Friday, June 29, 2007


so happy
don't mean to be
incredibly sappy -
but here I am
smiling ear to ear
what the happy hell
is going on here...
laughing, loving
and having a ball
excited about the future
the craziness of it all...
Time has come
and time has gone
could this have been
the plan all along..
so happy
feels good
just like I always should!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


I see the point
the end of this
the end of it all...

they must have courage
and some spunk
to make the final call...

Guess I'm weak
because in my mind
I dangle the plan...

Yet wake again
for nothing much
to live with who I am...

alone and bored
with nothing new
and sick of them all...

Wish I had
the strength of them
to make the final call!!!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

38 Special

Driving along
I hear a song
that brings back memories of you...

I fade to a time
when you were mine
young love that felt so true...

Innocence lived
when I kissed your lips
you brought me flowers and sprees...

We laughed at jokes
while learning the ropes
and parked beneath the trees...

Saturday nights
with dates so late
movies and popcorn full...

Promises spoken
bound to be broken
there's life after school...

I hear you're married
with kids in tow
I'm happy your life is well...

I can't help but see
you face in my heart
like the stories those memories tell.

Thursday, June 07, 2007


Let it happen
Let it be -
Let something finally
go right for me...

Let this hope
come into fruition -
Let this all be
a smart decision...

I want so bad
to make this new -
I pray so hard
this can come true...

Ideas of life
can be the end -
of a life headed
in a downward spin...

I have the goal
smart as it seems -
please let this become
an accomplished dream.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

The High Dive

How do you know
when to end it all -
step off the pier
and take the high fall...

If care is gone
and words are strong -
when does your gut
say it's time to move on...

The pain in the head,
the twinge to the heart -
the fears that you hide
the vulnerable part...

is holding your hand
and leading the way -
to a different future
can you afford to pay...

the doors may slam
and the quiet may scare -
would it even be possible
to find yourself there...

If you still even exist.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

June 5

Twenty years ago today,
both innocent and quite young -
remembering books we read
and all the songs we sung...

The angel of my eyes
the faith and hope we shared -
I will always treasure
every single memory there.

They may fade over time
but they will never leave -
the best decision in my life
was having him with me...

So many happy smiles
and laughter from the soul -
my angel and my son
the best person I could know...

There is nothing like the love
of a mother to her son...
Gratitude to God...
for giving me this one!!!

Sunday, June 03, 2007


Let in the light
to your heart -
it's the first place
to start...

I want to say
that love is true -
I want to say
it to you...

There is melody
when the sun is out -
and the sky is clear
and you lose your doubts...

There are dreamers
about to achieve -
a life long goal
a life long dream....

There is hope
if you push away the fear -
if you open your mind
things become clear...

So wrap your arms
around the brightest sun -
Let your life shine bright
for it's just begun.

Friday, June 01, 2007


I wish it had
turned out different -

I wish that the dreams
had become reality -

I wish that when I saw
my visions they were true -

Now I have suspicion,
searching for the real truth -

desperately trying to find out
if I'm wasting my youth -

what is left of it...
what is within me -

the truth
might set me on the path -

I never wanted it that way
I had innocence on that day -

that is now eluded...
unfortunately buried and not -

because when vows
aren't cherished they are gone -