Tuesday, April 28, 2020


I gotta fly
like a mother fuckin

I gotta run
like a bitch
from a pimp...

I gotta go
like nobody ever
saw me...

I gotta live
like I ain't no
fuckin wimp...

I gotta roll
with the punches
that I've taken...

I gotta laugh
when they think
that I care...

I gotta smile
when they fall
on their own face...

I gotta admit
that this bitch
just don't care.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Sink or Swim

I'm just going
to turn it off today -
So I can enjoy
my home and pray...

That all of this
will be over soon -
and our normal life
can resume...

So the world
can go out a play -
or have a patio lunch
on a sunny day...

That travel begins
with new sites to see -
today I will hope
we will soon be free.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020


It's scary
overwhelming -
who to trust
who to believe...

When it is
completely obvious -
how many times
they do deceive...

One world
with one hope?
or the book
of Revelations?

You would be
a blind sheep -
if you had
no hesitations...

Seeing it all
slowly unfold -
just like
I've heard for years...

You must get
the microchip -
to buy and sell
and it is clear...

The beast
will rule us all -
death and destruction
tears and fear...

but through Christ
our sacrificed savior -
our redemption
is very near.

Thursday, April 09, 2020


If I had
a time machine -
It would never
mean a thing...

I would undo
and change the course -
to never feel
the sad remorse...

because I'd go
the other way -
and avoid
that fateful day.