Wednesday, January 09, 2008


I guess I've played
in the devil's playground,
probably stayed around
the sandbox...

Back in the day
all she had to say
was it would make you...

really skinny
really fast.

So I tried it..
white -
it went down with
a burn.

But I did it -

and again
and again.

I wasn't sure it would end -
and it did make me thin...

I wrote the best poetry
ever -
had the most energy
ever -
straws, razorblades and

Eventually anxiety
took that drug away from me -
weird that one demon
won out the other.

Haven't been back there
couldn't cope -
now it's a drink
or a toke...

those over the counter diet pills
are about as far as I go.

Glad I got out
some don't know how to escape -
or when they do
it's too late.

The devil's playground
looks good from the sandbox,
but don't ever...

ride on the slide.

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