Thursday, December 29, 2022


Perched up above
looking down at it all -
when you're up high
everything looks so small...

Signs are lit up
a cross shines bright -
as I watch the day
fade away into night...

Will I still be here
in a month or two -
will this be the year
my dreams come true...

So much has changed
with a positive spin -
I'm making the choice
and determined to win.

Friday, December 02, 2022


It's dreary here
four stories high -
as I watch the 
cars go bye...

I've tried so hard
to leave behind -
all that I don't
want as mine...

Yet sometimes still
they appear -
No matter where
they still are near...

These chains will bust
when I break free -
and live the life
I dream to see.


Monday, November 28, 2022


Even if everyone
in the whole wide world -
doesn't believe in you...

You take the lead
and show yourself -
there's nothing you can't do...

Not one single person
matters or holds -
the high authority...

to take or make
your dreams and visions
your own reality...

So keep on going
climbing those hills -
believing in your goal...

Soon you will be 
actually living -
what is within your soul.

Friday, November 04, 2022


She stared out her window
to see nothing new -
there wasn't anything else
that she could really do...

So many decisions
always the wrong one -
far from her happiness
far from her fun...

Even though it's quiet
it is loud in her mind -
she wonders all alone
will there ever be a time...

She's happy from inside
fulfilled to the brim -
She looks to the sky
silently wondering when?

Monday, October 24, 2022


Out of that bubble
I can see -
None of that 
was good for me...

I watch them now
and wonder why -
I wanted to be
their live and die...

They don't matter
and never did -
it was in my mind
and off the grid...

They are the same
just a different day -
I would never be able
to live that way...

Taken for granted
thrown to the side -
I'm happy that I
am off that ride. 

Monday, October 10, 2022

Second Floor

I think of you -
and all that
we went through...

You were smart
a dad like gem -
during the fall
I think of then...

Crazy talks
and happy times -
I learned so much
you let me shine...

You treated me
like a queen -
I saw my eyes
actually beam...

I hope that you
are so happy -
and smile if you 
ever think of me.

Monday, October 03, 2022


I won't never
ever again -
I'm not the same fool
I was back them...

believing in
peoples petty words -
it now seems
completely absurd...

Always run
when being chased -
or else you
will have to face...

What you knew
you shouldn't do -
staring straight
back at you.

Monday, August 29, 2022


I just wanna know -
Why oh why
ever did I...

Is this it -
before I finally

Just a waste -
of time
and space...

Can I get away -
from this
rat race...

Just move on
before life
is gone...

Why did I -
will I live
before I die.

Saturday, August 13, 2022

Shining Star

and cameras
red carpets too...

and tiaras
spectacular views...

and men
all attention on you...

sky high
as you break through...

turn out
to be rough...

you know it
they call your bluff...

is not enough...

the good life
is actually tough.

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Until Next Time

It's quiet now
the voices left behind -
where they are always
having a good time....

The lovely shops
dinners on the dock -
everyone singing
that it is five o'clock...

Such happy faces with
stories that never end -
where the island sun sets
and Mile 0 begins...

It tugs at my heart
to watch as I fly away -
but I will be back
and will long for that day.

Friday, July 08, 2022

Ass Fault

Bogies to my left
and bogies to my right -
every single day
it's a concrete fight...

It doesn't even matter
if it's day or if it's night -
there's bogies to my left
and bogies to my right...

Lots of honking horns
and cars in the way -
trying to get around 
another metal display...

They play bumper cars
as you try to get away-
from bogies all around
every single day.

Thursday, June 30, 2022


She wiped the
salty tears away -
living another
dreary day...

While feeling like
a waste of space -
with lots of
memories to erase...

Nothing seems
to get ahead -
she wish she'd stayed
in her bed...

No one to see
no one to care -
this life is never
ever fair.

Monday, June 13, 2022


Blue skies
hot sun -
hotel rooms
traveling fun...

Boat rides
jet skis -
patio lunches
shady trees...

Water parks
beach trips -
backing into
boat slips...

Flip flops
salt and lime -
soaking up 
the summer time.

