Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Your Jacket

It takes me back
to a place in time -
when we were young
and you were mine...

We were so innocent
fresh and new -
with the world ahead
so much to do...

You were funny
so very kind -
we talked on the phone
all of the time...

Date nights out
on those Saturday nights -
young kids in love
with silly fights...

Those were the days
no one can take away -
I think fondly of you
to this very day.

Sunday, December 27, 2020


Dear Lord
I thank you -
even though
it is so true...

I don't deserve
but have gratitude -
for every blessing 
that is from you...

For smiles
and for health -
for my family 
that is my wealth...

For the days
that you have given -
and allowed us
to keep on living...

I don't take
anything for granted -
deep in my heart
you are planted...

I've given you
my heart and soul -
I thank you
and love you so!

Friday, November 27, 2020

You and Me Against the World

I would drive -
I would wish upon a star...

I would dream
just us alone in my car...

The melodies
would flow through the air...

Me lost in thoughts
while getting us there...

single and free...

It was my youth
it was you and me...

Influences and lyrics
so many now gone...

But those dreams 
and our memories live on.

Wednesday, November 11, 2020


We're not promised
anything -
Nor can predict
what life will bring...

Every day
is a new start -
So give your all
and share your heart...

Try to be
a beacon of light -
for those who've lost
the will to fight...

Always hold out
a helping hand -
for those who need
an honest friend.

Sunday, November 08, 2020


The sun still rose
flowers still bloom -
I can look forward to
Christmas lights soon...

The people that need
to be gone are gone -
I found my strength
and moved totally on...

Never ever again
will I even allow -
a stranger in my life
to my here and now...

I won't even speak
or address them again -
a lying piece of shit
disguised as a friend.

Saturday, October 24, 2020


And just like that
she was healed -
anything remaining
was killed...

She held her head
up and high -
disregarding who
she should walk by...

No longer could
they control her day -
no longer did she
want them to stay...

Her journey is
quite nice and bright -
she sleeps at ease
every single night.

Sunday, October 11, 2020


Sometimes you have 
to let go of what's gone...

Sometimes you just
have to move on...

It might sting
or it just may bite...

But you have to give it
all your might...

You can't keep near
what is gone...

You just have to
move the hell on.

Shelf Space

 All I can ever
do is try -
even as the years
fly bye...

I give what I can
with each new day -
while I'm here
to live and say...

Try with all
your mighty might -
do what lets you
sleep well at night...

Speak the truth
and work each day -
to only bring
good things your way.

Monday, October 05, 2020

Open Windows

Keep your head down -
while you look around...

like the FBI -
an investigative spy...

keep it deep within -
don't let it out again...

years from now you'll sigh -
as this will have blown by.


You just have
to let it go -
deep inside
you already know...

So do your plan
quite quietly -
you're in charge
of your destiny...

Maybe you did
and maybe not -
here and now
is all you've got...

Just keep on
keeping on -
until the memories
are gone.

Sunday, October 04, 2020


You don't watch 
for the ball -
before it's pitched...

but when it comes
your way -
you hit as best you can...

It doesn't mean
a home run -
could end up in the dug out...

You could also
never even -
participate in the game.


Wrapped in a blanket
snow on the windows -
safe and secure...

The past is behind
like smoke from the fire -
making images blur...

Disappearing into the air
as though they were never there...
dancing ahead  -

While the hearth is warm
as the snow drips down -
and covers what is dead.

Saturday, October 03, 2020


From the inside
to the out -
it is time
without a doubt...

Step away
from any ding -
from anything...

taped up shut -
no more eyes
filled with smut...

It will be silent
for quite a while -
as time buries
this messed up pile.

Thursday, October 01, 2020

Mirrored Glass

Yes you
know what to do -
it's time to do
what you need to...

You know how
to draw those blinds -
and leave it all
far behind...

You can't keep
reliving the days -
while floating through
the dust and haze...

