Thursday, January 31, 2008

Mittens and Gloves

The wind blows hard
against this old building -
the windows rattle
as the wind whips the trees.

Reminds me of school
when the world was so big -
wintertime was enormous
for young ones in hoods.

Back then all that mattered
sat in the desks beside you -
The clothes, fads and boys
who liked who, who liked you.

As you grow up
your life expands -
beyond the blocks you played on
with a dirty face and hands.

When I visit now
the houses aren't as big -
and those so important
I've never seen again.

Yet when the wind whistles,
and winter touches my face -
I visit a blast from my past
that no longer is my place.

Sunday, January 27, 2008


You will be
away from me
so far you're not
a memory...

I will start again
this will fade away -
a beacon will guide me
to where I'll never say...

Why must my heart
make sense again -
the future's upon me
this past will end.

Saturday, January 26, 2008


I feel quite alone
in a lonely world -
so many,
so close
but no soul...

cold days, foggy nights
winter chill, bundled tight -
heading out,
with the dew
in my eyes...

It's hard to find the
motivation, inspiration -
for my smile,
hidden behind
a tear of mine...

a fact I have to face,
the leather and the lace -
hard times get softer,
with time and space
so off I go...

alone in a cold cold place.

Friday, January 25, 2008


Step outside
your daily day -
to do things in a
different way...

take a different
route to work -
buy something new
for a perk...

When lunchtime comes
eat something other -
than anything usual
like peanut butter...

Try different things
change out your grind -
A brisk walk or good book
will uplift your mind...

Choose to do
things you never do -
live life fresh...
try something new.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Tick Tock

There was a man -
not old, not young
he used to walk these halls...

A year ago -
he was here maintaining
what maintenance men maintain...

This year -
he's gone
he had four months notice...

I wondered why -
why him, why babies,
why the good instead of the bad...


Black or white -
young and old -
rich or poor -


I remember the man -
blue eyes, grey hair
needed a good shave...

He would sit -
at the table
in the break room...

Fixing problems -
having meetings
up until his time was up...

I notice everyone -
still running in a hustle
angry, hurried and stressed...

They didn't ponder -
the heart of life
theirs didn't even skip a beat...

while I wonder -
what does all that matter...
and who's next.

Monday, January 14, 2008


In my twenties -
sitting in my apartment,
the second floor layout
held such a nice view -

with hope too...

Journals in my hand
textbooks surrounded me -
I was young
and so tied down...

yet free...

Sweet sweet son
forever faithful dog -
my life ahead
held many visions

of all I would do...

working full time...
the single mom
and enough inspiration

to see...

Goals are only
accomplishments -
to give your life meaning
and your fragmented soul


Friday, January 11, 2008

Dream Come True

Maybe I'll look
back on this day
and see what has transpired
in a positive way...

won't let my
mind be taken back
keep my eyes on the prize
and not what I lack...

I'm going to make
this dream come true
no matter what
I have to do.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008


I guess I've played
in the devil's playground,
probably stayed around
the sandbox...

Back in the day
all she had to say
was it would make you...

really skinny
really fast.

So I tried it..
white -
it went down with
a burn.

But I did it -

and again
and again.

I wasn't sure it would end -
and it did make me thin...

I wrote the best poetry
ever -
had the most energy
ever -
straws, razorblades and

Eventually anxiety
took that drug away from me -
weird that one demon
won out the other.

Haven't been back there
couldn't cope -
now it's a drink
or a toke...

those over the counter diet pills
are about as far as I go.

Glad I got out
some don't know how to escape -
or when they do
it's too late.

The devil's playground
looks good from the sandbox,
but don't ever...

ride on the slide.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Go Away

Push, push,
push them away -
when they are rude
with the words they say...

leave them behind
in your past life -
you weren't meant to be
treated with strife...

better to be alone
with dignity -
than treated with
rudeness and inequality.


Spring is around the corner
where the clouds go
Knock, Knock, Knock...

doesn't matter
where you are -
or if you're home or not...

Twirling, swirling,
when the clouds start curling
be advised the objects go a hurling -

Better run or find a place
better pray for a little grace
with a paralized in fear face

tornado's take their place.

Friday, January 04, 2008


Lost little girl
in a big round world,
running to and fro
in a crazy daze whirl...

Daddy isn't home
for the past twenty years,
Mommy never taught her
how to fight her fears...

Limelights are blinding
when the cameras roll,
perfection is hell
waiting to take it's toll...

Money's only green
if it doesn't make you black,
Once you've lost your innocence
you can't get it back.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008


New life -
new wife...
time to make
a sacrifice...

to see the things
hidden in fear -
bring them closer
lure them near...

learn the canvas
is of many colors -
some alone
and some with another...

hand on my thigh -
I feel the reason why,
it's scary to trust
but we must try...

I'll tell you why...

When the bed
is empty
and the night
is long -
from the fight
that never meant to be
that strong -
so let it go
when you know
it's not worth
a non-hello
and the walls are quiet
caving in your head
remember somethings
to be said
I'm sorry.


I'm setting my goals
I'll make my dreams come true -
I'll live my life to the fullest
if it's the last thing I do...

I'm leaving behind
the things that make me sad -
like anxiety and anger,
turn good out of bad...

I'll take this new year
and give it all I have -
push forward to accomplish
the things I've never had...

A list of goals will show
the road I'm going to travel
with passion and perseverance
as I watch my dreams unravel.