Monday, March 03, 2025


Numerous times
I believed in something
that didn't even exist...

Blindly following
fake smiles and lies
sealed with a kiss...

Words are spoken
never to be believed
awaiting the diss...

Pretzels and ice cream
the salty and sweet
sugar coated bliss.

Saturday, February 22, 2025


With spring around the corner
will I find new life -
because I feel so down
dealing with constant strife...

I am trying to see sunshine
and appreciate each day -
But sometimes it is easier
to keep the sun far away...

I hide in my turmoil
then drown in my tears -
questioning what I have left
and how many more years...

I don't see much hope
why should I even care -
I am just existing 
sick and tired of being there. 


Saturday, February 01, 2025

Tidal Waves

I can't save the world
I can just abide -
I couldn't even keep
my precious dog alive...

I can't be a savior
or heal the dying -
I can't prolong life
or stop all the crying...

I can only be the best
person I can be -
and believe in my heart
there is eternity...

Where all of this mess
will drift far away -
I will try my best
to live each day...

Striving to be someone
that others will see -
I care about them more
that I care about me...

and bring a smile
to those that are broken -
lifting them up with
gentle words spoken.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025


Now what
I supposed it is me -
why can't I 
leave it all be... 

Maybe it's time
to kick the can -
the wrong place
is wherever I am...

It never works out
only for a time -
nothing is really
meant to be mine...

quiet as a mouse
hidden away -
closing the door
as I walk away.

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Pack Up Already

Here I sit just
two weeks in -
it seems that 
I can not win...

I'm very sick and
on my own -
Yet, I'm happy
to be all alone...

This year has been
a crappy start -
my dog died
and broke my heart...

Now I sit with
some kind of  flu -
I wish I could
just make it true...

Finally move to
the salty air -
because I am over
and do not care...

to live here
even one more day  -
I need to finally
move far away.

Sunday, January 12, 2025


I stand alone
and from afar -
way away from 
where they are...

I've always been
quite intrigued -
though to them 
I mean nothing...

but I longed
to go there when -
I was young
about to begin...

My favorite trip
was the PCH -
I'd go back
I wouldn't hesitate...

My prayers
are lifted there -
Broke or rich
I truly care.

Thursday, January 09, 2025


There's only one set of paw prints
when there should be two -
it's now been a week
since I devastatingly lost you...

The snow comes down
I wish you were here to see -
I know you'd run around
searching for squirrels under your tree...

I am so heart broken
can you hear me call your name -
I have accepted my life
will never be the same...

No one will ever
understand how I feel -
I keep waking up 
wishing this wasn't real...

My love my angel
I need you next to me -
Just like the weather
I am left cold and so icy.

Tuesday, January 07, 2025


I'll head home
you won't be there -
I'll search for you

Buddy will whine
and look around -
but my baby
won't be found...

I will endure
another night -
missing you
tucked in tight..

So many things
we did every day -
now I cry
the night away.

Monday, January 06, 2025

Cutting Pain

Facing the day
I wish it wasn't true -
I'm about to head home
and there won't be you...

Watching you die 
is haunting my heart -
I am in disbelief 
I am torn apart...

I have to go on 
with responsibilities -
I hope that you knew
what you meant to me...

I just keep breathing
but all is so dark -
it is hard to live
with a broken heart. 

Sunday, January 05, 2025

Given Up

Let the yard grow over
let the house fall apart -
let all of my surroundings
match the state of my heart...

Let the world stop turning
let my life fade away -
I don't see me wanting
to enjoy another day...

So many loves I have lost
time is only cruel -
I have nothing left in me
I have no more fuel...

I don't care to rise up
and face the week ahead -
I literally hope inside my soul
that I can now be dead.

Sasha Blue

Like a beautiful ray of happiness
she left as fast as she came -
and I know in my broken heart
life will never be the same...

I've had her since she was eight weeks old
and loved her with all of my heart -
the fact that she is already gone
is painful and has broken my heart...

How will I ever go on
as I keep on breaking down -
When I sit in our special places
it kills me she is not around...

I don't understand why this happened
why did she have to go-
there was so much life left to live
I guess I will never know...

I hope somehow she feels that I
am devasted and love her so -
Oh my baby, my precious pup
why did you have to go.  

Saturday, January 04, 2025

Tear Drops to Heaven

I wish I could call you
but you are gone now too -
I am feeling hopeless
and don't know what to do...

You always made me see
sad things from your view -
you always made it better
and helped me to pull through...

I need your honest humor
and voice to make me smile -
I need to sit on the patio
and visit for a while...

I hope that she found you
and together you will be -
in that place of paradise
waiting patiently for me.

Broken Heart

While everybody lives
I'll just die away -
I don't think I can take
living another day...

No more heartache
no more tears galore -
I don't even know
what I'm on earth for...

Just one more thing
to tear me into -
I should realize
this is nothing new...

Feeling so down
feeling torn apart -
just go on and take it
I don't need a heart. 

Friday, January 03, 2025

My Girl

Can I? Will I? 
I don't know...

Why did my baby
have to go...

She held on as 
best she could -

I did all they
said I should...

Now all have is a
ball of her hair...

I hold it close because
she's not there...

There is nothing else
I could do...

My heart is broken
right into.

Torn Apart

No one will ever
feel like I do -
I don't even know
if I'll pull through...

I reach out my hand
to touch her fury face -
she was always beside me
that was her place...

How will I get through
this horrible pain -
what was the purpose
what did it gain...

She still had life
I tried in vain -
why is she gone
nothing is the same...

My heart is shattered
my stomach in knots -
my head is pounding
with depressing thoughts...

This is just horribly
terribly sad -
I'm torn apart
and yes I'm mad...

My precious girl
I'll love you till I die -
Let your ghost visit me
as I lay here and cry.

Wednesday, January 01, 2025

Gut Punch

While the world celebrates
I'll sit here with my tears -
It is another heartbreak
and all of my worst fears...

There is nothing I can do
as once again I see -
it is inevitable 
as she lies next to me...

The scar on my body
will last through my life -
but it is not as large
as the heartbreak of goodbye...

I pray for a miracle
I beg for health to return -
I suppose this is the price
when will I ever learn...

Love is full of pain
and only a matter of time -
until what you loved
has left you behind.