Monday, December 22, 2008


If all goes well
I'll see you tomorrow -
face to face
after eighteen years...

a little worried
a lot curious -
very aware that
life has thrown curveballs...

If all goes well
I'll see you smile -
recognize your eyes
and meet my long lost friend.

Thursday, December 04, 2008


She was twenty five
and so alive
her life an open book -

were her goals
she had what it took -

she smiled inside
and beamed with pride
at all that she could do -

the future
held exciting times
life was fun and new -

fast forward past
lies and deceit
mistakes based on untruth -

they tore her down
then used her up
and stole her hopeful youth -

to leave her bare
and barely there
she knew they couldn't care -

they polluted her life
with insults and strife
and proved life isn't fair.

Monday, December 01, 2008

White Wonderland

The tree lit up and white
with garland up the stairs -
Bright angels looking over
my lighted Christmas cares...

The fireplace will glow
as winter whistles through -
the smell of holiday spices
to greet a year that's new...

Cheeks will be quite rosie
children will sleep so tight -
stories and imagination
will light up December nights...

The celebration of His birth
the comfort of the bliss -
a happy time for all
have a Merry Christmas!

Sunday, November 16, 2008


Spagetti -
on a Sunday night...

music soft as the
dinner aroma drifts
throughout the house...

sweet dog
by the hearth
enjoying the chill...

shining through a
kitchen window...

neighbors decorating
for the season

the purpose of work

Spagetti -
on a Sunday night...

what the paychecks really worth.

Thursday, November 13, 2008


An erie feeling lingers -
the loudness made quite clear...

the anger and anticipation -
getting worse with each day here...

a strange magic hovers over -
a land with much to give...

as some wait and watch -
counting the days we have left to live.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008


Fish out of water
surrounded by sharks -
pompous and arrogant
where evil starts...

Lies and deceit
spread all around -
Kicking whomever
they can while they're down...

Godless and angry
and empty inside -
a fish out of water
with nowhere to hide.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Sitting in
while looking out -
nothing I know
anything about...

on your sleeves -
won't do anything
to relieve...

or complacency -
hide in a box
or just let it be.

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Some people
are like diamonds
sparkling to all who see...

them beaming
bringing hope
and happy just to be...

an inspiration
a float device
to those who drown...

dig deep and
search where your
diamonds can be found.

Thursday, October 09, 2008


I believe I've found
the end of my rope -
I'm finding it hard
to care to cope...

one thing after another
one more irritation -
what I need is a
long ass vacation...

away from the users
and losers with voices -
and on to my own life
and my own choices...

How hard can it be
to start over from scratch -
because here in this
hell hole is not where it's at!!!!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Window Panes

She cries
cries over him -
and she longs to go back
to their life back then.

She sees his face
and she can't erase -
how he left her
standing there...

smiling his smile
knowing all the while -
with her heart caught
in denile...

She stares away
in lived through days -
and she cries
cries over him.

Thursday, September 18, 2008


I hold the future
in the palm of my hand -
I have to follow through
I need to understand...

I have to let go
of all that holds me back -
my life is mine alone
no more brutal attacks...

If someone holds me down
I have to set them free -
I have to follow the life
that lies inside of me....

No matter who they are
I will let them go -
otherwise happiness
is something I'll never know.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


I know I'm where
I shouldn't be
in more ways than one -
I know I'm hearing
things for me
to take when I am gone...

and arrogance
rub me a different way -
I see how
their anger affects
their lives each day...

I'm here,
but in my mind
I am so far away -
any depth at all
as I keep them at bay.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Privacy Matters

Loud words are spoken
intent to sway -
people to vote
this or that way...

I have a brain
and my own identity -
I'll vote who I chose
represents me...

I don't need celebrities
or anchors on air -
telling me their choice
as if I should care.

I'll vote my own conscience
I'll vote my ideals -
strangers with a microphone
won't dictate how I feel.

I'm sick of their views
shoved down my throat -
me and my own views
will choose how I'll vote!

Monday, August 25, 2008

No Stop Signs

Going a mile a minute
down the interstate -

can't stop now
because I might be late -

I must take time
to contemplate -

that with a little luck
and alot of faith -

I just might find
a successful fate -

and no longer
have to wait.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Maple Syrup

The smell of breakfast
filling the room -
the sound of a coffee cup
and spoon...

the sizzle of bacon
as forks rake the plates -
the smiles on the patrons
who woke up quite late...

the good things in life
like coffee and cream -
pancakes and syrup
the tea and the steam...

brings people together
as their day begins -
mornings in route
strangers to friends.

