Thursday, December 29, 2022


Perched up above
looking down at it all -
when you're up high
everything looks so small...

Signs are lit up
a cross shines bright -
as I watch the day
fade away into night...

Will I still be here
in a month or two -
will this be the year
my dreams come true...

So much has changed
with a positive spin -
I'm making the choice
and determined to win.

Friday, December 02, 2022


It's dreary here
four stories high -
as I watch the 
cars go bye...

I've tried so hard
to leave behind -
all that I don't
want as mine...

Yet sometimes still
they appear -
No matter where
they still are near...

These chains will bust
when I break free -
and live the life
I dream to see.