Wednesday, July 31, 2019


What goes up
must come down -
it's up to you
to turn it around...

I guess I've grown
through it all -
still I remind myself
to stand tall...

I have a right
like anyone does -
think on the future
and not how it was.

Monday, July 29, 2019


I've walked through walls
to face a mirror -
through the fog
it all became clearer...

I was where I wanted
to be all along -
full of life and happiness
singing my own song...

I came through the ashes
rising through the dust -
I went from I might
straight to I must...

No one can take something
I'm not giving away -
I've connected to this girl
and this time she will stay.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Mirrored Palms

Three deep breaths in
and three let out -
meditating away
my self doubt...

Sending prayers
to God above -
spreading only
hope and love...

Leaving all
sadness at bay -
wiping all
the tears away...

Learning how
to move and grow -
feeding my body
to fuel my soul.


Yuck -
Such luck...

Never again
will I be stuck...

With what
I won't discuss...

Because it is
what it was...


Monday, July 22, 2019


I love
my sweet summer -
the sounds the bugs make...

while hidden in trees
abundant with flowers -
and welcomed shade...

towering over
my reclined chair -
as dragonflies drop...

through sprouting water
making small waves -
against the rock...

The sun sets
with orange and blue -
outdoor cooking breezes through...

My sweet summer
once again I smile -
because I so love you.

Sunday, July 21, 2019


It was only
just a dream -
I awoke to
the same scene...

Wondering where
you might be -
and if you ever
think of me...

I wish I could
make it all good -
and be back
the way we should...

When we laughed
and were friends -
I really hope
this isn't the end.

Monday, July 15, 2019


Each one of us
is allowed
a certain time on this earth...

It's the space
that God gives us
until death through birth...

It's up to us
as individuals
to decide how we live...

We make the call
of what we accomplish
and our special gifts to give...

There will always
be oppression
trying to hold you back...

That's when
you face your critics
and you have your own attack...

Letting anything
and everyone who
tears you down clearly see...

This is my only life
and what I do with it
is completely up to me.

Sunday, July 14, 2019


I won't ever
reach out again -
it was a crazy
whirl wind...

I just wanted
to be that friend -
but yet apparently
I caused the end...

I thought the person
was cool and nice -
and made with sweet
sugar and spice...

Everyone had
bad things to say -
I wish I could
go back to that day...

To ignore the
haters and their lies -
I should have never
let them in my life...

and now it's
ancient history -
the friendship now
will never be.


I don't anymore
I won't again -
that life line
has reached the end...

I've learned a lot
and that's ok -
It made me turn
and walk away...

from all of that
which took me down -
no longer will I
allow that around.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019


Nothing is what
I'm going to do -
as I let their karma
come on through...

I have my own
form a voodoo -
and it always seems
to come true...

It might take
a little while -
but the time will come
when I smile...

Because the good
will always win -
I've seen it happen
again and again.


Keep on
Keeping on -
being thankful that
the past is gone...

No more living
as second best -
no more time
in a twisted test...

I never have to see
those faces again -
through it all
I chose to win...

I found myself
and lost what had to go -
learning from my mistakes
all that I needed to know.

Monday, July 08, 2019


It's time to
follow through -
on these goals
I need to do..

Feeling that
I'm good as new -
to my dreams
I will be true.

Saturday, July 06, 2019

Winding Roads

in a bubble -
no one else needs to burst...

I used to try
to see the good side -
but always saw the worst...

what I day dreamed on -
and used to hope would be -

has become my world -
and set that negativity free!

Thursday, July 04, 2019


Hard boiled eggs
the grill is fired up -
I'm happy I am home
all nice and tucked...

With my sweet babies
where my smiles shine -
I'm so very blessed
with everything that is mine...

Forever I will cherish
until my dying day -
my love for my space
is more than I can say.

Life Boats

I was rescued
from a sinking ship -
I was drowning
I had lost my grip...

blinded by darkness
where I couldn't see -
there was nothing left
until I was set free...

to fly higher
than I've ever been -
I won't let someone
steal my sails again...

The flow I follow
will be what I decide -
and no longer will
I ever run and hide.