Wednesday, September 18, 2024


Save it for 
the ride home -
save it until
you are alone...

You can let it
all out then -
by yourself
at least till ten...

Where you can
hide in privacy -
and let the tears
all flow freely.


Tears rim my eyes
as I feel defeated -
so many times
I have repeated...

Choices that kill
and clog my mind -
with people who are
rude and unkind...

I feel mistakes
have ruined my hope -
I find it difficult 
just to cope...

I don't hold belief
in anything here -
as I watch all
happiness disappear.

Dial Tone

Things are about to get
completely real -
I'm about to express
exactly how I feel...

What I will put up with
what I won't do -
what I have decided 
I will pursue...

I have one shot
and this is my time -
I will dictate
what will be mine...

I don't need anyone
ever at all -
my life, my choices
and my call.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024


Well here it is
it's been a year -
I'm kind of shocked
that I'm still here...

There is good
and there is bad -
I suppose it's better
than what I had...

Some things loom
in front of me -
All I can do 
is wait and see...

if the dream
becomes reality -
and that vision
comes to be.