You have done it
many times before -
cut those lines
and lock the door.

Monday, September 28, 2020

Good Riddance

I won't hide
or live in more fear -
Just like everyone else
I belong here...

I have my challenges
I have my gifts -
No longer will I
give a shit...

Say what you want
do what you will -
I really don't care
how anyone feels...

When it comes to
my life and my choices -
no longer do I have
to hear their voices...

Or even ever
see their faces -
It's amazing what
time erases.

Sunday, September 27, 2020


There's a love
within my arms -
that I welcome
with all charms...

I have many
that I love -
I have the life
that I dreamed of...

Those ladies
who had the tea -
who knew someday
that would be me...

Yet, I'm content 
and so happy -
to share my life
with who loves me!

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Court Yards

I'm happy here
as I watch the rain -
through my office
window pane...

Each day I'm here
with a great view -
I've found peace from
what I went through...

I have privacy
away from the crazy  -
I don't have to work
for the lazy...

No one is pulling me
in all directions -
No haughty eyes
without self reflections...

I was drowning
and found a life raft -
I am happily content
just where I'm at.

Sunday, September 06, 2020

Early Mornings

I can only do
the best that I can do...

While I beg and pray to God
that my dreams come true...

We all have scars
insecurities and regrets...

We just have to understand
we haven't got there yet...

Because when we realize
how we shine so bright...

We leave behind the doubt
that keeps us up at night.

Tuesday, September 01, 2020


I really love when
I have no place to be...

When my daily schedule
is up to me...

When I can work out
or take a little nap...

When I can shop or
have lunch where I'm at...

I excel with freedom
outside of those men...

I will never go back
to life back then.

Monday, August 31, 2020


When motivation strikes
live off the explosion -
as you watch bad habits
fall into erosion...

You got this
as no one else can -
living your best life
again and again...

Don't be afraid
to challenge yourself -
be your own coach
and you own self help...

Then sit back
proud of what you did -
from putting in that effort
each day that you live.

Thursday, August 27, 2020


If someone walks
out of your life -
let them go on and go...

there are people -
You don't need to know...

Once some time
has passed -
you will feel relieved...

There are
too many liars -
who choose only to deceive...

Notice how you feel
when there is nothing -
left to say...

Rejoice when them
with their negativity -
have finally gone away.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Rocky Foundations

Why didn't I go
with my instincts back then -
because I've relived it
again and again...

I found out things
I never should have known -
while doing my best
all on my own...

So many times
I wanted to flee -
I always have to wonder
why me...

Now here it is
completely a lie -
an empty feeling
that can never die.

Sunday, August 16, 2020


Sometimes when
the seasons blow through -

I sit alone
and think of you...

I miss those days
when you were there...

Even though you're gone
I still care...

and hope you're happy
where you are now...

Maybe some day
we'll meet again somehow.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Cross Roads

You know
what to do -
when the pathway
goes through...

You hide
and stay away -
from that hate
that's there to stay...

You run
and don't look back -
then there won't
be an attack...

you'll be
so far away -
it will be a
memory anyway.

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Sun Shine

Let the
tranquility -
inside of me...

Focus on
all the growth -
rising above
and being woke...

Know the
end of this -
is golden streets
of utter bliss.

Saturday, July 11, 2020


This is exactly
where I want to be -
away from the loud
and all of the crazy...

Safe to myself
all tucked away -
this is exactly
what I used to pray...

Now I am delivered
from those I dislike -
they are all behind me
and out of my life...

I am renewed
and glad for the end -
I will never let them
into my life again.

Sunday, July 05, 2020


I see your face
and it makes me smirk -
you are nothing
but a stupid jerk...

I can't wait
until you implode -
enjoy it now
before it explodes...

I've already seen
what's coming to you -
I will laugh so hard
when it comes true.

Saturday, July 04, 2020

Sticks and Stones

Dear Lord I pray -
on my knees today...

that you heal this land -
from evil's demand...

as we watch our rights get stripped away.

