
my self-esteem
I can regain...

as I try
to understand why -
I do the things
to make me die.

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Back Space

out of my life -
I'm not your girl
and not your wife...

I'm so glad
that it is done -
you weren't cool
and I wasn't the one...

who really cared
a thing for you -
I'm thankful
we are through.


I don't
anymore -
actually no one
for sure...

I did
I suppose -
but that's how
life goes...

and clear -
of emotions
held dear...

and a wall -
I have built
sky tall.

Saturday, September 29, 2018


Yes I do
wish for you -
all the karma
you put me through...

You're not good
in fact you're bad -
I hope you reap
all that I had...

I see your face
and it makes me smile -
for it will come
it might take a while...

Just be prepared
with that heart so cold -
it will come back
and it will be three fold.

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Dirt Roads

The journey
long and uphill -
yet as I climb
I've learned to feel...

Not everything
will last forever -
ties will bind
and ties will sever...

I have to believe
in God's plan -
and learn to believe
in who I am...

I have to let go
of the wrong choices -
while listening to
the right voices.


I didn't even
want that time -
It's done and
I am fine...

I'm not sure
what happened there -
I no longer have
strength to care...

I guess growth
comes in many ways -
sometimes it takes
your hardest days...

to lead you where
you need to be -
and make decisions
best for me.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

September Rides

Do you still ride
horses beneath the sun  -
when life was new
and we had just begun...

To learn all of what
it meant to be alive -
how I would love
to go back and ride...

with you in the front
and me holding tight -
smiling and laughing
such a beautiful sight...

It all started
when I found your ring -
where did the time go
and what did it bring...

So many mistakes
so many heartbreaks -
we didn't know then
how life would take...

the wind from our sails
and our innocent minds -
this evil world sure
changed over time...

I miss those days
and what we used to do -
from deep in my heart
I very much miss you.


Just scrolling
and it stung like a bee -
I saw the picture
and it should be me...

I let them take
my pride away -
I so regret
that horrible day...

Never again
will I let someone -
help me do things
that can't be undone...

I'll put the blame
all on me -
for blinding myself
to where I couldn't see.

Monday, September 24, 2018

Laying Bricks

Even in my dreams
I hid away -
regretting that I ever
saw the day...

That my decisions
were wrong for me -
maybe it happened
so it will be...

I never again trust
belief in what I see -
as I build the wall
to protect me.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

No More

Never ever
ever again -
I'm not your girl
and I'm not your friend..,

Just go
where you already went -
I've wasted too
much time and spent...

more than enough
time on you -
I'm so glad you're gone
I'm through.

Story Book

Just freaking
amazing wow -
glad to see
I found out now...

There really is
no one there -
to believe in
or actually care...

Anything about
your life -
goodbye and
to all a good night.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Parking Spot

No it doesn't
cross the mind -
of anything
that was left behind...

the pizza
or the funny show -
when they decide
it's time to go...

the heels or all
the thoughtful ways -
you tried to give
them better days...

so go on and let
them disappear -
because they
didn't belong here.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018


Yes I've found
that it's true -
some people come along
just to use you...

Then you watch
them tear your life apart -
messing up your mind
and breaking your heart...

While you're left
to pick up the sky high pile -
of everything that's broken
trying to find your smile.

Monday, September 17, 2018


In the back
just like that -
pushed deep
a surprise attack...

but I got it
out of me -
and forged ahead
the chains are free...

I found it's true
and I see -
it wasn't someone
meant for me...

because someone
who deserves my time -
would never attack
me from behind.


No thanks,
I'll pass -
put your foot on the pedal
and push the gas...

Go really far
like another state -
and don't look back
enjoy your fate...

because you make
me shiver inside -
I'm so glad you're gone
and pushed aside...

you were a fake
and full of lies -
so enjoy your life
and goodbye.

Sunday, September 16, 2018


I guess I
just wonder why -
but I see
I didn't die...

why did the road
twist that way -
as I wonder
what did I say...

