Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Pin Drops

Shot down
to the ground -
why am I 
even around...

Surely there's
a better place -
wasted life
waste of space...

why is it
I even try -
I sit and ask
myself why...

Nothing is here
nothing is new -
they are rude
through and through...

Always treated
with disdain -
a nothing life
a losing game...

Quiet as
I always am -
frankly I don't
give a damn.


You know what
you need to do -
be see through
it's nothing new...

Don't reach out
don't appear -
be unavailable
and never near...

Don't respond
not at all -
don't text back
avoid the call...

They are not
on your side -
the truth is that
they always lied.


Once again
I guess I'll see -
if this one is
right for me...

All I can do
is try again -
ignore the negative
and don't give in...

to their words
that hurt the heart -
learn to never
fall apart...

as I'm held
bound with glue -
until I make my
dreams come true.

Friday, July 21, 2023


I've learned well
to avoid them all -
keep quite quiet
and safely small...

Just look away
never on display...
You don't belong
with them anyway...

So much rudeness
so much strife -
I won't deal  
in this worldly life...

So many times
I learn once more -
to just walk away
and shut that door.