Wednesday, December 29, 2021


It's quiet
and relaxing -
after so much movement...

I'm thankful
for my blessings -
and all that I have...

Nothing is more
important -
than who we love...

and who loves you...

because I do...

love you!

Wednesday, December 08, 2021


It was a beautiful view,

crystal clear

better things ahead...

Until the dirt
was tossed,

and tossed
and tossed again...

So thick
the view was gone,

too muddy to climb
too thick to shovel,

so dirty
it wasn't worth it anymore.

Saturday, November 27, 2021


Down about
being worn out -
not much to be
happy about...

Another day
to drizzle away -
I hang my head
and quietly pray...

That this will end
very soon -
there is no hope
nor is no room...

Nothing matters
nothing is alive -
the world is gone
and all has died.

Sunday, October 17, 2021


Raggedy doors
concrete floors -
blood drips down...

then stimulated -
no one is around...

running through
is nothing new -
as I race towards the sign...

that let me know
where to go -
and find this life of mine.

Moon Dreams

Sending it 
quietly -
I wish I had
you with me...

You are so
far away -
I miss you
and yesterday...

The dance
was so surreal -
I never knew
I could feel...

I still don't 
even know -
why it all
had to go.

Tuesday, October 05, 2021


Welled up
from the inside -
no need to try
no need to hide...

Just floating
passing it by -
no need to think
no need to cry...

It's always been
this messed up way -
since that time
and long ago day...

What I'd give
to actually know -
why I ever even
said hello.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Country Roads

He drove country roads
with a big wide smile -
in a pick up truck
for mile after mile...

with his loving wife
right by his side -
they always enjoyed
a nice country drive...

He lived his life
as a Godly man -
as a loving husband
and a football fan...

He always had a joke
and a silly grin -
he was a happy dad
and a faithful friend...

He strummed guitar
to John Denver songs -
while those around
would laugh and sing along...

He wore a cowboy hat
with jeans and boots -
he knew how to survive
he knew how to shoot...

He loved his mom
and the Lord above -
he was an example
of strength and love..

Though it is hard
and broke hearts into -
there was nothing left
anyone could do...

wanting to go home
was his dying wish -
so we bid farewell
to his heavenly bliss.

Until we meet again...
Uncle Doug 1955-2021

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Son Day

Oh dear Lord
another day -
has come along
and I must say...

I thank you Lord
as you give -
hope and strength
in this life we live...

Until that day
I'm at your feet -
and in your glory
I will weep...

As for now
I will push through -
my dear Lord
I believe in you!

Friday, September 10, 2021


It's quiet -
my thoughts are

Sometimes -
I am alone in a 

Living life -
is usually lived

When you are -
no longer concerned
with the rest...

Because really -
think it all

Who in the hell -
is concerned with

Tuesday, September 07, 2021


I'm happy
doing what I want -
I don't need to be
the thirsty debutant...

I'm free
doing what I love
I have risen
so far above...

The wannabee's
it's not where it's at -
I can be thankful
I didn't buy into that...

All those behind
are dust in my wake -
I have no time for diamonds
that are fake.

Sunday, September 05, 2021

Plastic Lies

I thought it all
was everything -
turns out in the end
it was nothing...

A lot of mirrors 
and lots of lights -
to everyone's 
sought after delight...

It was a fake
a phony spill -
if walls could talk
if looks could kill...

Never believe
anything is good -
they just make you 
think you should. 


Why am I always
too nice...

Apple spice -

While paying
the high price...

of dealing with
quite insane...

Same mundane -

I won't even
say their name...

Jealous fools -

with stupid rules
past uncool...

See ya!

Tuesday, August 17, 2021


As you try
and you grow -
you'll find out
you need to know...

You can only
do your part -
with a trusting,
caring heart...

Do what you can
when you should -
trying to do 
whatever you could...

To make this world
a better place -
with a little
hope and grace.

Sunday, August 01, 2021

Keys to my Heart

I so enjoyed
the sand and sea -
where I know 
I need to be...

Coming home
is bitter sweet -
one day I will 
live on the street...

that leads to a
sunny shore seabed -
seagulls and palm trees

Where music comes
from barefoot men -
where smiles light up
from within...

I've always known
since my first time -
I need to finally 
make it mine!

Wednesday, July 21, 2021


Will I 
or won't I -
as these
days go by...

Why worry
what's true -
when there's nothing
you can do...

Maybe space
and time -
will relax
these nerves of mine.

Tuesday, July 06, 2021


You always had
a big bright smile -
with your quiet
and loving style...

You were smart
and logical -
helping students
all through school...

A true believer
in God above -
showing only
mercy and love...

I guess he wanted
you to be near -
though all of us
will miss you here...

I will hold close
your memory - 
spread your wings
while flying free.

Sunday, July 04, 2021


I have regrets
oh yes, a few -
I have things
I should do...

I have thoughts
I wish would leave -
I have beliefs
I can't believe...

Yet here I am
until I'm dead -
while in this life
I move ahead...

No matter who
is by my side -
I will live
while I'm alive...

Don't let the tears
ruin your day -
and please leave
when you can't stay.

Monday, June 14, 2021


It comes once a week
not needed and used...

It's loud and not pretty
tossed out and abused...

It's looked down upon
thrown out with the rest...

It's pushed away rudely
not considered the best...

It's taken for granted
no care if it's gone...

and so it goes freely
when it's time to move on.