I ask of you -
to let your light shine through...

So people will see -
what we were meant to be...

Peaceful and loving to each other every day.

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Blind Sided

What you put in
is what you'll get out -
It won't be overlooked
without a doubt...

If you did good
or if you did bad -
You will be happy
or you will be sad...

You can't erase
what is now there -
Ignore all you want
and don't even care...

Karma has a way
of coming through -
so sit back and watch
what's coming to you.

Saturday, May 30, 2020


Baby bird
spread your wings and fly -
Way on beyond here
and up into the sky...

I want to keep you
but I believe it's right -
To let you get your wings
and fly away into the night...

I adore you
and I am amazed -
how I see something helpless
and can not be unfazed...

So I'll help you
in any way I can -
Then cheer for your freedom
right from where I stand.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

The Rock

Don't second wonder
Don't envy wrong
Don't regret right...

Emotions are a fight...

Do what is good
Do what you should
Do what you would...

In his holy sight.

Because you are.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Drops from Heaven

My yard
My flowers
My garden...

Soak up
the spring rain -

So thankful that it came -

To absorb
To cleanse
To refresh...

Blooming life
budding through -

as it grows and blossoms anew.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Fairy Tales

I'm safe
I'm guarded
I'm done...

All the people
that I knew
weren't the one...

To hold
some might
some authority -

Because now
they have
no power over me...

I never
have to see
anyone again...

That I don't like
or care for -
the end.

Saturday, May 16, 2020


It's ok
to let go -
of what you know
needs to go...

As it pours
down on me -
although it's blurry
I can see...

Through all the
smoke and glass -
I watched it come
and watched it pass.

Monday, May 11, 2020

I Got This

It's been hard
and a struggle -
but I have
my dogs to snuggle...

I'm now planning
my next vacation -
where I'll finally
have relaxation...

A month away
I will be fine -
I got back the job
that was mine...

The only opinion
I'll value again -
is from myself
because then, I win!

Tuesday, May 05, 2020

Easy Like Sunday Morning

The sound of
the rocks crunching
beneath my shoes...

The sound of
the boats coming
into view...

The morning
sunrise beneath
towering trees...

The birds
flying above
the waters breeze...

It is where
I'm happy
and I want to be...

Why can't
that be the life
meant for me?

Tuesday, April 28, 2020


I gotta fly
like a mother fuckin

I gotta run
like a bitch
from a pimp...

I gotta go
like nobody ever
saw me...

I gotta live
like I ain't no
fuckin wimp...

I gotta roll
with the punches
that I've taken...

I gotta laugh
when they think
that I care...

I gotta smile
when they fall
on their own face...

I gotta admit
that this bitch
just don't care.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Sink or Swim

I'm just going
to turn it off today -
So I can enjoy
my home and pray...

That all of this
will be over soon -
and our normal life
can resume...

So the world
can go out a play -
or have a patio lunch
on a sunny day...

That travel begins
with new sites to see -
today I will hope
we will soon be free.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020


It's scary
overwhelming -
who to trust
who to believe...

When it is
completely obvious -
how many times
they do deceive...

One world
with one hope?
or the book
of Revelations?

You would be
a blind sheep -
if you had
no hesitations...

Seeing it all
slowly unfold -
just like
I've heard for years...

You must get
the microchip -
to buy and sell
and it is clear...

The beast
will rule us all -
death and destruction
tears and fear...

but through Christ
our sacrificed savior -
our redemption
is very near.

Thursday, April 09, 2020


If I had
a time machine -
It would never
mean a thing...

I would undo
and change the course -
to never feel
the sad remorse...

because I'd go
the other way -
and avoid
that fateful day.

Thursday, March 26, 2020


Why would I?
seeing with my own eye...

It's like being
kicked all over again...

Knowing inside
this will never end...

Why put up
with  a sickening ride...

When you know
you have no place to hide.

