Wednesday, July 21, 2021


Will I 
or won't I -
as these
days go by...

Why worry
what's true -
when there's nothing
you can do...

Maybe space
and time -
will relax
these nerves of mine.

Tuesday, July 06, 2021


You always had
a big bright smile -
with your quiet
and loving style...

You were smart
and logical -
helping students
all through school...

A true believer
in God above -
showing only
mercy and love...

I guess he wanted
you to be near -
though all of us
will miss you here...

I will hold close
your memory - 
spread your wings
while flying free.

Sunday, July 04, 2021


I have regrets
oh yes, a few -
I have things
I should do...

I have thoughts
I wish would leave -
I have beliefs
I can't believe...

Yet here I am
until I'm dead -
while in this life
I move ahead...

No matter who
is by my side -
I will live
while I'm alive...

Don't let the tears
ruin your day -
and please leave
when you can't stay.