Tuesday, June 08, 2021


Yes you do know
what to do -
you know it
through and through...

It's already been
done before -
I don't want to
do it anymore...

Sitting in
and staring out -
more things you
can do without...

Don't get up
to fall back down -
your steps will be 
the final sound.

Friday, April 30, 2021


The day the parade
went away...

It never existed
back in the day...

It was a fragment
of the mind...

That faded and
disappeared over time...

There were never
any funny clowns...

Just hidden illusions
to let you down...

Pretend it's all
been one bad dream...

Things are really never
as they seem.

Thursday, April 29, 2021


Sitting and
just looking out -
dealing with
inner self doubt...

Will there be
a brighter day -
when the storms
all go away...

Stuck in
the same routine -
that doesn't even
mean a thing...

I wonder where
this will lead -
and when the chains
will all be freed.

Sunday, April 25, 2021


Don't let
it stop you -
do what you
need to do...

Keep on going
for the win -
accidents will
happen again...

Laugh it off
heal your wound -
work will pay off
really soon...

Hold your head
cure yourself -
you are your
only help.

Saturday, April 24, 2021


As they went
so shall we -
so shall you
and so shall me...

All of it
just swept away -
no more night
and no more day...

Such is fleeting
such is pain -
nothing will remain...

All is done
no more strife -
no more future
no more life.

Wednesday, April 21, 2021


Cry when you
need to cry -
when you have questions
ask yourself why...

Be careful who
you open up to -
most people don't 
care about you...

Leave regrets
where they should be -
then take back
your own dignity...

Nothing that's here
will last that long -
believe in yourself
and remain strong.

Sunday, April 18, 2021


You know what
you need to do -
to become a much
better you...

Only you 
hold the key -
with the choices
how to be...

Feeling better
and relieved -
no more being
falsely deceived...

From the choices
that you chose -
while learning
to live with those.

Wednesday, April 14, 2021


Why oh why
do I do it again -
I wish I could go
back to when...

This wasn't even
a part of me -
now I know
and plainly see...

It shouldn't be
part of my life -
with my own hands
I twist the knife...

realizing how
I never will -
I'm choosing that
and to heal.

Friday, April 09, 2021


only seen 
from the outside looking in...-

No chance to ride
the ferris wheel
no races to win...

Walking alone
beside the tracks
the long train rolls by...

As the laughter
drifts away
I believe the lie.

Wednesday, March 24, 2021


Sitting around
feeling quite down -

No one needs to know...

All alone
inside my home -

with nowhere to go...

The silent tears
and hidden fears -

break my heart sometimes...

Those days that past
and didn't last -

get me every time.


How can it
be full -
when it's empty...

How can you 
you starve -
when there's plenty...

How can it 
be good -
when it's bad...

How can you 
smile wide -
when you're sad...

How can you
reach high -
when you're low...

How do you
face reality -
that you know.

Monday, March 22, 2021


I saw another place
I wanted to see -
I've taken my life back
living for me...

Rid of what I
didn't like anyway -
No one to control
any part of my day...

I am so free
and can clearly see -
I'll never again be
where I don't want to be.

Monday, March 08, 2021

Blooms Are Coming

It's that time
to come to life again...

I feel so happy
like I did back then...

The weather is warm
as the sun shines bright...

The days will last
into the warm night..

Spring and summer
is life for me...

I am content
and so happy!

Monday, March 01, 2021


Let go
and let God -
isn't that what they say...

I wanna
understand -
how to believe that way...

He gave
us a brain -
expecting us to use it...

Not just
a free pass -
and then to abuse it...

So many
just don't care -
taking the easy way...

I see
what's clear to me -
while pushing them away.

Sunday, February 14, 2021

My Valentine

It's snowing in Texas
big flakes coming down -
a perfect day for romance
and laying around...

I'm baking some cupcakes
and making good food -
flowers, candy and candles
are setting the mood...

Loving and cuddling 
this cold day away -
Watching funny movies
staying warm where we lay...

Enjoying the beauty
with a white window view -
fur babies close by
sharing my love with you!

Monday, February 01, 2021


I don't feel
loved by you -
I feel hated
through and through...

don't abound -
Someday soon
I won't be around...

I just don't know
why I do -
I regret the moment
that I met you.


Get that shovel
to dig that hole -
once again
hide like a mole...

It is time
to start brand new -
I don't know really
what to do...

Hands tied tight
stuck together -
that aren't sure ever...

Hide away
like you always do -
and avoid them all
it's nothing new.

Friday, January 29, 2021


Have you ever felt
two inches tall -
like you don't even
matter at all...

Where people can't 
treat you right -
where the world is dark
without any light...

You'd run away if 
you had somewhere to go -
but there is no point
and you feel so low...

So all you do is
exist through the day -
wondering how
it ended up this way.

Sunday, January 17, 2021


Let it all go
roll off your back -
Turn it all off
fade to black...

Don't hold on to
past irritations -
enjoy your life
take some vacations...

Dismiss the people
who bring you down -
get rid of who and what
should not be around...

Ghost when needed
hold close what is true -
follow your own path
do what's good for you.

Sunday, January 10, 2021


I have those regrets
that haven't left just yet...

I wish I had not followed
advice that was hollowed...

Now it's only me
left alone to see...

How stupid I have been
and wish that I had then...

Turned and left the scene
but that's a worn out dream.