Sunday, March 27, 2022


Don't shop at the
candy shop -
no no no don't
shop till you drop...

It might look
quite shiny -
but keep on going
before you might be...

The next victim
with a big white smile -
snorting what 
can last for a mile...

But there you are
with a purple toe -
and the tag 
lets everyone know...

You checked out
and it's over now -
don't even listen
to the kitten meow.

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Bread Crumbs

Somewhat lost
in a familiar place -
somewhat bored
with the familiar face...

Somewhat needing
a change of scenery -
wondering inside
what is next for me...

It is so close
yet so far away -
I search aimlessly
each and every day...

Yet when I'm there
I know that it will be -
somehow and somewhere
my reality.

Saturday, March 12, 2022


Looking at the view 
Here in paradise -
To live here always 
Sure would be nice…

Sparking blue water 
The suns shining bright -
Birds all around 
Palm trees to my right…

It’s been an adventure 
I hate for it to end -
As soon as I get home 
I’ll want to come again!

Tuesday, March 01, 2022

Ice Cubes

I can't feel
at least not now -
this world has gone
insane somehow...

Hope in the future 
is gone with the wind -
I suppose normal 
will not be again...

What is there to gain
in this debauchery -
who wants to live
anything but free...

I don't get it
and I never will -
everyone needs
to fucking chill!