Thursday, March 26, 2020


Why would I?
seeing with my own eye...

It's like being
kicked all over again...

Knowing inside
this will never end...

Why put up
with  a sickening ride...

When you know
you have no place to hide.

Friday, March 20, 2020

Joshua 1:9

Well, yep
there I went -
but the days
were definitely spent...

Seeing new
with a different view -
It was a good experience
but onto the new...

Who knows if
we'll still be here -
or even alive
in another year.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020


The trees are coming
back to life -
just like my son...

I'm amazed at the
Lord above -
and all that he's done...

He gives life
to each of us -
Yet, takes it away...

We will all stand
before him -
on judgement day...

I just wonder
the purpose -
why are we here...

but I will trust
in his will -
as I keep him near.

Thursday, March 05, 2020


Have you ever
been so tired
you couldn't sleep...

Have you ever
been so sad
you couldn't weep...

Have you ever
held a hand
you'll never see again...

But at the time
you didn't know
it was the end...

It takes the sails
and the wind
beneath your wings...

Wondering why
life has to bring
what it brings...

While you try
to get by
before you die...

Only to be
standing alone
and wonder why.