It seemed so easy
to walk away -
as the color red
fades to grey.

Friday, September 14, 2018


The door closed
slammed from behind -
I woke up one day
to a new mind...

No longer willing
to be anyone's mat -
I forged ahead
so done with that...

No longer able
to even care -
who had left
or who was there...

I picked myself
up off the floor -
and closed the door
forever more.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Bread Crumbs

I just can't see
the forest for the trees -
I just can't seem
to set myself free...

I can't even face
any more bad news -
or another broken heart
that leaves me with the blues...

I don't understand
what I did anyway -
I've gotten on my knees
God knows I pray...

I know in my heart
I've tried every day -
I just can't see
how I lost my way.

Monday, September 10, 2018


Funny that
I actually do -
from my heart
I hate you...

I wish you
the worst luck -
and no I couldn't
give a fuck...

I hope you meet
all your karma too -
you deserve it as
I fucking hate you.

Friday, September 07, 2018


I won't anymore
because I don't care -
I won't search
trying to find what is there...

I'm so glad
it is all in my past -
I won't try to make
the memories last...

In fact already
they are fading away -
I wish I never went
that very first day.

Thursday, September 06, 2018


Full circle
with a twist -
who knew it would
turn out like this...

the latest lips
that made me come -
are from where
I had first begun...

Now I know
I'll make it through -
with the ones I want
who want me too.

Tuesday, September 04, 2018


She ran
ran so far away -
to hide from
the tears of that day...

to empty all
the vain attempts at love -
to realize she
has all she's dreaming of...

to walk away
from voices not to be -
the guidance to
where she will be free.


I knew,
and now I know -
enough to let it
all go...

I was shown
the whole story -
before I had my
fall from glory...

when what is said
and what is done -
are different things
I was the one...

who figured out
and turned away -
I'm so thankful
for that day.

Monday, September 03, 2018


You hurt me
it won't happen again -
I have the insight
for my heart to win...

My own smile
My shattered self esteem -
when you're gone
you don't mean a thing...

so don't try
to act as though you care -
because when you do
you'll see that I'm not there.


It's fresh
and it's new -
doing what
I want to do...

Letting go
of what's behind -
taking control
of things this time..

Glad to see
some are here -
glad to know
that this year...

I will be
free and clear -
from those who don't
belong here.

Porch Light

Like the plaque
I ran away -
can't even try
to face that day...

afraid of what
I might see -
afraid sometimes
to just be me...

Hidden like
a quiet mouse -
tucked away
inside my house...

No I can't
come out to play -
once they're gone
leave it that way.

Sunday, September 02, 2018


I could not care -
you never were
even there...

Just a user
with a smile -
who I believed
in denial...

Now it's gone
what never was -
I'm going to change
just because...

I won't let trash
rot my head -
I won't hope for
what is dead.

Saturday, September 01, 2018


Will they choose
to give into their sin -
or will they decide
to let the angels win...

Will they act upon
all their fleshly desire -
or will they gamble
on the promised scripted fire...

Will they bow their heads
and seek in prayer -
for deep inside us all
we knew he was there...

or will they choose
to look away with pride -
and turn their back on
the son he sent that died...

to take our place
when death becomes real -
as we stand before our Lord
where every man will kneel.

Friday, August 31, 2018


When something
is not meant to be -
fate will let you know
so you can be free...

The truth always
somehow makes a way -
to make sure you
are not led astray...

When the door
is closed nice and tight -
you can be assured
it was what was right.

Thursday, August 23, 2018


It's strange that
I don't care anymore -
I'm free from all
of what happened before...

I don't love
or even like who is gone -
I can't believe
I let that all go on...

It makes me sick
when I see their face -
stupid things I did
I can never ever erase.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018


I try as
I look up the hill -
holding my cup
and trying to fill...

it up so high
it will overflow -
and cleanse my heart
so that I will know...

I tried my best
choosing the right ways -
that led me to
my happiest days.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018


The pick
and the ice -
what now is cold
used to be so nice...

it was dead -
because it knew
where it was lead...

