Sunday, January 26, 2020

Moved On

It's like a puzzle
I'm putting together -
but I won't glue it
because nothing's forever...

I've learned so much
along this path -
I've felt the love
and I've felt the wrath...

That's when I know
to shut that door -
because me being used
won't work anymore.

Saturday, January 11, 2020


Ya know what
no worries anymore -
they can take it
or walk out the door...

Me or them
it doesn't matter anymore -
I'm on this planet too
and they aren't what I'm here for...

They can say whatever
and I could too -
but I can assure
I have better things to do.

Thank You for Having Me


There I go
there I go again -
I hope I like it
and another end...

I was happy
but heard the call-
was it a step up
or a tumbling fall...

Will this bring
new opportunity -
or will I regret
leaving my happy...

I guess in time
I will look back -
It's time to wake up
and pick up the slack...

I'll set new goals
and follow through -
for real a new year,
with a new me to do.

Wednesday, January 01, 2020

I Love You

The wind blew through -
how I thought of you...

and the way you're on speed dial...

We're older now -
we got through somehow...

but you've been with me all the while...

My love for you -
will be forever true...

for you make me always smile...

Let me be your friend -
to the bitter end...

and it will all be worth our while.


One day you
wake up healed -
of all the negativity
and what killed...

Your spirit
and your pride -
When you were
dead inside...

You finally realize
it is gone -
that you actually
have moved on...

With a happy pep
in your step -
all that sadness
has finally left...

You to be what
you need to be -
on the right path
and so happy!