Sunday, September 29, 2019

The Cross

You dodged a bullet
in more ways than one -
be glad that situation
is over and gone...

Never let the chatter
make you stray away -
you know the truth
and will stand there one day...

So do exactly what
you know should be done -
realizing the battle
has already been won.

Monday, September 23, 2019


You can't go back
and change it -
there is nothing left
to give or get...

Let them think
or let them say -
whatever they want
they will anyway...

So dust off your
walking shoes -
with no more sadness
and no more blues...

You've already left
that life behind -
so move forward
self assured and kind.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019


I've learned not everyone
should be invited in -
be courteous and wise
with whomever you befriend...

Some people just use
whatever that they can -
it's up to you to discern
so do the best you can...

To surround yourself
with only those who care -
and carefully consider
the things you choose to share.

Monday, September 16, 2019


The shy little girl admired
all the beautiful homes
two-story with columns in front...

Willow trees hung
over green lawns with
an air of spookiness and protection...

Winding roads and
wrap around front porches
were quite large to someone so small...

While visiting and retracing
the same scene and the same land
she found herself again...

She had been lost in a world
that chewed her up and spit her out
leaving her with nothing but doubt...

Yet, deep inside fully energized
she remembered the beautiful days
where she was born and for a time raised...

She didn't want to leave
grieving what she had to leave behind
but lived the life she was led to...

I wonder how it would have been
if she was never forced to go back then
and the road turned right instead of left.

Saturday, September 14, 2019


If they don't
then why should you -
just deal with what
you know is true...

and way moved on -
let it all be
dead and gone...

When things change
shut all the doors -
you didn't even care
about that anymore...

Go to where
you're safe and free -
in the space
you're meant to be.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Bad Roots

When you care for your lawn
you weed out the bad weeds -
that's just what you do
when you deal with bad seeds...

You never water or nurture
or help to grow -
any bad weeds
that you know need to go...

So in everyday life
the same thing holds true -
weed out any bad seeds
that aren't good for you.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Turn The Page

It's not a part
of my life anymore
and never will be again...

I have accepted
what needed to go
and am happy with the end...

Sometimes trials
and tribulations
make you question yourself...

When that happens
focus on the positive
and be your own self help.

Friday, September 06, 2019

Gardens of Life

She looked at the bug
so very small -
Ready to squish it
to nothing at all...

As she looked closer
at its unique design -
She noticed the details
so perfect and fine...

It minded its business
causing no trouble at all -
with its God given talents
to fly and to crawl...

Then she thought back
to the people who -
treated her as disposable
and squished her too...

Why would she do
the same thing to it -
just living innocently
what would that profit...

It made no sense
for this bug to die -
So she appreciated its beauty
as she walked on by.


I look in the
mirror and say -
everything is going
to be a-ok...

So some doors shut
along the way -
but you turned around
and quickly walked away...

Rescued from
what needed to go -
had you not seen it
you would never know...

How much better off
you would be -
when you left behind
all that negativity...

Go onward
to follow your star -
because you know inside
you're going to go far.

Scattered Dirt

Walk right bye
with your head held high -
No time to worry
and no time to cry...

It doesn't really matter
what they think of you -
Leave them all behind
and start again anew...

There are so many dreams
still left to live -
Ignore all that is negative
move on and forgive...

Always remember
the bad times you came from -
and never return
to what is buried and done.

Thursday, September 05, 2019


I have a right
just like all the rest -
to live my life
and try my best...

to make my dreams
come true and alive -
to find experiences
that make me thrive...

and to walk away
from what holds me down -
heading towards where
my happiness is found.