Stares that show
empty eyes -
all the shadows
to despise...

Nothing left
and nothing there -
the chill left it
lifeless and bare.

Sunday, August 19, 2018


but was already gone -
never again
will I keep on...

trying to make
up for those times -
The only choice
is to put it behind.

Saturday, August 18, 2018

White Out

After you
see the lie -
let it go
and let it die...

don't let hate
control your heart -
just move on
don't fall apart...

once someone
proves they don't care -
erase the past
and leave them there.


I see the truth
and I see you -
there is no reason
to go back to...

Just wasted life
and wasted time -
I didn't even think
about what was mine...

I never wanted
to be with you -
and it is something
I will never go back to.

Friday, August 17, 2018


I picked myself up
after the fall -
and realized that I
actually have it all...

I have everything
that I ever dreamed -
I am now living
what had always seemed...

so out of reach
and not meant for me -
yet, here I am in love
happy and free!

Wednesday, August 15, 2018


we make mistakes -
you think it's love
then it's too late...

to take back what
you wish you could -
in hindsight
it was never good...

So accept the fact
the bad is gone -
and smile as you
move happily on.


I didn't want it
so I let it go -
now it's a life
I used to know...

the coming time -
where I am happy
and success is mine...

to make all
my dreams come true -
I had to say goodbye
to what I knew.

Tuesday, August 14, 2018


When it's time
to let them go -
cut it off
and let them know...

by your silence
you are gone -
that it is time
to move on...

and look back
when it's all done -
happy because
they weren't the one...

You needed
within your soul -
it was time
to let them go.


I don't have
to be on the road
as rain is pouring down...

I don't have
to face anyone
I don't want to be around...

I'm safe and
I am so secure
as I'm tucked away...

I always used
to dream of this
and wanted this each day...

So now I have
what I knew
would happen at some time...

I can let got
and see what's true
and enjoy this life of mine.


I guess the one good thing
I can say...

is that I quietly
walked away...

I didn't force or keep on
with trying...

even though at the time
I was dying...

I kept it all within

I gave it all my own
self help...

I crossed the bridge
and didn't fall in...

I still don't know
what I was thinking then.

Sunday, August 12, 2018


After a while
the constant chipping
leaves you incapable
to feel anything...

As you find
you are only numb
and never available
to feel any pain...

There is no reason
to rise in the morning
or any reason
to try at all...

As you find
you are only existing
because you can't
make the final call.


I will never
see you again -
I've accepted
this undeniable end...

I don't want
to even hear your name -
I've left behind
what was insane...

I won't cry
or look to the sky -
I won't pray
or hope I die...

because you tore
my heart into -
I will never again
see you.

Saturday, August 11, 2018


I'm letting go
I'm moving on -
I'm accepting
what is long gone...

It hurt my heart
it hurt my mind -
but now I see
it was the time...

To move away
and set it free -
those who weren't
meant to be for me.

Friday, August 10, 2018


I guess they can say what
they want to say
it's probably true...

drag it through the dirt
with a big x mark
target to shoot to...

I wish I'd never even met
anyone of them
and it wasn't true...

the things that happened
and the regretful decisions
that I can't undo.

Thursday, August 09, 2018


It wasn't me
It was you -
so glad to heaven
it is through...

I don't even know
how I fell -
into that nonsense
and into hell...

I'm not even sure
what I was thinking -
listening to a no one
my self esteem shrinking...

You are nothing
and now I see -
it was you
it wasn't me.

Monday, August 06, 2018


Well well well
what the freaking hell -
you never can know
and you never can tell...

I guess that karma
really does have a way -
of quietly popping up
and surprising you one day...

Just when you think
those that did you wrong -
will never have to face it
and happily go along...

You see for yourself
after they stabbed you in the back -
they eventually turn around
and get their own knife attack.

Saturday, August 04, 2018


I've been hurt
lost my self esteem -
been a victim of
the nice and the mean...

