Thursday, July 30, 2020

Sun Shine

Let the
tranquility -
inside of me...

Focus on
all the growth -
rising above
and being woke...

Know the
end of this -
is golden streets
of utter bliss.

Saturday, July 11, 2020


This is exactly
where I want to be -
away from the loud
and all of the crazy...

Safe to myself
all tucked away -
this is exactly
what I used to pray...

Now I am delivered
from those I dislike -
they are all behind me
and out of my life...

I am renewed
and glad for the end -
I will never let them
into my life again.

Sunday, July 05, 2020


I see your face
and it makes me smirk -
you are nothing
but a stupid jerk...

I can't wait
until you implode -
enjoy it now
before it explodes...

I've already seen
what's coming to you -
I will laugh so hard
when it comes true.

Saturday, July 04, 2020

Sticks and Stones

Dear Lord I pray -
on my knees today...

that you heal this land -
from evil's demand...

as we watch our rights get stripped away.

I ask of you -
to let your light shine through...

So people will see -
what we were meant to be...

Peaceful and loving to each other every day.