Sunday, May 29, 2022


Sweet solitude
allows to grow -
the dreams inside
that you know...

Give your life
purpose and hope -
a simple prayer 
will help you cope...

with anything
too heavy to bear -
God is always 
waiting there...

to comfort you
and lead with love -
to all those dreams
you're dreaming of.

Sunday, May 15, 2022


I can only 
ever agree -
to be the best
that I can be... 

To treat others
with dignity -
and hope they do
the same for me...

Always keep
a separate pace -
and always know
time and place...

Go the distance
handle with care -
enjoy the journey
getting there.

Sunday, May 08, 2022


Trust and believe
it will all be alright -
put in the effort
put up the fight...

you will get out
what you put in -
as long as you try
you will always win!


Tuesday, May 03, 2022


I used to
but not anymore -
I've cured myself
that is for sure...

Everything rolls
right off my back -
there's nothing I need
and nothing to lack...

I've learned some lessons
more than a few -
which keep leading on
to better and new...

Experiences and dreams
hope for the day -
I'm trying to keep
believing that way.