Monday, February 25, 2019

Dreams Come True

I can’t believe
I’m actually here -
It’s about time
after all these years...

I was right
It’s a beautiful view -
So much to see
So much to do...

Coronado island
that bridge so high -
Yet I did it,
And didn’t even cry...

The view was amazing
and just day one -
This west coast adventure
has just begun...

I’m learning to live
and face my fears -
I’m so happy
I’m finally here!

Thursday, February 21, 2019


If they try
to break you -
let the experience
make you...

stronger than
you've ever been -
determined to
never again...

allow someone
into your life -
that only brings you
grief and strife...

let them say
what they want to -
you could say
a few things too...

but they are not
worth your time -
so go and leave them
far behind.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Joshua 1:9

If you ever feel neglected -
If you've ever been rejected...

If it's hard to face the day -
and you wish it all would go away...

If you find yourself afraid and alone -
and want to hide away inside your home...

Remember ...

Those special gifts unique to you -
and talents that only you can do...

Your worth is more than gold -
no matter how young or how old...

You were bought with a price -
and received the gift of eternal life...

Don't let anyone steal your crown -
pick yourself up and turn things around...

For you are blessed from above -
a child of the King, baptized in love.

Monday, February 18, 2019


I was the fastest kid
in the whole sixth grade -
even beat the boys...

How time flies by
and childhood is a memory -
that's lost with our toys...

We get so caught up
about getting through life -
We forget what brings peace...

Like catching fireflies,
eating homemade ice cream -
and that innocence underneath...

I was actually a good kid
very shy and not so brave -
I went to church twice a week and prayed...

I know that I am blessed,
but miss those good ole' days -
I am thankful that's the place I was saved!


Don't lose your diamonds
collecting stones -
sometimes you're better off
on your own...

You don't have to fit in
with every one you meet -
don't take it personally
that's why you have feet...

to walk you to the people
who are your tribe -
that you enjoy life with
and make you happy to be alive...

That share in mutual laughter
and also share in tears -
these are the diamonds with whom
you should share your years.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

California Beamin'

I'm so excited
only one week away -
and I'll be riding
the pacific coast highway...

New dress, heels and bag
off rodeo drive -
Dinner on the Sunset strip
seeing a LA show live...

Lunch in Venice Beach
and Malibu too -
hair in the wind with a
Pacific Ocean view...

Catalina, Coronado,
and San Diego -
the TMZ tour bus
I can't wait to go!!!

Friday, February 15, 2019


Anyone can leave, hate
and abandon you...

That's your sign to let it go
you'll make it through...

The only person you can
really count on...

is who you face in the mirror
when the rest are gone...

If no one else in the world is there
you still cherish you...

and hold your head up high
doing the best you can do.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019


No matter why
and no matter who -
Forgiveness is
the right thing to do...

In order to
walk this path free -
you have to let
the bad things be...

Left in the past
and not in your mind -
it was a lesson
that is left behind...

Choosing to
forgive is self help -
but most of all
learn to forgive yourself.

Sunday, February 10, 2019


I'm going to focus
on the positive
and Cabo in May...

Can't believe so many
great things
are coming my way...

I'll choose to believe
and make these
dreams come true...

because the life
that you live
is completely up to you!


It's playing out
right before our eyes -
no need to even
try to sympathize...

I hear the birds
I see the ocean tides -
I've already made
the choice to abide...

Where all of this
is just an evil mess -
where evil doers
will have to confess...

And all the fools
who believe in a lie -
stand before God almighty
as every one of us will die.


evil manifests
itself before you -

like hell
the other way -

is only
there to destroy -

to the
voice you obey.

Friday, February 08, 2019


Trees lose their leaves
animals hibernate -
cold covers the land
for life to rejuvenate...

The process seems long,
cold and bleak -
everything looks dead,
yet what is underneath...

is ready to emerge
bigger than before -
larger and healthier
to produce even more...

beauty and inspiration,
strength from a needed rest -
so if you ever feel dormant,
believe you haven't seen your best.

Tuesday, February 05, 2019

Radio Up

The air is warmer
as flowers bloom -
Springtime is
coming soon...

I look forward
to fresh cut grass -
as the sun sets later
and the daytime lasts...

The lake, the beach
lunch on the patio -
the sunroof wide open
when I take off to go...

enjoy the warmth of
summer and spring -
and all of nature
with the beauty it brings.

Saturday, February 02, 2019


I'm so thankful
it is all behind -
I have saved
this life of mine...

I've eliminated
what is now gone -
with broken chains
I have moved on...

to brighter days
and an exciting time -
from low to high
water into wine.