Tuesday, May 30, 2023


Feeling down
will it matter -
will my feet 
go pitter patter...

or will it be
a waste of hope -
to drive away 
and learn to cope...

with rejection
once again -
sometimes I feel
I just can't win...

Yet I put myself
on the line -
I'll see what happens
one more time. 

Friday, May 26, 2023

Bid Adieu

At least I have
some memories -
left to take 
away with me...

I was kept
quite far away -
as you lived 
your life your way...

Not one to let
anyone intrude -
not even clothes,
cards or food...

I guess you felt
no duty -
even in death
I can see...

I never mattered
much to you -
I always knew
that was true.

Monday, May 15, 2023


Small as a mouse
hidden away -
sneaking around
with no one to play...

Nowhere to go
and there is no cheese -
not a crack in the door
to feel the breeze...

All the other
mice are now dead -
I guess you can't
hide under the bed...

You must get up
and run away -
before they lead
your life their way.


I am hungry
with no appetite -
I want to live
but have lost the fight...

There isn't much
left for me to see -
but I choose to continue
in my dignity...

Because I am
a child of God -
I'm not sure why
the kingdom nod...

but I know
that he loves me -
and I am his
for eternity!

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Dead End

Nobody does
it's all on you -
why did you believe
dreams come true...

Maybe for some
that is the way  -
for others it's just
another grey day...

You rise to see
nothing to hope -
you do whatever
you can to cope...

There is no luster
there is no glee -
just living to die

Monday, May 08, 2023


It's quiet now
I am alone -
with my thoughts
inside my home...

What will be
where will I go -
the future is something
I can't know...

But I can
try each day -
to do my best
in every way...

and eventually
I will see -
it was all
meant to be.

Sunday, May 07, 2023


The lawnmower sound
in the background -
the lazy Sunday
just to lounge around... 

I'm so thankful
for another day -
where I am healthy
and able to say...

Thank you Lord
for my blessed life -
for making me
a mom and a wife...

So many mistakes
with lessons too -
is why I gave
my heart to you...

You literally answer
my deepest prayers -
I feel peace knowing
you are always there...

and when this life
is over for me -
in your presence 
is where I will be!

Wednesday, May 03, 2023


Is anything
out there -
is life ever
really fair?

Do we ride
and die -
or just straight
up lie...

Things become
so numb -
the table leaves
a crumb...

as you try
to feel hope -
doing things
to just cope...

with how you
are let down -
and there is
no one around.