Saturday, April 27, 2019

Sand Stones

This time tomorrow
with my toes in the sand -
the waves hitting the shore
and a drink in my hand...

I'll reflect upon my life
and how far I have come -
as I welcome a new year
with friends having fun...

It's a big milestone
but I've earned the right -
to indulge in my spa day
and dance every night...

The past is the past
and the future is to be -
as I soak in all of Cabo
Happy birthday to me!

Monday, April 22, 2019

The Good Life

It's like the sun
is shining on me -
and doing so

because it knows
the storms I've had -
and now it's there
to make me glad...

I didn't give in
and throw it all away -
and to always believe
in a brand new day!


It's overcast now
with rain on the way -
but I'm counting down
to next Sunday...

When I'm off again
to have a lot of fun -
at a beautiful resort
and lay in the sun...

Next to the crashing waves
and the bongo beat -
I can't wait for the flowers
and the tropical heat...

Breakfast in bed after
dancing through the night -
not a care in the world
enjoying a beautiful sight!

Sunday, April 21, 2019


When I feel
one inch tall -
with no self esteem
or hope at all...

I will think
on what matters -
when I am
down and tattered...

For that is why
he died that day  -
so all my sins
aren't in the way...

When I kneel
at my God's feet -
and beg for mercy
as I weep...

For all the wrong
that I have done -
he will look towards
his only son...

Who will expose
wounds of the nails -
that saved humanity
from hell...

Showing he died
for my mistakes -
and lead me through
those pearly gates...

Just as he will
for anyone -
who believes in
his perfect son.

Saturday, April 20, 2019


I know that
I no longer -
am weak
I'm so much stronger...

than I ever
used to be -
those days
are ancient history...

I'm over all
that held me down -
I won't allow
darkness around...

I'll never be
another door mat -
I am healed
and done with that.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019


I kind of don't know
what to think -
is it all alright
or am I on the brink...

of a mistake
I don't want to face -
I can't take anymore
moments to erase...

The decisions I've made
and the path I follow -
need to be fulfilled
and not left hollow...

I suppose with time
it will appear in view -
I just hope it was
the right thing to do.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Cherry Crush

It's the best
I ever had -
just to wake up with you
makes me glad...

That all the others
were a waste of time -
because I am all yours
and you are all mine...

You make me crave
the way you move -
and the way we love
is the perfect groove...

So give me more
I close my eyes to see -
you bringing me again
that sweet ecstasy. 

Never Look Back

I'm so excited
about that job tomorrow -
I've kicked my depression
and my ridiculous sorrow...

Over stupid situations
not meant for me  -
I realized in that time
I wasn't happy...

Now I get to go
full force ahead -
I put the past in a grave
and it is so dead...

I get to help build
my very own dream -
and reap the rewards
that I've already seen...

So I will try
to add to that pie -
and do what I need to
so the well never runs dry.

Sunday, April 14, 2019


Baby when you touch me
I get hot inside -
there's nothing better
than you by my side...

You make me dizzy
with your sweet kiss -
I'm in your web and
can't get enough of this...

keep pulling me closer
and give me your all -
the lips you have
makes me fall...

into that person
who loves you -
and I will do anything
you want me to.

Saturday, April 13, 2019


Yes, it's happened
quite a few times -
they show up and spout
their stupid lines...

You innocently believe
their lies are true -
but they are there
to just use you...

They take anything
that isn't tied down -
these are the types
you don't want around...

They look for people
to manipulate -
but don't worry
they'll face their fate...

A wolf in sheep's clothing
sets their own demise -
as they gnaw their leg off
from their own trap and dies.

Happy Days

Just black and white
photo's to see -
a sock hop, a drive in
dresses to the knee...

So simple and sweet
it seems back then -
a time no one
will ever see again...

Yet those old photos
show people alive -
living and dancing
and learning to drive...

the cars that now
men covet to own -
where the boys drove girls
back to their home...

to walk them to the door
with a kiss goodnight -
as she turns in and
shuts off the porch light...

Just like the fading faces
it's a time that's gone -
but through movies and pictures
their legacy lives on.

Tuesday, April 09, 2019


I used to
couldn't wait -
I thought
it was so great...

struck within -
I looked forward
back then...

I was happy
on the team -
as I watched
that twinkle beam...

I didn't know
how it would end -
I wish I would have
back then.

Monday, April 08, 2019

Sunset Rainbows

It's a Monday night
the aroma is quite nice -
Dinner on the stove
making up taco's and rice...

Dogs playing outside
with the back door open wide -
and whenever I sit down
they sit right by my side...

I couldn't ask for more
than this moment in time -
Enjoying my home
and everything that is mine...

I'm watching babies chirp
as all the birds sing -
I wouldn't trade my treasures
for anything...

No, I wouldn't trade my treasures
for anything.

Saturday, April 06, 2019

My Secret Garden

I'm so happy
spring has sprung -
all my favorites
are set out and hung...

as beautiful flowers
peek and bloom -
while I add more
and make more room...

for all the beauty
that I love to see -
as I make a paradise
that's perfect for me!

Tuesday, April 02, 2019


I don't care
anymore -
I don't know
what it was for...

I look back and
wince with shame -
I've finally learned
the stupid game...

and I know
what I need -
not some random
mistake indeed...

as I start
totally new -
I'm so excited
it's come through!!!