Been let go
and walked away -
cried many tears
on many a day...

I'm trying now
to change for good -
to do the things
I know I should...

To repair this heart
and right the wrong -
to do what I wish
I had done all along.

Tuesday, July 31, 2018


No contact
ever again -
not your family
and not your friend...

learning now
there is no one -
I need in my life
or in my home...

I found the truth
and the way out -
protecting myself
without a doubt...

because they
all lied to you -
so never contact
and be totally through.

Saturday, July 28, 2018

It Happened

So very glad that
I weeded the weeds out -
so stupid I see
was me without a doubt...

I can't believe
I lowered myself so low -
now I am amazed at
how far I'm going to go...

with the fluttering wings
and the prayer from above -
I'm done with that darkness
and living what I dreamed of.

Friday, July 27, 2018

The Years

Went through the pictures
So much has changed -
Yet, as I look
Some have remained the same...

Maybe what is gone
needed to go on and go -
and what left with death
was God's perfect choice so...

I have to accept
everything happens for a reason -
some people are for life
and some for just a season...

I can't keep kicking myself
for all the mistakes I've made -
I can't take anything back
with time I supposed they'll fade...

All I can do now
is pursue what is in store -
and learn from all I've lived
letting go of what is no more.

Thursday, July 26, 2018


out of it -
I will get as
good as I can get...

and moved on -
I'm actually glad
that it is all gone...

and relaxing for me -
putting my focus
on where it should be.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Up Hill

If somebody walks
just let them go -
You learned a lesson
and now you know...

They weren't meant
to be there for you -
the season you shared
is officially through...

So onto the next
new lessons to live -
and never look back
they have nothing to give.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Missing You Always

You visited me
last night in my dream -
to eat a hamburger
and you seemed...

quite fine and happy
totally at peace -
I woke from the dream
with complete ease...

but I thought of you
and how I miss your smile -
the day you left
was the hardest in a while...

you made the impression
that will never fade -
the day that you died
was one of my worst days.


So I sit and wonder
what now -
will I survive happily
some how?

Is the road I've followed
good for me -
Do I have an ever after
that is happy?

Did I do the right thing
once again -
how will this crazy story
ever end?

Will I smile and realize
one day -
everything had to happen
this way.

Monday, July 23, 2018


It's quiet,
just the smooth jazz -
I'm learning
to trust what I have...

I remember
the goals from then -
as I apply
putting my life to them...

Cutting ties
with things that held me down -
allowing only positive
to be what is around.

Saturday, July 21, 2018


The power
that heals -

sent angels
to reveal -

how stupid
I've been -

and lost
in complete sin -

then I was
saved -

from those
horrible days.

Thank you God.

Bye Haters

There is
a lot of good
in this cruel sad world...

and I want
to be the shining
good girl...

I'm making
a turning
point finally...

I will
now only
believe in me.

Friday, July 20, 2018


What it is that
I'm failing to see -
is that I am
completely free...

I don't have to deal
with anyone -
I can spend my days
just having fun...

I don't have to drive
in concrete hell -
I don't have to listen
to anyone tell...

me what I
should think or do -
out with the old
and onto the new!!

Wednesday, July 18, 2018


It's gone
because I let it go...

I've learned
and only I can know...

I've felt
pain and happiness...

I've made
my own type of mess...

I've decided
to start fresh and new...

I'm dedicated
to do all I can do.

Monday, July 09, 2018

Small Seats

Dear God
I'm going to
Florida today...

Thank God
I get to
get away...

and cleanse
and leave it behind...

on myself
and try to be kind...

To my
self esteem
that is ripped away...

Dear God
let me find it
and show me the way.

Sunday, July 08, 2018

Answered Prayers

Just be quiet
disappear -
You'll look back
in about a year...

and see how stupid
you have been -
and feel so silly
to remember when...

you almost threw it
all away -
you'll be glad for this
some day.

Friday, July 06, 2018


You will
laugh again...

You will
be glad for the end...

You will
move on with life...

