Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Day by Day

All you can do
is your very best -
life gives trials
and life gives tests...

How you handle
what's thrown at you -
is doing what's right
and seeing it through...

There will be ups
there will be downs -
just encourage the smiles
and not the frowns.

Saturday, February 15, 2020


Dear Lord
I ask for strength
for my son...

For I know
that you are
the only one...

To pull on
the strings
of life and death...

I just ask
Dear Lord
you're not ready yet...

If love
could save
he would live forever...

My love
for him
will never sever...

I would lay
down my life
and give him mine...

I can only pray
you heal his heart
and let him shine.

Thursday, February 13, 2020


God gave him breath
another day -
He seems to listen
when I beg and pray...

Thank you my Lord
for saving my son -
once again
you were the one...

That gives life
as I plead for more -
I give you the glory
that is for sure.

Tuesday, February 04, 2020

Hood Girl

Every so often
I miss your class -
and totally regret
being an ass...

I wish I could
take it all back -
I miss your laugh
and hood girl tact...

You motivated
so much in me -
I followed you
quite faithfully...

No one else
can fill that void -
my fitness guru
is destroyed.

Monday, February 03, 2020

New Windows

Here I sit in a
different place -
surrounded by
each new face...

I have to wonder
if it was right -
as I lay down
to sleep each night...

I suppose I think
way to hard -
I already played
and dealt the card...

Even with
a tear in my eye -
I made the choice
that I can't deny...

So I must learn
to make do -
of this new life
I've committed to.