Monday, July 28, 2008


Courage is not -

the absence of fear
the ability to be foolish,
in the grasp of death...

Courage is looking -

in the mirror
acknowledging the human,
aspect in the unknown...

Courage is seeing -

the truth
setting a goal and knowing
that somehow, someway

triumph shines through.

Even if failure wins....

Life and death -

is the roaring rapid
through it all.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

My Song

A thousand voices
can not reach you -
your lips can't part
for anyone...

a thousand poems
can not save you -
your heart has saved
what you've become...

in your eyes
a sea errupts -
with crazy little bitty lies...

that over take
your heart and headache -
buried beneath your silent cries...

for none
can hear you
you stand alone -

for none
can see you
you can't belong -

yet still the wind
blows your hair -
and you can see vivid clear

it's inside of me
I've felt it before
and apparently...

I'm back for more.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


I hold a bunch of balloons
that I will now release -
because the helium inside of them
I really can't appease...

Red, blue and green
to heavy a load for me -
Solitude is the price I pay
to actually be free...

of the anger and frustration
that constantly weigh me down -
to soar to where I need to be
I don't need them around.

Friday, July 11, 2008


Life's crazy
twists, turns, bumps and bruises
have let me know...

if it's meant to happen it will...
if it doesn't -
I will always have my memories...

no one can take those away from me.

My life experiences
that I savor -
now out of my grasp

faded photos...
wrinkled notes...
and long lost smiles...

do exist
if only
in my past.

Monday, July 07, 2008

Petals in the Wind

Your face is now
a stranger -
I don't know you at all

yet the pain
you must be facing -
is unbearable
I am sure...

may faith somehow
greet you -
may hope give you
a way...

to deal with this
unhealable heartbreak -
for you and yours
I'll pray.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Cut the chains
let your stress roam free -
look ahead
at what could possibly be -
free your mind
of the hypocrisy -
and enjoy this day
just let happiness be.

Monday, June 09, 2008


Sweet rain
of sweetness -
fresh smells
green leaves -
pitter patter
windshield wipers -
new growth
blooming flowers -
tipped toward heaven
to drink in -
the cup of

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Loveless Regrets

Behind her eyes
lie secrets
of things she'll never say -
inside her thoughts
away from all
they reappear each day...

Is it wrong to think
and know the truth
that things aren't as they seem -
is it wrong to drift
to another time
and plan out another dream...

She holds her fears
close to her heart
for that is what they fed -
when they took
away her innocence
while she was blindly led.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008


When I close my eyes
I can vision my life -
but I just can't seem
to get there...
when the sun sets low
and my feelings know -
there's gotta be
more out there...
stuck in this reality
alot out there in this boat with me,
when do you settle
and chose to see this is all life can be...
Is this all life can be?
I suppose it starts
with a little hope
if I can finally figure
out how to cope...
and make that
lemonade they parade -
with a sour
just a sour serenade.

Monday, May 05, 2008


We all say things that
we'd like to take back -
we all act in ways that
we really shouldn't act...

We all have thoughts
that need to go away -
we all have nights
that reveal a somber day...

Sometimes words
cut deep with no remorse -
It's best to think twice
before we use our voice.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008


The eve
of the pink roses -
make you contemplate
your current state
of life...

makes you
realize how fast
it might last
and how time
goes bye...

One chance...
One offer...
endless sea of opportunity -
if you just let go
and let it be.

Monday, April 28, 2008


The storms that
make me wake and shake -
and give my heart
a pounding earthquake....

have given back
a brand new floor,
new walls, new roof -
a steel front door.

Something to learn
from the terror of fear -
every storm has a lining
and this one is clear...

Life can be turbulent
scary and severe -
but the clouds have a lining
the message is clear...

There will always be
a brighter day -
for any problems
that come your way.

Face each nightmare
that might haunt you -
for after the storms
rainbows shine through.

Thursday, April 24, 2008



can't be bought...


Must be taught...


Should be sought...


are all you've got.

Saturday, April 19, 2008


Favorite time
of the week -
Saturday morning
after such a nice sleep...

away from all
the craziness -
quiet with energetic

the progress
will be up to me -
I say where
I have to be...

maybe soon
if all turns out well -
this will be everyday
only time will tell.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


I won't bow down
to the feelings of
depression -

I won't give
in to the world's
obsessions -

I will deal
with my deepest
confessions -

and live another
day learning from
life's lessons.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Red Corners

with the dangerous
the daggers are high...

