Wednesday, June 26, 2019


So here I go,here I go
here I go...again...
what's my weakness

Can't wait to see
the real beauty...
Can't wait to shake
my dancing booty...

Staying in a place
with a kick ass pool -
gonna run around
and act a fool...

because I have
one life to live well -
New Orleans here we come
get ready for some hell!!

Monday, June 24, 2019

See You Next Tuesday

Life changes as you get older -
I get excited about
my high credit score -

instead of being high...

I get excited
about hitting the road -
An RV is the goal one day...

I look out the window and sigh...

To travel with
my dogs and husband
and real friends that never leave...

Route 66...

all the way to the end...

Where I found myself
and reminded myself
that forget them all...

I am worth it...

Remembering the woman
in the elevator
pointing to her dad...

my rack...

what was that about...

My life is nobody's business
if you don't like me
then good riddance and goodbye...

I could not care less
and I certainly won't cry.

Sunday, June 23, 2019


Forget them
forget them all -
I will move on
I will stand tall...

None of that
should have been -
no longer will
I think of then...

I tried to make amends
for that time -
just to find
another blocked line...

So whatever
it wasn't even real -
see ya on the flip side
it's no big deal.

Friday, June 21, 2019


Maybe I just need
a better sense of humor -
You won't live or die
living through a rumor...

Yeah I've had my share
of regretting bad mistakes -
but then you have to do
whatever that it takes...

to pull yourself back up
and piss on lighted flames -
if you let them burn you
then only you are to blame.

Thursday, June 20, 2019


It's quiet
It's peaceful
It's an office with a view...

Isn't that
what I wanted
and prayed would come true...

Not swarmed
Not bothered
no one up in my space...

No longer
around those
that I never want to face...

So now
I'll relax
and do what works for me...

The past
is erased
while I am living free.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

The Trait

I've learned some
valuable lessons
along the way...

Don't allow people
into your home
who should stay away...

Never give of yourself
for users who
never mean what they say...

and when they turn
and walk away
make sure that is where they stay.

Monday, June 17, 2019

Midnight Walk

He was the first
to abandon me -
the first to throw me
out to sea...

The first to turn
and walk away -
I remember it all
to this day...

It made me shy
and question myself -
it made me need
some mental help...

A little girl always
needs her dad -
but mine was gone
I was small and sad...

but really the reflection
lies on the one -
who threw away a precious
daughter and son.

Saturday, June 15, 2019


My special magic power
is being invisible and gone -
My handy little trick
is easily moving on...

Once I see the ugly side
I follow another path -
I'm not interested in anybody
who is full of wrath...

So once that voice is raised
and that nastiness shines through -
I have skipped along
and moved way on past you.

Monday, June 10, 2019


I don't at all
anymore -
I picked myself
up off the floor...

and opened
a new door -
because the old one
is shut for sure...

I've learned
what it was all for -
I will never again
open that door.

Saturday, June 08, 2019


I can't say that
you've never crossed my mind -
but I can say that
I've left that all behind...

Even though you haunt me
and I might think of you -
inside I smile because
I know I'm glad it's through...

Not sure what happened
or what I had to learn -
but I now know that
I can certainly discern...

between good choices
and weeding out the bad -
you were here and
now that you're gone I'm glad.

Wednesday, June 05, 2019


If it's taken away
it wasn't meant to be there -
If someone is now gone
there was nothing left to share...

If the job is over
as long as you gave your all -
then turn and walk away
with pride and standing tall...

Not everything you experience
is supposed to last forever -
there are many times in life
that ties need to sever...

You take what you learn
and keep walking down your path -
because that's the only place
that your future is at.

Monday, June 03, 2019


I guess I wonder
why it hurt -
and made me feel
lower than dirt...

Why did I cry
and tear into -
I suppose that's really
nothing new...

Crawling out when
thrown away -
Remember that
when they say...

That they care
a thing for you -
because you know
it isn't true.


The last thing
she said to me
was I love you -

It's so strange
how it hits me
out of the blue...

The tears begin
with feelings
mended with glue...

as I still have
to remind myself
that yes, it's true.