Wednesday, March 24, 2021


Sitting around
feeling quite down -

No one needs to know...

All alone
inside my home -

with nowhere to go...

The silent tears
and hidden fears -

break my heart sometimes...

Those days that past
and didn't last -

get me every time.


How can it
be full -
when it's empty...

How can you 
you starve -
when there's plenty...

How can it 
be good -
when it's bad...

How can you 
smile wide -
when you're sad...

How can you
reach high -
when you're low...

How do you
face reality -
that you know.

Monday, March 22, 2021


I saw another place
I wanted to see -
I've taken my life back
living for me...

Rid of what I
didn't like anyway -
No one to control
any part of my day...

I am so free
and can clearly see -
I'll never again be
where I don't want to be.

Monday, March 08, 2021

Blooms Are Coming

It's that time
to come to life again...

I feel so happy
like I did back then...

The weather is warm
as the sun shines bright...

The days will last
into the warm night..

Spring and summer
is life for me...

I am content
and so happy!

Monday, March 01, 2021


Let go
and let God -
isn't that what they say...

I wanna
understand -
how to believe that way...

He gave
us a brain -
expecting us to use it...

Not just
a free pass -
and then to abuse it...

So many
just don't care -
taking the easy way...

I see
what's clear to me -
while pushing them away.