Monday, September 28, 2020

Good Riddance

I won't hide
or live in more fear -
Just like everyone else
I belong here...

I have my challenges
I have my gifts -
No longer will I
give a shit...

Say what you want
do what you will -
I really don't care
how anyone feels...

When it comes to
my life and my choices -
no longer do I have
to hear their voices...

Or even ever
see their faces -
It's amazing what
time erases.

Sunday, September 27, 2020


There's a love
within my arms -
that I welcome
with all charms...

I have many
that I love -
I have the life
that I dreamed of...

Those ladies
who had the tea -
who knew someday
that would be me...

Yet, I'm content 
and so happy -
to share my life
with who loves me!

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Court Yards

I'm happy here
as I watch the rain -
through my office
window pane...

Each day I'm here
with a great view -
I've found peace from
what I went through...

I have privacy
away from the crazy  -
I don't have to work
for the lazy...

No one is pulling me
in all directions -
No haughty eyes
without self reflections...

I was drowning
and found a life raft -
I am happily content
just where I'm at.

Sunday, September 06, 2020

Early Mornings

I can only do
the best that I can do...

While I beg and pray to God
that my dreams come true...

We all have scars
insecurities and regrets...

We just have to understand
we haven't got there yet...

Because when we realize
how we shine so bright...

We leave behind the doubt
that keeps us up at night.

Tuesday, September 01, 2020


I really love when
I have no place to be...

When my daily schedule
is up to me...

When I can work out
or take a little nap...

When I can shop or
have lunch where I'm at...

I excel with freedom
outside of those men...

I will never go back
to life back then.