Sunday, June 05, 2022


Life is fleeting
not sure why -
people are born
and people die...

Each one of us
every single day -
live this life
in our own way...

Never knowing
what day is the last -
making memories
that live in the past...

Where one day
we are the old photos -
that people wonder who
and nobody knows.

Sunday, May 29, 2022


Sweet solitude
allows to grow -
the dreams inside
that you know...

Give your life
purpose and hope -
a simple prayer 
will help you cope...

with anything
too heavy to bear -
God is always 
waiting there...

to comfort you
and lead with love -
to all those dreams
you're dreaming of.

Sunday, May 15, 2022


I can only 
ever agree -
to be the best
that I can be... 

To treat others
with dignity -
and hope they do
the same for me...

Always keep
a separate pace -
and always know
time and place...

Go the distance
handle with care -
enjoy the journey
getting there.

Sunday, May 08, 2022


Trust and believe
it will all be alright -
put in the effort
put up the fight...

you will get out
what you put in -
as long as you try
you will always win!


Tuesday, May 03, 2022


I used to
but not anymore -
I've cured myself
that is for sure...

Everything rolls
right off my back -
there's nothing I need
and nothing to lack...

I've learned some lessons
more than a few -
which keep leading on
to better and new...

Experiences and dreams
hope for the day -
I'm trying to keep
believing that way.

Saturday, April 30, 2022


Here it is
another day -
I wasn't sure
it would be this way...

It was a bite
it was a sting -
what anxiety
it did bring...

Still I awoke
one more time -
to give thanks
and to shine...

with a purpose
to find out -
what this life
is all about.

Friday, April 15, 2022


They really did it
shot it through the air -
it's like nothing else
was left standing there...

Everything I had
taken away from me -
all that I worked for
stolen underhandedly...

Abused and unhinged
lied to in my face -
certain memories
will never be erased...

Longing to escape
the past tragedy -
while searching ahead
somewhat frantically.

Monday, April 11, 2022


I just know
I'm letting go -
of this tidal wave
to and fro...

You don't give 
a fuck about me -
I give that back
quite freely...

I don't care
a fuck about you -
where you go
or what you do...

I hope I won't
see you again -
you're no lover
or a friend...

You're a waste
of precious time -
You won't get
anymore of mine!

Friday, April 08, 2022


Feeling hopeless
feeling down -
like a failure 
all around...

Seems it's all
a waste of time -
walking this
confusing line...

Nothing is ever
good enough -
for anybody
which is tough...

Still I do 
always try -
I have to wonder
exactly why.

Wednesday, April 06, 2022


It is way
beyond gone -
as all have now
scattered on...

All the memories
had to go -
with strangers that
I used to know...

Some pictures hold
a fading few -
happy things 
I used to do...

As I smile 
through faded tears -
while passing through
these passing years.

Sunday, March 27, 2022


Don't shop at the
candy shop -
no no no don't
shop till you drop...

It might look
quite shiny -
but keep on going
before you might be...

The next victim
with a big white smile -
snorting what 
can last for a mile...

But there you are
with a purple toe -
and the tag 
lets everyone know...

You checked out
and it's over now -
don't even listen
to the kitten meow.

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Bread Crumbs

Somewhat lost
in a familiar place -
somewhat bored
with the familiar face...

Somewhat needing
a change of scenery -
wondering inside
what is next for me...

It is so close
yet so far away -
I search aimlessly
each and every day...

Yet when I'm there
I know that it will be -
somehow and somewhere
my reality.

Saturday, March 12, 2022


Looking at the view 
Here in paradise -
To live here always 
Sure would be nice…

Sparking blue water 
The suns shining bright -
Birds all around 
Palm trees to my right…

It’s been an adventure 
I hate for it to end -
As soon as I get home 
I’ll want to come again!

Tuesday, March 01, 2022

Ice Cubes

I can't feel
at least not now -
this world has gone
insane somehow...

Hope in the future 
is gone with the wind -
I suppose normal 
will not be again...

What is there to gain
in this debauchery -
who wants to live
anything but free...

I don't get it
and I never will -
everyone needs
to fucking chill!