Saturday, May 30, 2020


Baby bird
spread your wings and fly -
Way on beyond here
and up into the sky...

I want to keep you
but I believe it's right -
To let you get your wings
and fly away into the night...

I adore you
and I am amazed -
how I see something helpless
and can not be unfazed...

So I'll help you
in any way I can -
Then cheer for your freedom
right from where I stand.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

The Rock

Don't second wonder
Don't envy wrong
Don't regret right...

Emotions are a fight...

Do what is good
Do what you should
Do what you would...

In his holy sight.

Because you are.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Drops from Heaven

My yard
My flowers
My garden...

Soak up
the spring rain -

So thankful that it came -

To absorb
To cleanse
To refresh...

Blooming life
budding through -

as it grows and blossoms anew.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Fairy Tales

I'm safe
I'm guarded
I'm done...

All the people
that I knew
weren't the one...

To hold
some might
some authority -

Because now
they have
no power over me...

I never
have to see
anyone again...

That I don't like
or care for -
the end.

Saturday, May 16, 2020


It's ok
to let go -
of what you know
needs to go...

As it pours
down on me -
although it's blurry
I can see...

Through all the
smoke and glass -
I watched it come
and watched it pass.

Monday, May 11, 2020

I Got This

It's been hard
and a struggle -
but I have
my dogs to snuggle...

I'm now planning
my next vacation -
where I'll finally
have relaxation...

A month away
I will be fine -
I got back the job
that was mine...

The only opinion
I'll value again -
is from myself
because then, I win!

Tuesday, May 05, 2020

Easy Like Sunday Morning

The sound of
the rocks crunching
beneath my shoes...

The sound of
the boats coming
into view...

The morning
sunrise beneath
towering trees...

The birds
flying above
the waters breeze...

It is where
I'm happy
and I want to be...

Why can't
that be the life
meant for me?