Friday, April 30, 2021


The day the parade
went away...

It never existed
back in the day...

It was a fragment
of the mind...

That faded and
disappeared over time...

There were never
any funny clowns...

Just hidden illusions
to let you down...

Pretend it's all
been one bad dream...

Things are really never
as they seem.

Thursday, April 29, 2021


Sitting and
just looking out -
dealing with
inner self doubt...

Will there be
a brighter day -
when the storms
all go away...

Stuck in
the same routine -
that doesn't even
mean a thing...

I wonder where
this will lead -
and when the chains
will all be freed.

Sunday, April 25, 2021


Don't let
it stop you -
do what you
need to do...

Keep on going
for the win -
accidents will
happen again...

Laugh it off
heal your wound -
work will pay off
really soon...

Hold your head
cure yourself -
you are your
only help.

Saturday, April 24, 2021


As they went
so shall we -
so shall you
and so shall me...

All of it
just swept away -
no more night
and no more day...

Such is fleeting
such is pain -
nothing will remain...

All is done
no more strife -
no more future
no more life.

Wednesday, April 21, 2021


Cry when you
need to cry -
when you have questions
ask yourself why...

Be careful who
you open up to -
most people don't 
care about you...

Leave regrets
where they should be -
then take back
your own dignity...

Nothing that's here
will last that long -
believe in yourself
and remain strong.

Sunday, April 18, 2021


You know what
you need to do -
to become a much
better you...

Only you 
hold the key -
with the choices
how to be...

Feeling better
and relieved -
no more being
falsely deceived...

From the choices
that you chose -
while learning
to live with those.

Wednesday, April 14, 2021


Why oh why
do I do it again -
I wish I could go
back to when...

This wasn't even
a part of me -
now I know
and plainly see...

It shouldn't be
part of my life -
with my own hands
I twist the knife...

realizing how
I never will -
I'm choosing that
and to heal.

Friday, April 09, 2021


only seen 
from the outside looking in...-

No chance to ride
the ferris wheel
no races to win...

Walking alone
beside the tracks
the long train rolls by...

As the laughter
drifts away
I believe the lie.