Friday, March 20, 2020

Joshua 1:9

Well, yep
there I went -
but the days
were definitely spent...

Seeing new
with a different view -
It was a good experience
but onto the new...

Who knows if
we'll still be here -
or even alive
in another year.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020


The trees are coming
back to life -
just like my son...

I'm amazed at the
Lord above -
and all that he's done...

He gives life
to each of us -
Yet, takes it away...

We will all stand
before him -
on judgement day...

I just wonder
the purpose -
why are we here...

but I will trust
in his will -
as I keep him near.

Thursday, March 05, 2020


Have you ever
been so tired
you couldn't sleep...

Have you ever
been so sad
you couldn't weep...

Have you ever
held a hand
you'll never see again...

But at the time
you didn't know
it was the end...

It takes the sails
and the wind
beneath your wings...

Wondering why
life has to bring
what it brings...

While you try
to get by
before you die...

Only to be
standing alone
and wonder why.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Day by Day

All you can do
is your very best -
life gives trials
and life gives tests...

How you handle
what's thrown at you -
is doing what's right
and seeing it through...

There will be ups
there will be downs -
just encourage the smiles
and not the frowns.

Saturday, February 15, 2020


Dear Lord
I ask for strength
for my son...

For I know
that you are
the only one...

To pull on
the strings
of life and death...

I just ask
Dear Lord
you're not ready yet...

If love
could save
he would live forever...

My love
for him
will never sever...

I would lay
down my life
and give him mine...

I can only pray
you heal his heart
and let him shine.

Thursday, February 13, 2020


God gave him breath
another day -
He seems to listen
when I beg and pray...

Thank you my Lord
for saving my son -
once again
you were the one...

That gives life
as I plead for more -
I give you the glory
that is for sure.

Tuesday, February 04, 2020

Hood Girl

Every so often
I miss your class -
and totally regret
being an ass...

I wish I could
take it all back -
I miss your laugh
and hood girl tact...

You motivated
so much in me -
I followed you
quite faithfully...

No one else
can fill that void -
my fitness guru
is destroyed.

Monday, February 03, 2020

New Windows

Here I sit in a
different place -
surrounded by
each new face...

I have to wonder
if it was right -
as I lay down
to sleep each night...

I suppose I think
way to hard -
I already played
and dealt the card...

Even with
a tear in my eye -
I made the choice
that I can't deny...

So I must learn
to make do -
of this new life
I've committed to.

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Moved On

It's like a puzzle
I'm putting together -
but I won't glue it
because nothing's forever...

I've learned so much
along this path -
I've felt the love
and I've felt the wrath...

That's when I know
to shut that door -
because me being used
won't work anymore.

Saturday, January 11, 2020


Ya know what
no worries anymore -
they can take it
or walk out the door...

Me or them
it doesn't matter anymore -
I'm on this planet too
and they aren't what I'm here for...

They can say whatever
and I could too -
but I can assure
I have better things to do.

Thank You for Having Me


There I go
there I go again -
I hope I like it
and another end...

I was happy
but heard the call-
was it a step up
or a tumbling fall...

Will this bring
new opportunity -
or will I regret
leaving my happy...

I guess in time
I will look back -
It's time to wake up
and pick up the slack...

I'll set new goals
and follow through -
for real a new year,
with a new me to do.

Wednesday, January 01, 2020

I Love You

The wind blew through -
how I thought of you...

and the way you're on speed dial...

We're older now -
we got through somehow...

but you've been with me all the while...

My love for you -
will be forever true...

for you make me always smile...

Let me be your friend -
to the bitter end...

and it will all be worth our while.


One day you
wake up healed -
of all the negativity
and what killed...

Your spirit
and your pride -
When you were
dead inside...

You finally realize
it is gone -
that you actually
have moved on...

With a happy pep
in your step -
all that sadness
has finally left...

You to be what
you need to be -
on the right path
and so happy!