Thursday, January 31, 2019

My Own Beat

A whole new world
has opened for me -
it's all changed
from what it used to be...

I couldn't be happier
or have more smiles -
I get to enjoy life
and travel for miles...

No more negative
things to bring me down -
I'm only surrounded
with what I want around...

I get to wake up
and appreciate the day -
while living my best life
and doing it my way.

Sunday, January 27, 2019


It's not a part of
my life anymore -
it's shut and now
is a locked door...

it's all a faded
and lost memory -
my eyes opened up
to the negativity...

and that's alright
I have moved on -
the flowers bloomed
when the rain was gone.

Friday, January 25, 2019


The spots
don't change
everyone has heard...

but I
have lived
this truly absurd...

way of
dealing with
what comes back...

evil beings
with no
conscience to lack.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Welcome Mat

think of
them as dogs...

think of 
them as family...

aren't welcome
in this house...

if you don't feel the same.


Good riddance
slime ball -
I can't stand
your face at all...

I see you and
I can't believe -
how easily
I was deceived...

You are nothing
go on by -
I'm glad you're gone
I won't cry.

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Head On

Bow down
to no one -
take that mental
hand gun...

and shove it
in their face -
put them back
in their place...

face the creeps
and current freaks -
I'm not longer
weak and meek.

Monday, January 14, 2019

Happy Dance

I honestly
just can't wait -
as I sit around
and contemplate...

all the fun things
I get to do  -
back in the day
if I only knew...

that my depression
was a waste of time -
I would soon be happy
in this life of mine...

and rid of everything
that stole my years -
as I live my dreams
with no more tears.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

The New

I was under the rock
yet pushed it away -
because I was blessed
with another day...

There was that question
of what do I do -
but now I know
I'll always pull through...

I'm chill with all
the crazy outcome -
because that's what
I've learned to succumb...

as I enjoy my life
with no more rat race -
for the first time ever
I can do it at my pace.


Every since
I was a teen -
I always imagined
seeing the scene...

Now here I am
about to go -
it's so strange
that I know...

My visions seem
to always come true -
maybe something
deep inside of you...

Will let you know
where to go -
because somehow
it will show...

I can't wait
to soak it in -
this new life of mine
is a win win.

Thursday, January 10, 2019


I might have
but now I don't -
I would have
but now I won't...

I remember
everything said -
and all the lies
being fed...

with words that
didn't belong -
what was weak
is now strong...

It's so much better
with quiet ease -
and living life
how I please.

Saturday, January 05, 2019

Heart of Stone

I let go when
I found a different mirror -
I see now
everything is so much clearer...

The only one
holding me back was me -
I broke the chains
and now I'm running free...

Whatever is gone
is now left behind forever -
some ties bind for life
and some you need to sever...

Never again will I allow
someone to raise their voice to me -
because I will hang up
and walk away completely...

I don't need some outsider
telling me what to do -
I don't care at all anymore
the days of apologies are through.

Friday, January 04, 2019


It was dark
In fact pitch black -
so dark I couldn't see
where I was at...

The hole was deep
I couldn't get out -
I clawed and clawed
I tried to scream and shout...

There was no one
to pull me through -
so I accepted there
was nothing I could do...

Until a hand
reached down so strong -
and lifted me up
to where I belong...

Then wiped away
my tear stained face -
and led me to
my happy place...

The devil has
many lies to tell -
but the truth set me free
from that hell.

Tuesday, January 01, 2019

Embrace Yourself

Go on and let go
live and let live -
leave it behind when
there's nothing left to give...

Don't live with pressure
or you'll explode -
release all the tension
and troubles you hold...

Now is the time
it won't come again -
so embrace the future
and choose to win...

Surround yourself
with only positive vibes -
and what brings happiness
and peace to your life.