Saturday, October 24, 2020


And just like that
she was healed -
anything remaining
was killed...

She held her head
up and high -
disregarding who
she should walk by...

No longer could
they control her day -
no longer did she
want them to stay...

Her journey is
quite nice and bright -
she sleeps at ease
every single night.

Sunday, October 11, 2020


Sometimes you have 
to let go of what's gone...

Sometimes you just
have to move on...

It might sting
or it just may bite...

But you have to give it
all your might...

You can't keep near
what is gone...

You just have to
move the hell on.

Shelf Space

 All I can ever
do is try -
even as the years
fly bye...

I give what I can
with each new day -
while I'm here
to live and say...

Try with all
your mighty might -
do what lets you
sleep well at night...

Speak the truth
and work each day -
to only bring
good things your way.

Monday, October 05, 2020

Open Windows

Keep your head down -
while you look around...

like the FBI -
an investigative spy...

keep it deep within -
don't let it out again...

years from now you'll sigh -
as this will have blown by.


You just have
to let it go -
deep inside
you already know...

So do your plan
quite quietly -
you're in charge
of your destiny...

Maybe you did
and maybe not -
here and now
is all you've got...

Just keep on
keeping on -
until the memories
are gone.

Sunday, October 04, 2020


You don't watch 
for the ball -
before it's pitched...

but when it comes
your way -
you hit as best you can...

It doesn't mean
a home run -
could end up in the dug out...

You could also
never even -
participate in the game.


Wrapped in a blanket
snow on the windows -
safe and secure...

The past is behind
like smoke from the fire -
making images blur...

Disappearing into the air
as though they were never there...
dancing ahead  -

While the hearth is warm
as the snow drips down -
and covers what is dead.

Saturday, October 03, 2020


From the inside
to the out -
it is time
without a doubt...

Step away
from any ding -
from anything...

taped up shut -
no more eyes
filled with smut...

It will be silent
for quite a while -
as time buries
this messed up pile.

Thursday, October 01, 2020

Mirrored Glass

Yes you
know what to do -
it's time to do
what you need to...

You know how
to draw those blinds -
and leave it all
far behind...

You can't keep
reliving the days -
while floating through
the dust and haze...

You have done it
many times before -
cut those lines
and lock the door.