Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Raindrops on Ivy

The past is left behind
vaporized in the wind -
it is place in the mind
you will never be again...

There may be reminders
a song or a place -
there are happy days 
that can never be replaced...

Then there are those
that you have to let go -
release them to heaven
and use them to grow.

Tuesday, April 04, 2023

I Wish You Well

Here I am once again
same place different view -
I should be surprised
but it is now nothing new...

Pushed out again
left in the murky dust -
parking in the front
was a final care less must...

I don't want to be
where they do not care -
or where I am the one
who is treated unfair...

I'm not sure why
they treat me that way -
it's the same situation
different place, different day.