You will
love being the wife...

You will
feel healthy one day...

You will
be glad you walked away.

Thursday, July 05, 2018


Hated and
manipulated -
verbally abused
more than one time...

Life vest
strapped -
to my chest
to save this life of mine...

Lied to
deceived -
eyes of hate
stabbed from behind...

Truth shines
brightly -
awoken to reality
I'm awake this time.

Wednesday, July 04, 2018


Nothing -
Exactly what
you're going to do...

Never -
look back
it really wasn't you...

Shaking -
I see
what is really true.

Monday, July 02, 2018


You will look back
and see for sure -
this was what you needed
to endure...

It's for the best
as all things change -
and really it doesn't
mean anything...

Except it is
the best for you -
out with the old
and onto the new.

Sunday, July 01, 2018


I deleted anything
to do with you -
the pictures, emails
what we went through...

I closed it all
and shut it away -
it's gone and now
it's a brand new day...

You weren't good
at all for me -
you were about yourself
and now I see...

how you blamed it
all on my mind -
but you were the one
that was the angry kind.


I don't know
what I did -
Stupid decisions

Saw the numbers
and wasted smiles -
living alone
and in denial...

I guess I'll go
and get away -
maybe that
is where I'll stay.


Saw for myself
the outed traitor -
the one who was
the instigator...

the one who said
it's only change -
the one who is
what is deranged...

the one I hope
I never see again -
this chapter has
reached the end.

Friday, June 29, 2018


It can't be over
if it never was -
believing someone
just because...

living a lie
so stupid to see -
the dumbass fool
again was me....

Goodbye sweetheart
you were a lie -
and I can say
finally goodbye.

Thursday, June 28, 2018


It just doesn't
matter anymore -
the water has iced
like never before...

There is no feeling
it is all gone -
I don't even care
what lies beyond...

The eyes are dead
a distant sight -
goodbye to it all
and goodnight.

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Moving On

This I promise
to myself -
to never again
feel like I felt...

No more headaches
and broken hearts -
to never care and
just never start...

Never trust
what I hear -
this is now
crystal clear.

Monday, June 25, 2018

Good Riddance

They do not know
and do not care -
so why pursue
what is not there...

In solitude 
I'll find my way -
on my own
until my dying day.

Saturday, June 23, 2018


I'm going
to be alright -
It was with myself
that I had the fight...

Always worried
they didn't want me -
how could I
have lived so blindly...

It was I
who didn't want them -
filled with terror
lost in sin...

I'm actually glad
that I am now free -
the one who was lost
and found was me.

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Glass Shards

I won't reach out
to touch anything -
it's the only way
to avoid the sting...

I won't look back
or figure it out -
it's time to learn
to go without...

I won't try
to mend broken glass -
that is shattered into
and would never last...

with only epoxy
to hold it together -
the cut it left
was there to sever...

any attachment
to something not real -
the pain of the cut
left nothing to feel.

Monday, June 18, 2018


Never again -
This my friend
was the end...

who even -
cares anymore
there is no score...

and it will -
be forever
no more.


A new leaf
has turned over -
the spring blew
the past behind...

I have wished
on the four leaf clover -
and I have found
what is mine...

I don't need
what is behind me -
what I've left
is far away...

So I can smile
for in reality -
I have found
a brand new day.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018


What have I
learned -
I suppose it's
all earned...

The only good
I can say -
is being able
to hide away...

it was time -
and maybe
I'll be fine...

After all
they are gone -
and I finally
move on.

Thursday, May 03, 2018


Another one
Once again
I move on...

one more time...
To trust
this life of mine...

Is not
to be shared...
with those
who supposedly cared...

but really
needed more...
than you
could provide for.

Monday, April 30, 2018


Everything changes
year after year...
in a blink of an eye
what you hold dear...

is gone in a second
leaving you in the dust...
where do you turn
and who do you trust...

Not really sure
what I should think...
sit alone and cry or
crawl in a hole and shrink...

