Monday, October 24, 2022


Out of that bubble
I can see -
None of that 
was good for me...

I watch them now
and wonder why -
I wanted to be
their live and die...

They don't matter
and never did -
it was in my mind
and off the grid...

They are the same
just a different day -
I would never be able
to live that way...

Taken for granted
thrown to the side -
I'm happy that I
am off that ride. 

Monday, October 10, 2022

Second Floor

I think of you -
and all that
we went through...

You were smart
a dad like gem -
during the fall
I think of then...

Crazy talks
and happy times -
I learned so much
you let me shine...

You treated me
like a queen -
I saw my eyes
actually beam...

I hope that you
are so happy -
and smile if you 
ever think of me.

Monday, October 03, 2022


I won't never
ever again -
I'm not the same fool
I was back them...

believing in
peoples petty words -
it now seems
completely absurd...

Always run
when being chased -
or else you
will have to face...

What you knew
you shouldn't do -
staring straight
back at you.