Tuesday, July 23, 2024


Does an angel carry you
gently on her wings -
do you kneel before God
while the angels sing...

Are your ancestors there
or friends that you knew -
Is it like a vivid dream 
with a heavenly hue...

What are the heavens 
beyond what it shows -
it's a complete mystery
no human can know...

We trust and believe
but it's sobering too -
when your body dies 
what becomes of you?

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Friends Forever

Remember the night
we spilled the whole tray -
that poor waitress
working that day...

Or when you jumped my fence
and said call your mom -
as I worried about Brandon
while I was working and gone...

Or when I broke my fingers
leaving your place -
you called the next day laughing
with love and grace...

Or when Jared saved Garrett
with the abdominal thrust -
and then he kept on eating because
your potato salad was a must...

Or when you taught us all
about planting plants -
after hanging out and sharing
our many political rants...

We hung out at bars at night
and pools during the day -
we took many fun road trips
like Rockport in May...

Our kids, close friends
and all of our pets too -
You loved every single one
and they truly loved you... 

D'Bun, Kia, Molly,
Buddy, Sasha and Bear -
through all of my fur babies
you cared and were there...

So how do we live knowing
that you are now gone -
how do we get the strength
to stand up and go on...

For me, in my heart I know
we will be together again -
so save me a seat
and I'll see you then.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Fresh Air

Carry yourself 
with dignity -
live your life

follow dreams
show you care -
be smart
play fair...

Do your best to
follow through -
find fun things
there are to do...

Each day is
a new slate -
for you to choose
your own fate.

Friday, July 12, 2024


What else can I do
except pray for you -
as I beg to God 
for you to live through...

This horrible cancer
this sudden scare -
with all of my heart
I love you and care...

I keep you close
and dream at night -
that you have won
this unfair fight...

and we will speak
remembering when -
you had a health scare
that was back then.