I can't understand
why they all
ask why...

crazy sells
and strangeness smells
like greenery...

waterfalls with
rainbows drip
beautiful scenery...

Look around
the portrait of your
time here...

nothing lasts
forever and the
words were clear...

one day the
will have to part...


Tuesday, April 08, 2008


Fathers leave mothers -
Mothers leave fathers -
children are angry...

and no one benefits.

Morals are passe -
Evil happens everyday -
Lovers walk away...

and no one smiles.

I have to wonder
where we're going,
anywhere or just aimless


It's sad to see
the eyes of me -
deadened in this hopeless sea

of the lost.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


I'm thankful
with flowers in bloom -
lightening bugs
will flutter soon...

The sky above
is a perfect blue -
the sun has set
with stars peeking through...

All is quiet
except the breeze -
blowing through
with the air of ease...

sets happiness free -
the birth of life
and the birth of me.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Furry Friends

Today while I did
what it is that I do
to save animals -

from a life inside a cage,
from a life without love...
in walked a man.

Just when I wondered
are there any
good ones left?

There he was -
and successful...

Called his wife
on the phone
and sent pictures to say...

he'd found the puppy
to replace theirs
that died that day -

a year ago.

Caring and so sweet -
him with the puppy as
the puppy licked his nose...

Reasurred me -
Reminded me -
Revitalized me -

there are men
out there who love
and who care...

He liked my
pink shirt and
said the puppy did too.

I was glad to be there
when you found
each other...

Good luck stranger man
to you and
your new furry friend.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008


When the bridge is
long, high and intimidating...

I'll cross it...

Hands tight to the wheel,
head held up high...

No longer living
with regret of the past or...

fear of the future.

however your hands work -
how fearless your eyes are -
how strong your mind is -
how wise your ears hear -

Perserverance -
that is never overtaken with fear...

leads you on the road to

Monday, March 03, 2008


Deep breath
try to relax -
sit back and watch
the craziness pass...

Out into the world
on another rainy day -
so much to talk about
but not too much to say...

I made my move
with the cards I held -
I went forward
now only time will tell...

I'm holding hope
in the palm of my hand -
I'm counting on
supply and demand.

I'm putting my strength
in the one that I can help -
facing my future with courage
by believing in myself.

Saturday, February 09, 2008


Here's a prayer for serenity -
to bring out the best in me,
Dear God please shine down on me
and take away sweet misery.

Unveil what lies deep within -
make it mean something again,
hug me like a long lost friend
and show me a life of passion.

this boat is a lonely ride -
God knows all the tears I've cried,
and all the stupid things I've lied
to find some peace deep inside...

the only way to get to there -
is understand and really care,
life can be hard and unfair
but God has a plan to share..

Open up that box shut tight -
let out fear and negative insight,
follow the path of golden light
to lead to that heavenly sight.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Rocky Roads

Turned sweet 16 -
started working the very next day...

haven't stopped since.

Turned 18 -
had my sweet son the very next month...

he's still here.

Turned 26 -
graduated college and had a bachelor party...

Eventually got the job I hoped for.

Turned 27 -
got married and bought a house...

and then another.

Milestones in life
are more like rocks.

The more you climb,
the more you seek -

the more you seek,
the further you go -

the further you go,
the older you get -

the older you get,
the more you understand -

Milestones in life
are more like rocks -

and the more rocks you climb
the stronger you get...

I haven't been climbing this long

to quit now...

I will achieve -
I will believe...

in myself.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Mittens and Gloves

The wind blows hard
against this old building -
the windows rattle
as the wind whips the trees.

Reminds me of school
when the world was so big -
wintertime was enormous
for young ones in hoods.

Back then all that mattered
sat in the desks beside you -
The clothes, fads and boys
who liked who, who liked you.

As you grow up
your life expands -
beyond the blocks you played on
with a dirty face and hands.

When I visit now
the houses aren't as big -
and those so important
I've never seen again.

Yet when the wind whistles,
and winter touches my face -
I visit a blast from my past
that no longer is my place.

Sunday, January 27, 2008


You will be
away from me
so far you're not
a memory...

I will start again
this will fade away -
a beacon will guide me
to where I'll never say...

Why must my heart
make sense again -
the future's upon me
this past will end.

Saturday, January 26, 2008


I feel quite alone
in a lonely world -
so many,
so close
but no soul...

cold days, foggy nights
winter chill, bundled tight -
heading out,
with the dew
in my eyes...

