Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Until Next Time

It's quiet now
the voices left behind -
where they are always
having a good time....

The lovely shops
dinners on the dock -
everyone singing
that it is five o'clock...

Such happy faces with
stories that never end -
where the island sun sets
and Mile 0 begins...

It tugs at my heart
to watch as I fly away -
but I will be back
and will long for that day.

Friday, July 08, 2022

Ass Fault

Bogies to my left
and bogies to my right -
every single day
it's a concrete fight...

It doesn't even matter
if it's day or if it's night -
there's bogies to my left
and bogies to my right...

Lots of honking horns
and cars in the way -
trying to get around 
another metal display...

They play bumper cars
as you try to get away-
from bogies all around
every single day.