Memories came
but are left far behind...
with everyone's tears
especially mine.

Friday, April 20, 2018


far away
in the past...

I see
parts of me...

coming alive
I can thrive...

to follow
no longer hollow.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Fortune Cookie

I just don't know -
I suppose I'll find out...

What's ahead -
what it's all about...

It was the blind -
that lead the way...

At least I hid -
and went away...

There may be -
a future breakthrough...

To try once again -
is all I can do.

Sunday, April 08, 2018


The fool
looked in the mirror
and asked the reflection...

What have I learned? -

The reflection
looked back said
apparently nothing -

Any success is earned.

Whatever it is
that keeps you awake
or allows you to sleep in peace...

Knowing the difference
between what you want
and what you need -

is what will set you free.

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Tall Trees

Not sure why
all the hate...
I never did anything
to them anyway...

I'll build my walls
and protect my heart...
I'll save myself
before I fall apart...

Find my privacy
no matter how...
no matter the price
I won't give up now...

Hide and seek
and run far away...
I don't care anymore
what they think or say.

Friday, March 23, 2018

Blank Slate

Alone -
in a million ways...
by myself
in a lonely haze...

Just trying to be
what I want inside...
I can't even count
the tears I've cried...

Learning to live
understanding life...
dealing with anxiety
and so much strife...

Yet, I will try
to make it through...
as I wonder
what do I do?

Tuesday, February 20, 2018


Oatmeal cookies
after school -
the fire going
in the brick hearth...

My mom teaching
all the piano lessons -
little naps
on the blue bean bag...

Innocent times
with not much money -
dinner was welcome
the sink of dishes weren't...

The radio played
appropriate music -
the TV aired
appropriate shows...

People had class
and spoke with integrity -
unlike now
such a spite filled world...

I'll close my eyes
and think of when -
there was a time
I would live again.

Thursday, February 15, 2018


or anywhere..

Hide away
it's finally fair...

Out of touch
and locked away...

Where I live
where I'll stay...

There is no one
I want to see...

Just me alone
finally free.


absent of light,
Uncertain path -

a new direction,
pacing myself -

over my shoulder,
but why -

through the tears,
new life.

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Check Mark

Run away
don't ever look back..

Focus on your strengths
and not what you lack...

Leave them all
in the dust behind...

Change your views
and change your mind...

You don't owe
anyone anything...

Just disappear
and find a new dream...

Live quiet and alone
and just being you...

Turn a new stone over
as you will get through.

Friday, February 09, 2018


and humiliated
once again embarrassed -

the shame game...

just gone
never see anyone -

forget my name...

after years
and changing everything -

I can regain...

new growth
self esteem established -

and the end of pain.

Wednesday, January 31, 2018


It's done, and it's quiet,
and that's ok
I have nothing left to say...

what a ride it all has been
I didn't try
and I didn't win...

at least not yet
because I foresee
finally happy times for me.

Sunday, January 28, 2018


I care about my dogs
more than anything...

Just to be with them
and the joy they bring...

Sweet and soft
so furry too...

My precious angels
I so love you...

Through all my life
my best friends were...

Covered in love
Covered in fur...

I'm so thankful
as I snuggle them to me...
That I love them
and they love me.

Monday, January 22, 2018


It's weird
how you move on -
You look back
and they are all gone...

People that
you used to know -
you forget their names
and on you go...

But they meant
something to you -
life went bye
and you were through...

with that time
you won't have again -
but I'll never forget
a true and honest friend.

Sunday, January 21, 2018


The truth is
you're going to die -
I don't know how
and I don't know why...

But one day
your breath will end -
Deny it all you want
but that's how it ends ...

So everyone
that is wise should see -
enjoy your damn life
take it from me.

Saturday, January 13, 2018


Flowing -
like the river
and the stream...

Flying -
experiencing all
kinds of different things...

Seeing -
things I've never
seen before...

Freeing -
because it's not
my life anymore...

Happy -
because I
can chose what I pursue...

While watching -
my real dreams
come true.