Thursday, June 30, 2022


She wiped the
salty tears away -
living another
dreary day...

While feeling like
a waste of space -
with lots of
memories to erase...

Nothing seems
to get ahead -
she wish she'd stayed
in her bed...

No one to see
no one to care -
this life is never
ever fair.

Monday, June 13, 2022


Blue skies
hot sun -
hotel rooms
traveling fun...

Boat rides
jet skis -
patio lunches
shady trees...

Water parks
beach trips -
backing into
boat slips...

Flip flops
salt and lime -
soaking up 
the summer time.

Sunday, June 05, 2022


Life is fleeting
not sure why -
people are born
and people die...

Each one of us
every single day -
live this life
in our own way...

Never knowing
what day is the last -
making memories
that live in the past...

Where one day
we are the old photos -
that people wonder who
and nobody knows.