Friday, January 29, 2021


Have you ever felt
two inches tall -
like you don't even
matter at all...

Where people can't 
treat you right -
where the world is dark
without any light...

You'd run away if 
you had somewhere to go -
but there is no point
and you feel so low...

So all you do is
exist through the day -
wondering how
it ended up this way.

Sunday, January 17, 2021


Let it all go
roll off your back -
Turn it all off
fade to black...

Don't hold on to
past irritations -
enjoy your life
take some vacations...

Dismiss the people
who bring you down -
get rid of who and what
should not be around...

Ghost when needed
hold close what is true -
follow your own path
do what's good for you.

Sunday, January 10, 2021


I have those regrets
that haven't left just yet...

I wish I had not followed
advice that was hollowed...

Now it's only me
left alone to see...

How stupid I have been
and wish that I had then...

Turned and left the scene
but that's a worn out dream.