Monday, August 31, 2020


When motivation strikes
live off the explosion -
as you watch bad habits
fall into erosion...

You got this
as no one else can -
living your best life
again and again...

Don't be afraid
to challenge yourself -
be your own coach
and you own self help...

Then sit back
proud of what you did -
from putting in that effort
each day that you live.

Thursday, August 27, 2020


If someone walks
out of your life -
let them go on and go...

there are people -
You don't need to know...

Once some time
has passed -
you will feel relieved...

There are
too many liars -
who choose only to deceive...

Notice how you feel
when there is nothing -
left to say...

Rejoice when them
with their negativity -
have finally gone away.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Rocky Foundations

Why didn't I go
with my instincts back then -
because I've relived it
again and again...

I found out things
I never should have known -
while doing my best
all on my own...

So many times
I wanted to flee -
I always have to wonder
why me...

Now here it is
completely a lie -
an empty feeling
that can never die.

Sunday, August 16, 2020


Sometimes when
the seasons blow through -

I sit alone
and think of you...

I miss those days
when you were there...

Even though you're gone
I still care...

and hope you're happy
where you are now...

Maybe some day
we'll meet again somehow.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Cross Roads

You know
what to do -
when the pathway
goes through...

You hide
and stay away -
from that hate
that's there to stay...

You run
and don't look back -
then there won't
be an attack...

you'll be
so far away -
it will be a
memory anyway.