Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Pros & Cons

decisions -
I need direction
and wisdom...

What comes next
I don't know -
should I stay
or should I go...

to a new adventure
that awaits me -
would I be
just as happy...

as I am with
my space and time -
another new choice
that is all mine.

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Floor

not really seen -
when she was
they were mean...

Which prompted her
to run away -
her only hope
was to pray...

that somehow -
things would be
better now...

But she saw
they never were -
as they just wanted
to criticize her.

Dusk Till Dawn

I'm not sure
why I try -
as I watch
the days go bye...

Knowing where
I want to be -
wondering if
it will be me...

That can go
where I want to -
and leave this in
my rear view.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Foggy Lights

You have
already learned -
how to know
how to discern...

all the angry
and the mean -
there is nothing that
they can bring...

To your life
to make it good -
so do what
you know you should...

Just like all
the times before -
build your walls
and lock your door.