Friday, May 31, 2019


Who cares
never look back -
be happy to know
you're done with that...

Going backwards
never gets you ahead -
remember the truth
and what was said...

Smile to yourself
because you know -
you're happy that time
had to go...

and never again
will you allow -
someone to treat you
like that now.

Thursday, May 30, 2019


Everything will
work out for the best -
doesn't matter the trials
or even the tests...

You have to let go
and soar to be free -
you have to let
the past just be...

forgotten and buried
and left alone -
and deal with the outcome
on your own.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019


I'm disgusted
at the sight of you -
a liar and nasty
through and through...

I see your face
and I get sick -
You're such a stupid
rude prick...

I hope your karma
eats you away -
and that you reap
all that you say...

because you're nothing
but a vapid whore -
I could not care less
about you anymore...

I laugh in your face
when you try to care -
because I have
no care left to share.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Never Forget

They gave everything
they gave their all -
we will never see
the last thing they saw...

They had courage
and a life that would be -
them giving theirs up
so that we could live free...

It's not about a pool
or a cookout and beer -
it's about those hero's
who are no longer here...

To lay by the water
and stare at the sky -
so while you do that
remember who had to die.

Friday, May 24, 2019


The only person
who can achieve your goals is you...

No one else can move you forward
or forcefully push you through...

You are all that there is
to make your dreams come true...

So when you make any decision
make sure it's right thing to do.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019


I've learned everything
that glitters isn't gold...

Just because someone smiles in your face
doesn't mean the truth is told...

That you can't really trust
any one person at all...

When you do
you must prepare for the fall...

That it's easier to keep
everyone at bay...

No matter how you feel
you're better off anyway...

because people lie to your face
or talk behind your back...

and life is way too short
to include people like that.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Even Still

We're coming up
on twenty two years -
with lots of smiles
and plenty of tears...

Yet, here we are
with love still there -
we played for keeps
and we still care...

It doesn't matter
whether we lose or win -
Whenever we fall
we will get up again...

It's not so bad
I'm happier than -
I ever in my life
have been...

The stress is gone
as we enjoy this life -
another year married
husband and wife.

Friday, May 17, 2019


Sometimes you gotta do
what you gotta do -
whether it's a lie
or whether it's true...

It's time to make time
to look after you -
and do what you decide
that you need to...

No matter what anyone
else has to say -
it is your life
so live it your way.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Full Deck

I'm so glad
it's all behind me -
no remorse
and no reminding...

I feel nothing
for what I did -
I no longer hide
where I hid...

I am free from
chains so tight -
I was wrong
but now I'm right...

I'll never go
backwards again -
I played my hand
and now I win.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019


It's all so different
than it was back then -
if I could go back
what would I do again...

The wind tickles my nose
and brings back memories -
though there's nothing I can do
but let them all be...

I find it so strange
I'm not sure what to miss -
as I put them all away
and seal it with a kiss.

Sunday, May 12, 2019


Holding onto the rope
is it a noose or a bow...

and when you are dangling
how do you know...

The mind believes the worst
and the heart believes the best...

is everything about it all
just one big test...

There were some smiles
and there were many tears...

I've learned to push them all away
throughout the years...

because disappointment
is always the outcome...

leaving nothing but confusion
wondering what have I done.

Saturday, May 11, 2019


I watched
the butterfly
flutter away...

for a new flower
on a new day...

The caterpillar
no longer is
where it will stay...

As it grew its wings
and forever more
flew away.

Tuesday, May 07, 2019


Can I just
crawl in a hole -
how many times
do I have to know...

the stupid things
that I regret -
now I will be
done with it...

silent caves
hidden away -
and that is where
I will stay.

Monday, May 06, 2019


If everyone looked at life
as just one existence...

I wonder how much more
happy we would  be...

Being kind to other cultures
with no resistance...

Appreciating all other peoples

Because really we are
just one big race...

Same sky, same earth,
same oceanography...

It would be a world
that would be a peaceful place...

If we could just let each other be...