It's hard to find the
motivation, inspiration -
for my smile,
hidden behind
a tear of mine...

a fact I have to face,
the leather and the lace -
hard times get softer,
with time and space
so off I go...

alone in a cold cold place.

Friday, January 25, 2008


Step outside
your daily day -
to do things in a
different way...

take a different
route to work -
buy something new
for a perk...

When lunchtime comes
eat something other -
than anything usual
like peanut butter...

Try different things
change out your grind -
A brisk walk or good book
will uplift your mind...

Choose to do
things you never do -
live life fresh...
try something new.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Tick Tock

There was a man -
not old, not young
he used to walk these halls...

A year ago -
he was here maintaining
what maintenance men maintain...

This year -
he's gone
he had four months notice...

I wondered why -
why him, why babies,
why the good instead of the bad...


Black or white -
young and old -
rich or poor -


I remember the man -
blue eyes, grey hair
needed a good shave...

He would sit -
at the table
in the break room...

Fixing problems -
having meetings
up until his time was up...

I notice everyone -
still running in a hustle
angry, hurried and stressed...

They didn't ponder -
the heart of life
theirs didn't even skip a beat...

while I wonder -
what does all that matter...
and who's next.

Monday, January 14, 2008


In my twenties -
sitting in my apartment,
the second floor layout
held such a nice view -

with hope too...

Journals in my hand
textbooks surrounded me -
I was young
and so tied down...

yet free...

Sweet sweet son
forever faithful dog -
my life ahead
held many visions

of all I would do...

working full time...
the single mom
and enough inspiration

to see...

Goals are only
accomplishments -
to give your life meaning
and your fragmented soul


Friday, January 11, 2008

Dream Come True

Maybe I'll look
back on this day
and see what has transpired
in a positive way...

won't let my
mind be taken back
keep my eyes on the prize
and not what I lack...

I'm going to make
this dream come true
no matter what
I have to do.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008


I guess I've played
in the devil's playground,
probably stayed around
the sandbox...

Back in the day
all she had to say
was it would make you...

really skinny
really fast.

So I tried it..
white -
it went down with
a burn.

But I did it -

and again
and again.

I wasn't sure it would end -
and it did make me thin...

I wrote the best poetry
ever -
had the most energy
ever -
straws, razorblades and

Eventually anxiety
took that drug away from me -
weird that one demon
won out the other.

Haven't been back there
couldn't cope -
now it's a drink
or a toke...

those over the counter diet pills
are about as far as I go.

Glad I got out
some don't know how to escape -
or when they do
it's too late.

The devil's playground
looks good from the sandbox,
but don't ever...

ride on the slide.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Go Away

Push, push,
push them away -
when they are rude
with the words they say...

leave them behind
in your past life -
you weren't meant to be
treated with strife...

better to be alone
with dignity -
than treated with
rudeness and inequality.


Spring is around the corner
where the clouds go
Knock, Knock, Knock...

doesn't matter
where you are -
or if you're home or not...

Twirling, swirling,
when the clouds start curling
be advised the objects go a hurling -

Better run or find a place
better pray for a little grace
with a paralized in fear face

tornado's take their place.

Friday, January 04, 2008


Lost little girl
in a big round world,
running to and fro
in a crazy daze whirl...

Daddy isn't home
for the past twenty years,
Mommy never taught her
how to fight her fears...

Limelights are blinding
when the cameras roll,
perfection is hell
waiting to take it's toll...

Money's only green
if it doesn't make you black,
Once you've lost your innocence
you can't get it back.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008


New life -
new wife...
time to make
a sacrifice...

to see the things
hidden in fear -
bring them closer
lure them near...

learn the canvas
is of many colors -
some alone
and some with another...

hand on my thigh -
I feel the reason why,
it's scary to trust
but we must try...

I'll tell you why...

When the bed
is empty
and the night
is long -
from the fight
that never meant to be
that strong -
so let it go
when you know
it's not worth
a non-hello
and the walls are quiet
caving in your head
remember somethings
to be said
I'm sorry.


I'm setting my goals
I'll make my dreams come true -
I'll live my life to the fullest
if it's the last thing I do...

I'm leaving behind
the things that make me sad -
like anxiety and anger,
turn good out of bad...

I'll take this new year
and give it all I have -
push forward to accomplish
the things I've never had...

A list of goals will show
the road I'm going to travel
with passion and perseverance
as I watch my dreams unravel.