Saturday, April 30, 2022


Here it is
another day -
I wasn't sure
it would be this way...

It was a bite
it was a sting -
what anxiety
it did bring...

Still I awoke
one more time -
to give thanks
and to shine...

with a purpose
to find out -
what this life
is all about.

Friday, April 15, 2022


They really did it
shot it through the air -
it's like nothing else
was left standing there...

Everything I had
taken away from me -
all that I worked for
stolen underhandedly...

Abused and unhinged
lied to in my face -
certain memories
will never be erased...

Longing to escape
the past tragedy -
while searching ahead
somewhat frantically.

Monday, April 11, 2022


I just know
I'm letting go -
of this tidal wave
to and fro...

You don't give 
a fuck about me -
I give that back
quite freely...

I don't care
a fuck about you -
where you go
or what you do...

I hope I won't
see you again -
you're no lover
or a friend...

You're a waste
of precious time -
You won't get
anymore of mine!

Friday, April 08, 2022


Feeling hopeless
feeling down -
like a failure 
all around...

Seems it's all
a waste of time -
walking this
confusing line...

Nothing is ever
good enough -
for anybody
which is tough...

Still I do 
always try -
I have to wonder
exactly why.

Wednesday, April 06, 2022


It is way
beyond gone -
as all have now
scattered on...

All the memories
had to go -
with strangers that
I used to know...

Some pictures hold
a fading few -
happy things 
I used to do...

As I smile 
through faded tears -
while passing through
these passing years.