Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Your Jacket

It takes me back
to a place in time -
when we were young
and you were mine...

We were so innocent
fresh and new -
with the world ahead
so much to do...

You were funny
so very kind -
we talked on the phone
all of the time...

Date nights out
on those Saturday nights -
young kids in love
with silly fights...

Those were the days
no one can take away -
I think fondly of you
to this very day.

Sunday, December 27, 2020


Dear Lord
I thank you -
even though
it is so true...

I don't deserve
but have gratitude -
for every blessing 
that is from you...

For smiles
and for health -
for my family 
that is my wealth...

For the days
that you have given -
and allowed us
to keep on living...

I don't take
anything for granted -
deep in my heart
you are planted...

I've given you
my heart and soul -
I thank you
and love you so!